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In Loving Memory

Asking your angels for help!

How does one call upon an angel and how does one know that they hear the call? I assure you that when you call upon them they are with you. With being a psychic medium, I can often see the movements of the angels when called into the room, the energy just changes, you may feel a brush across the face or the itching of your skin but know they are with you. I believe that humans do not die and become your angels but they do help with your daily life. Humans when they pass over are still very much attached to the psychical form of there loved ones, this does not change they pop into and out of our lives, they appear in our dreams and penetrate our thoughts, just to let us know they may not be in the psychical but they are still with us.

In May of 2004 I received a message from my wife’s grandma, she had several messages for us both me and my wife and my wife’s mother... The first thing she wanted me to do was to tell my mother-in-law that a friend of hers had passed and that it was very important that she attend the funeral, she also wanted me to let her know that she was not in pain any more. She started laughing and wanted me to tell my wife she thought it was great the was she handled a situation out at camp around a stray dog, then she told me that she wanted me and my wife to go to the cemetery and see the beautiful flowers that Linda had placed on her grave. Of course I relayed all of these messages to my wife and of course she is a skeptic of sorts. I said to my wife we have to go and see these beautiful flowers that granny is talking about, I also said if we get there and there are no flowers you can call me crazy and I will accept it. We got in our car and went to the cemetery, as we approached I seen three potted flowers sitting on the grave, one for her, for her mother and one for her father. My wife just looked at me she did not know what to say; she just rearranged the potted plants and smiled.

My wife really does not think I am crazy because many of time in our 22 yr relationship I have told her things I should not know or would not know, Granny still comes and visits us and often she turns on and off the TV at will, also when I am making an angel food cake she always makes some sort of comment, about how it will turn out. I know she is with me often when I do this because I hear words about what colors I use to decorate it.

Recently I had a new experience; I never have doubted that the soul leaves the body when we sleep but until the Terry Shavio case was unable to understand the coma phase of life. I had a client come in to the store for a reading; she wanted to know if I could talk with her husband, I said I will try. She sat down and I said I have two men here that want to talk to you, they are both telling me that they are your husbands, she looked at me funny, I said the first one's name is chuck and she said yes that was her husband, he had died twelve years ago, the second man said his name was Gary and she said no I was wrong because Gary was in the hospital, I said I am sorry to hear this but he is standing right next to you, and he is telling me he has no pain, but is still confused, all of a sudden I had sharp pains in my body but my head was throbbing, I said did Gary have cancer of the brain and she said yes, but it had spread to his bones and all of his body. She said but he is still alive and hooked up to machines at the hospital but he is coming home tomorrow and hospice will be there to help me. She then asked how long it would be and I told her days if that. Well, early the next morning Sharon called me to tell me that Gary had passed shortly after she had gone to the hospital. Sharon came right over to see me, and she walked in to the store and right beside her was Gary, She has a better understanding of how life works and she is learning to deal with the loss. Her love for him and his love for her is unconditional and they will meet again in the life afterwards.


Artwork: Sense of Sight
By Annie Louise Swynnerton