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Thomas Windlow's Website


What is Forgiveness?

I ponder these questions all the time in the work that I do. I see many people with many problems and I wonder how some can truly go on with life. I have seen child abuse and I have seen spousal abuse. I have seen truly some amazing events and yet I see people can survive these events. I see many that have overcome this trauma and I have seen others that are still trying to put the past to rest. I my self wish I could say I had a wonderful childhood, but I myself can not say this so I wonder sometime why with all the power from above, why we must encounter this abuse and hardships and how I can truly help with the issues at hand.

Well of course I will always refer people to my letters to God because of many reasons, one being that this is making something psychical and not just a thought. But how does one really open their heart and forgive? Well, I believe to forgive one must believe in a higher source and that they must truly know they have been protected. I know this sounds like I must be kidding but I am not. God has protected us in many ways, he has provided our needs and has put a tarp over our soul body, the body within our body. So I can say he has protected us. But on the other hand because one has been given free will, their will always be greed and evil. So how does one forgive such an evil deed that has been done to them? Well I believe we all have a heart and inside this heart is light, the light of God, we did not come to this earth to be a light being, we have come to be human one, with feelings and emotions, so with these feelings and emotions their will always be evil. So one must believe in this higher source and trust the exterior body is much different than the interior body and lessons come in many forms. Now I am not saying that I agree with the abuser in any way, shape or form, and I have always heard what does not kill us will make us stronger. Sometimes these are just lessons. Look at many of our Stars that we look up to and admire many of these people have had bad childhoods and have tolerated abuse and now are teachers for us. Because they were able to combat all odds and succeed, I believe the spark from within them ignited and they pushed them selves up and proved to them selves they had self worth. In doing this the have had to over come many battles and some may still fight with this internally but the were stronger with their God force to allow the universe to open doors for them, so they could speak out and touch many. Forgiveness comes in many ways but I have to pray for this and allow the universe to do its part in helping me heal my wounds, and allow my own heart to expand. I know this is one of the hardest things to do for I have had to do this myself, but I believe that with God in my life and the power he sends me every day I can truly forgive those in my past.

Thomas Windlow