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Thomas' Teachings

Why Are We Here?


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Thomas Windlow

I believe we are here for many reasons but the main reason is to learn unconditional love and understanding. I see this every day in my work. People come to me for advice on where they are going and what they will do, they really play an important part in the universe. The answer to that question is we all have purpose whether we realize this or not, sometimes it is just to be a support for another person or to raise a special child or to help a neighbor in need, we in the human form overlook so many little things that we think we are, really not important. We judge our selves and others when in fact we are not the judge this is our ego part of our selves, but if we weren’t here to help each other then this would mean we are truly handling life by ourselves and that would not be Gods purpose so this is not true. People no matter what kind of work they do causes a chain reaction through our society and this can affect many. I also see that people allow depression to creep into there lives and my view is we allow this because of our ego instead of turning this over to the angels and God, for a lack of feeling important, sometimes the lessons that we are learning will help us grow and unfortunately we seek a higher power when we have no where else to turn, when in fact he stays with us no matter how we perceive our selves or others he is the life source with in all of us.

What are Soul Mates?

Everyone wants a soul mate and they are desperate in searching when in fact we have many soul mates. Again this is another misconception people have. What people don’t see is that we have lived many times and we have meant many of these souls in the past, so because we truly know each other from another time we could have many soul mates and this is my belief as to why people come in and go out of lives, so I believe it is fair to say that because of this view many can find more than one soul mate in this life time. People come in and out of our lives for many reasons and when one marries and believes they have found there soul mate and then divorces and re-marries again because they again found their soul mate this is very much true. People come into our lives for many reasons and even though we may not see this in our human form we will know this in our afterlife. Again judgment is from the ego and one marries and divorces because they have a lesson that was not completed in a past life time, they have not the understanding of why it just felt right when they did it.
Let me give you an example of how the universe plays a role in our life. Say a mother had a set of twins and put them up for adoption and one ended up in Kentucky and one ended up in New York and as they grow and are communicated from the other side they just know they will find each other again even though they have never met to, will be reunited at some time if the purpose for these two are to be together maybe a job re-location or a marriage or friend of a friend will bring them back together. This is basically how soul mates can come back together, it truly depends on what our purpose is and the lessons we must learn from one another. So please don’t fret over will I ever meet my soul mate because if it is meant to happen then the universe will see that they come in to your life. This is another area I see a lot of depression around people for they set up the un-realistic expectations for them selves and allow the ego to control them, and this causes depression. God has many reasons why we meet one another and why we depart from one another and if this is truly affecting you, please turn this issue over to a higher power and if they can do anything for you, it will be done, for this I know. They don’t want you to be un-happy, this is not the goal of God or the angels for they want our soul to grow further in this lifetime.

Why do we have guides?

We have guides for many reasons they are with us from birth to death. We will have at least one lead guide around us all the time from birth to death, but we have many others that come in to our life for lessons we need at a proper time and once those lessons are complete they will move on, so during a lifetime we may have many different guides to keep us on our path. What do they do? When we make the decision to incarnate we have a plan of what we want to get done. Why we are here, they keep this plan and they whisper to us or give us the feeling of what we should do next, they also communicate with other guides to bring us together for all of these purposes we are here to do. So we keep them busy because they are always getting us back on track for life purpose.

@ Thomas Windlow


