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What is compassion? It is a feeling from with in ones being, the knowing you could help another person, the understanding of ones true feelings, a gesture of kindness, no matter how big or small. One does not have to have money to show compassion for the little things people can do can make all the difference in the world. Just a friendly hello or goodbye is showing compassion, knowing someone has troubles and just hearing them speak is compassion. Understanding someone without passing judgment is showing compassion. In today’s world with all the troubles with war and with violence it is so hard for one to take a second to show this compassion let alone trust someone. We are all so busy living and some are working six and seven days just to make ends meet, and we don’t just look around with our true selves our God selves to show any type of compassion we just take others for granted weather it be our mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband, neighbor, or friend we take it for granted that they will be there tomorrow, never realizing our own self worth, tomorrow may never come and we may never get the chance again, for there are no guarantees in life. Many of walk around like zombies get up go to work come home go to bed and do the same routine again the next day. I had a friend that I lost a few years back her name was Lil. She was 40 years older than myself but we worked together and we talked almost nightly on the phone she was like a grandma to me but more so a special friend and no matter what kind of day she was having when I asked her and she would reply GREAT, she never in all the years that I knew her responded different, always with a smile and the word, "Great!" The reason I am writing about her is because I took her for granted, not in the way of a friend ship or anything like that but I thought this woman would have out lived me she exercised everyday she battled breast cancer she lost a husband ate right raised her grandchild, and even the day when she didn’t feel well she called the life squad and sat waiting on the front porch for them to arrive. She had to have open heart surgery and her doctors had not doubt that she would pull through because of her attitude and the way she lived. I can still hear her laugh. But on the way to recovery she had a bleeder and this killed her. I often wonder why with everything life had given her that she could be this way never feeling sorry for her self. She had a great husband and he invested very well so money was never a problem but she never showed money she was very normal indeed. She could have had a fancy house and a fancy car but she felt content with what she had. She retired from our workplace but never stopped she would volunteer at a hospital three to four days a week and her grandson by marriage owned a pizza place and she would go out there five nights a week from 4-11 p.m. even after she retired. Wow I thought how does she do it? Well she was a woman that had compassion. Not once thinking about it, just doing it. She was 72 years old and working three to four days at the hospital and five nights a week at the pizza place and never tired, or if she did no one knew it all of this for free, just to help her grandson out and other cancer people at the hospital. When she died the people that came was unbelievable she had touched so many live that I couldn’t even imagine? Not one bad thing did I ever hear her say for she was a true woman of compassion, always believing in me and who ever came her way. I know she is around me for with me being a medium I still hear her she is always sending me love and compassion; yes she is still doing this from the other side of life. She is a true person of God. Telling me to keep moving for she is with me and she believes in me. Thank you, Lil.
This is just one example of many that I can explain compassion for she didn’t have to receive anything but friendship to show compassion but never once did I tell her how special she was to me until it was to late, or I thought at the time it was, but I know she hears what I am saying and I can say how I loved the way she was and is to this day for even though she has passed I know she hears me from the other side of life, but it sure would have been nice if I could have shared this while she was alive.
So I ask you to think about this and how you can touch someone the way she touched me for it is never too late to start to show compassion.
@ Thomas Windlow