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Life Changes In A Blink Of A Second

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you were not born? Or would you truly ever know? We all at some point in time have to deal with death or a love one dying and if we could only look at this differently, maybe our lives would also be different. We all will have to die, this is a given, but death is and will always be a new beginning of life renewed. Death is not being put in the ground and for decades our bodies rot away and turn to dust but in truth the body is just the shell that allows us to be human, but inside of the human is what we call the soul or I like to refer to as God’s life force. God created us with light and we are truly just this for our creator has never left us alone. We in the human form allow our ego self to make up our world in which we live, we seek new cars, new houses, we work and we save and we keep moving forward with material items and we find comfort in these things because it allows us to live a better life with conveniences but these items are just that, items, for they have no other meaning after we die. When we come to earth and incarnate we have many lessons that have been mapped out our journey. In my view none of these lessons have to deal with material items, but yet we buy and buy and collect and collect until we run out of space and we decide to clean up our lives so we donate to Good Will or other organizations to make ourselves feel better about who we are. We are governed by the laws and by the society we live in so we have to compete, buy better and bigger. But when a natural disaster hits around us, we tend to pull together and help one another out, this is love, the light force with in. This is the part we should be trying to learn more about, for this is what we carry with us and how we will be judged and it shouldn’t take a natural disaster for us to take notice but yet it does. What type of world would we live in if this force inside of us controlled us on a daily basis, we would be looking at life in a different way instead of crossing the street when we see a stranger walking towards us. But with the way the world is now, never knowing what will happen next and who will be making a bomb or something of that sort we have no other choice but to take guard of our lives and our family. If you were never born you would never have the chance to make a difference, you would never have to worry, and you would never know your life purpose, you would never know hate or love. But in reality we all know these things and we all can truly make a difference by allowing positive thoughts for others to be expressed, instead of the darkness of hate. Choose to dream and allow it to come true. You, no matter who you are, have a light force and when one can see, one can make happen! It is not seeing that things must stop and turn to hate because one is so jealous of the next. Protecting oneself against evil is very sad for we could if we choose to defeat this evil and turn to the light force within. God does not allow a natural disaster to happen with out a plan and he knows this light force from within all and unfortunately we wait for these things to happen before we react. For life can change in a blink of a second. ALLOW THE LIGHT TO SHINE.

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