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"March Madness"

"Tribute to Cookie"

      Before I was ever born, my Momma had a dog named Cookie. She
    tells of stories how he was so spoiled that after a bath, since of course now
    he was clean, he would walk on every piece of furniture she had and then
    he would lay down on the floor. Why you ask? Because he knew my
    Momma didn't allow him on her furniture, and would always tell him to
    get his dirty self off her furniture! So now that he was clean he figured it was

      She loved his pure white fur with one black spot on his belly. Everyone
    called her "Cookie's Mom" and that was fine, because she didn't have
    any human children yet. Well, one day someone stole Cookie away from
    her, never to be seen again which made her very upset. All the kids
    in the neighborhood went looking for Cookie, but couldn't find him.

      So in celebration of "March Madness," you have read a sweet story
    about a fantastic dog, now you can begin your "March Madness Journey."

"March Madness Journey"

Women's History Month

St. Patrick's Day

My "Forever Friend"

"Winter Ends * Spring Begins"

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