The News
This is the news section that will be most likely updated weekly unless a major event comes about. *ATTENTION* Anyone that leaves our team will be hunted down and eleminated , may this be a warning to everyone that betrayal will result in ahnhialation. Thank you and enjoy.
- May 11 Commander HIHVLTG3 creates team on Kings of Chaos. Officers gamefreak150 and dougeferd join the alliance. Hopefully recuiting more people along the way.Began attacking, team looks good hopefully going to be a good turn out. We will see. Oh yea nad no one got shot...thanks Genie.
- May 12 New recruit! Officer Neilthenoble joins HIHVLTG3 and his officers. He made a good choice in his choosings. Attacks made on HIHVLTG3. Look in the Most Wanted section for their names and remember they must be attacked A.S.A.P. dougeferd and gamefreak150 are coming along in there ranks rather well. Keep up the good work.
- May 13 Happy Friday the 13th! New Recruit! Dracodragon has now joined HIHVLTG3 and his army. Attack made on HIHVLTG3, attacker is very weak, attack at will. The team recognizes Neilthenoble in his giant leap in the ranks, 115,000 to 111,000. Great job. This just now realized, if you click the Unique Links to recruit FREE units, they get disperesed threw out the entire team. Use those links! Good luck everyone.
- May 15 It has been a slow weekend due to officers dougeferd and gamefreak150 have been absent from Kings of Chaos. They return later on tonight. Everyone seems to be getting more troops each time I visit Kings of Chaos, that means people are using the recruit links. Remeber to put your insight on the website right below of the poll, it would be very helpfull to the webmaster,. Speaking of poll, don't forget to vote on the poll on the main page. Thank you and have a day.
- May 16 Yesterday was officer dracodragon's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Officer Neilthenoble has been slaking off lately not signing on to KOC. New rule now, only a 3 day vaction is allowed unless you go away on KOC (which is a week or more). Then after 3 days the team has permission to attack you. People are coming in the ranks very well. Congrats to all!
- May 22 New recruit! Officer giulio has joined HIHVLTG3 and his army! It's been a long time since ithe website has been updated. With 4 votes yes and 0 votes no on the poll, player recognition will now take place. If the commander see's that you have jumped a considerable rank or has attacked alot of the Most Wanted players you wil lbe posted on the website as the Most Valuable Slayer. Then you get to gloat to everyone and have your screen name on the website. Good luck and have fun!
- May 26 New recruit! Officer thedude420 has joined HIHVLTG3 and his army. Every one is coming along well, I'm observing that Neilthenoble is starting to log on more that twice a week. Let this be a warning, unless you suspend your account on Kings of Chaos for any reason you will be attacked by your teamates after 4 days, unless you have a good reason. Again thanks for participating in the poll, player of the week will be posted every Saturday or Sunday, player of the week will be decided on how well you moved in the ranks and how much you participate in the team. This will also determine ranks too that you will see posted soon so check the site often to see your rank. Thanks have a day.