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Welcome to the other side of the "Sunset."
They say everyone has two personalities, let's explore where I got mine.

I am "charmed" by the spirit of the Cherokee Indians.
My great-grandmother Rebecca was a full-blooded Cherokee, whose real
name was never known. She was "captured" by a white slave owner and
mated with one of his neighbor's full-blooded African male named Anthony.
Of this union there were 8 children. One son in particular named James
was the rebel of the bunch...never settling on being a slave, he was
always running away and getting brought back...maybe his Cherokee restlessness
was why he could never settle for being enslaved. My grandmother was the
7th child and named Daisy. Until the day she died in 1982 at the age
of 98, she was a very proud woman. She finally married after her mother
died and had 8 children of her own. Her 7th child is my mother, so
maybe after doing the math you can believe that my great-grandparents
were slaves on the Hairston Plantation in South Carolina.

My grandmother always talked about the Blue Ridge Mountains in South
Carolina, and how she'd love to go back some day...that was home. Deep
inside of me I believe that's where the answers to a lot of questions
I have about my ancestors are, but I will visit someday after my Momma
is gone to Heaven. Being the only child/daughter of the 7th child/daughter,
and her mother was the 7th child/daughter is how I got "Charmed."

I believe my grandmother always knew I had the "Cherokee Spirit" in
me. She and I were always closer then any of her other 15 grandchildren.
We would have sessions learning the "old ways" and her telling me stories
of things that happened during those times. I remember when she made me
learn all of her names...Daisy, Dessie, Janie, Lottie, Lucilla == of which
she told me that the last girl always got all the names. My question was
how would they know who would be the last girl? Evidently, there are
some things that are just known. Her last sibling was a boy, and her last
child was a boy...ok then!

I have several links that explore the lives of the Cherokee. Finding out
that they were not fond of blacks/africans was a shock! Finding out that
many Cherokees owned black slaves was just amazing to me. I guess the black
heritage was hated by more than just the whites then.

        Love Always, MysticalBreeze