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Thomas Windlow, Psychic and Medium Moon & Back Graphics



Being touched by many Angels

What are angels and why do we feel so much comfort knowing they are around us? I believe us as humans lack the knowingness of why we made the decisions to come back to earth and yet we are always looking and wondering about such beings, I have found that in the work I do. Angels come in many forms, some are children and adults and some are spiritual beings that when we call they answer. Some of the questions I will try to answer from my own standpoint and angelic encounters.

Many people believe that the angelic beings are just that an angel sent by God and this is very true but what people don’t understand that we in the human form also have this angelic spark because of God and the light source that he has put within every one of his children. When we are trying to be a good person we send out this angelic light and touch many of our brothers and our sisters, sometime this is just a kind word or a hug. But we in our human form bring this light into a reality by touching each other.

The second form is a child, now I read many adults and find that when working with energy and communicating with spirit I will come across a child as pure as an angels energy, I always find this exciting to know that even in children sometimes this spark is a much higher vibration, I have done families where I sense out children and see nothing except the normal spark that is within all of us, and then I have done others where as I see this vibration in one and sometime two children. I always find this to be delightful.

Actual Angels do indeed work for God in my view point, but they are always around us, if you can relax yourself enough to know this you can feel the energy that they throw off, I find this much easier when I am out doors and connecting with nature, but this is not the only place you can feel this energy, Some may see sparks and others may see movement and then others may not see anything at all. One thing I know for sure is that they are just a whisper away, or a thought form away. Ask them to be with you and they appear before the thought is completed. With our every day life they direct us and over see all that we do they do this with the influence of our master guides.

When we are having problem focusing or staying on course with our life purpose they may bring in other angels to help re direct us back on track. Now they are always around us and they keep very, very busy indeed they have access to being in many places at many times aligning our purpose. Now if danger approaches us and it is not for us to experience such things they will use their power to influence us to take caution and prevent us from this danger or even death.

Now I call upon angels daily in my life I ask them to help me to open doors and to help those whom need me, I also call upon them when I am driving or even looking for some direction in my life. I ask Angels daily to keep my family safe, I ask them to allow my children to stay on focus with why they came, I ask for their guidance at work and at play. I ask them to help me to pray for healings when I need assistance.

I have found that they are always around me because I am always communicating with them.

So I guess the purpose of why I am writing all of this is to make you aware the more you ask of them the happier they are to assist you. So remember even if you think you are in this world alone and struggling on a daily basis, you are never alone but just a thought away.

Allow the light to shine

Thomas Windlow






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