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..... awaits my destiny

Poems by Sheena Sherrod
(Creative Writings)

Chocolate is love,
all wish to obtain.
The first taste of silky sweetness,
make hearts race and ache for more.

But sometimes bitter sweet,
for bodies reject the mixture,
of heaven wrapped in devil's skin.

Although wise of ecstasy's punishment,
again, they taste chocolate's pleasure.
Hoping this time ends
without pain.

"Her Own Woman"
Short with an attitude
sweet when she wants.

Does not smile much
but is gentle with her touch.

Can keep her own when she has to
does not cry when in pain.

Has to be the strong one in the family
when no one else can.

Has an okay life
doesn't hide from gangs.

Wants a good education
wants to be someone when she age.

And once she's your friend you have her forever.
But dog her one good time
she'll act as if she never met ya.

Very Opinionated so don't say nothing she don't like
'cause she'll argue you down until you see the true light.

She has no time for bullish rhymes.
Like "girl did you hear about Matt?"
She better then that.


She's her own woman
and can stand on her own. And if she must,
will stand....


Seated with the elders,
Mom's with the choir,
Dad's in the front
rehearsing this morning's Sermon.
I'm passed a piece of candy,
my face lights up with joy.
Music starts to play
the congregation stands at once.
The sister next to me
receives the Holy Spirit.
The choir starts down the aisle
my mother leads them in.
Humming words to Gospel lyrics
robes begin to sway
voices sing loud and proud
with rhythms of joy and thanks.
My brothers and sisters
sings and dances to the Lord's groove
Praise the Lord!
Thank you Jesus!
Echo through the room
I clap my hands
and shout "Amen"
not knowing what I'm saying
but happiness is what I'm feeling-
while I praise the Lord's name.

I am so proud of my niece for her artistic skills. The above poems
were written when she was 18 years old. She is now a graduate of
Ohio University, with her BA in Occupational Therapy.
Please do not take and use either of her poems in any collection,
for sale or otherwise, she has the copyright.
If you are interested, please request through the email link below.

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