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Spring Quarter

The weather was nice, the frisbees were flying, studying was the last thing on our mind... yay for spring!

Spring Quarter marked the first experience at Red Brick. What an interesting night.

Um, John F dropped a cracker on the floor...
thinking about it now...
it shouldn't have been funny...
but it was hilarious at the time...
and it's not something you had to have been there
to understand the funniness of the situation,
because I was there and I don't understand.

Kyle's room is always the hang-out spot...

The girlies...
(I don't know what's wrong with me in this picture.)



I guess I didn't take very many pictures during spring quarter because the
rest of the pictures are from the last week of the year *tear*

After a few people have left and the end of finals is near,
some good old-fashion college streaking is inevitable.

Saying goodbye to Bobcat and Tom.

John F leaving us.

Moosey and his roomie Nick.

Awww... Liz didn't like us enough to stay *sniff*

Summer break with Brandon!