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Next Show
09.28.02 The Void
4011 Hamilton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH
One Nation Under
Suffocate Faster
Starts 7pm $5
Recent News
the shows this weekend were a big success. Thanks to all who came out, paid, danced and supported us. but with the good news comes bad. In a long deliberating and friendly talk we have decided to part ways with our guitarist Greg "ace johnson" Gonzales. He is still very much our friend and we still love him and the nude pictures of his immensely large package and ungodly hairy ass. we don't have a replacement for him but we have a few people in mind. but don't fret STS is very much alive and kicking. thanks, Jeremy fucking sears
Next show 09.28.02 the void with One Nation Under, and Suffocate Faster...One Nation Under's FINAL SHOW...Within the next few weeks we'll be recording a demo /marquee>

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