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Light Is For The Asking

Thomas Windlow's Website

Giving hope to others,
Light is for the asking,
And is for all who
Ask for it
For God holds no anger
For His children

These are some pictures that Thomas took. Look for some orbs, there is one just in front of his daughter and there is one on the ceiling that he took after praying for the Holly Spirit to let him take a picture of It. There is also a picture of an aura, it's golden in color, you can't mistake it. Please pay close attention to these pictures. Thank you.

Picture 1: In this picture you can see very clearly his daughter and if you look closer, right in from of his daughter, there is a white orb, that orb is an angel.

Picture 2: On picture 2, you can clearly see the orb on the ceiling. Thomas was praying that the Holy Spirit let him take a picture of it and this is what came out. Thomas does not tell stories that aren't true so to the best of my knowledge, this is a true blue picture.

Picture 3: This is the picture of an aura that Thomas took.

Picture 4: Here, if you look around carefully, you will see orbs, these are the angels that Thomas talks about and who help him in his readings.

Picture 5: Please look to the tree. I circled the orb that now you can see clearly. Thomas is quite blessed as you can see.