Tylers pics.

Took Tyler out again for his 4th wading trip. Was a good day in some new areas(same stream) Total for the day was 5 smallies, 4 rockbass and 6 bluegills(green ears & pumpkinseeds).I decided to test him a bit today...knew of a pool that held a few big smallies..wanted to see if he could handle a 3lb plus fish yet..well he passed with flying colors..the pics below are of his catches today(7/19/02)Oh yea..same lures as him and Christopher both have been using..worth its weight in gold for sure!

Big rockbass of the day

better pic. of the rockbass

Darn thing turned on me in the first picture..just wanted to make sure i got a good one of it for him.

His big smallmouth bass

This baby gave one heck of a fight..thought a few times the fish was going to win..but Tyler finally beat him. Great catch Tyler...man any stream wader would love to land that one..and just think this is Tylers 4th ever trip out..you guys are going to see some great things from both these two in the seasons ahead.