Tyler's Pics. Cont.

Today(8/3/02) went out with Tyler and Jake.We mostly walked along helping Tyler fish areas, we didnt take a pole for ourself. He did pretty good catching Rockbass, Bluegills and shiners..but his biggest fish came later in the trip. At a nice spot he caught about 5 Rockbass and lost a good smallie, then after walking around to the other side, he hit something big..i saw the fish roll and knew he was in trouble. He tried to fight the fish, but after it jumped both me and Jake saw it was very big...on his light rod he couldnt control the running fish. Being excited i wanted him to land this fish...i knew on his own he wouldnt land it. I took the rod from him and it took everything i had to land this fish on such light tackle..but after it was landed..Jake snapped these great pictures..the fish measured 18" and i would guess 3 - 3.5 lbs.

All i can say is..AWSOME..I cant believe this..i have a great respect for smallmouth bass and have spent most of my life chasing them. For me to beable to put my boys on these fish and share what ive learned in about 18 yrs of stream fishing is priceless to say the least. Its just amazing to me that Tylers been out only 6 times and hes already caught 2 of the 3 biggest smallies this summer while wading...I know many of guys that would kill to have caught the two big smallies that he has..just wonder how hes going to do this late fall when the true monsters start hitting????? geez!.