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Knowing God has put me on this path.

This is a true story and I pray that the out come of this story will end with Gods Blessing. The names have been changed because I have not asked yet for permission from the family. I hope to be able to set up some type of donation for the family but as of yet I have not. I do ask for prayers if any and all who read this can find it in their heart. Thank you in advance.

Thomas Windlow

It was late fall 2004 when all of this started happening, my wife received a phone call telling us that a friend of our family was in the hospital. She was at work and when a co-worker had gone for lunch she had collapsed at her desk. When the co-worker returned with the lunch she found Debbie, she called 911 for help and Debbie was taken to the hospital. The hospital ran some test and found that Debbie had a very large tumor in her brain that had to be removed right away.

Debbie was taken into surgery right away, but because of the way the tumor was they could only remove 70%. The rest would have to be removed with radiation. My wife and I waited for any news that would come, finally we received some news and the news was very bad. She was on life support and in a coma. Days went by and then weeks and no improvement was being made. Her brain was shut down no signs of life, so the doctors had decided to give up hope. They had decided to call in the family and allow them to make the decision to take her off life support, when I got this news I said to my wife. Never ever discount the power of God and I knew I needed to try something to help Debbie.

I had done some healing with people from the past al though I have never considered myself a healer, just a person to talk to God. But I was determined to do what ever I could so I stayed up very late and started a healing process, I had made contact with Debbie on a sub conscious level and she had agreed to allow me to try. The doctors had given up any hope and said the only part of her brain that was alive was the stem. I stayed up and I prayed and did what I call a body scan, and felt I had made some improvement with her. (Now before I go any further please let me tell you I am only the facilitator for the healing, all of the healing work I do is up to God, Jesus, Arch Angels and the Holy Spirit) I did what I knew I could do and then I waited the doctors had given her less than a week to live. A week went by and still Debbie had not passed, I looked at the paper every day and continued to send this healing that I knew of. Then we got word that she had come out of the coma. I looked at my wife and said I told you to never discount the power of God.

Debbie went into a nursing home and continues her treatments, but she still has a long way to go. Now because of her condition I was and only able to do distance healing on her, but in the following months I have continued to pray for her.

The Most amazing thing happened.

I decided to do a psychic fair here in town, this was a two day fair so on Saturday I went to the fair and did what I do readings one after the other, As a new reader I understand now that this is very unusual that a new psychic stays as busy as I was but never the less I continued. I gave away readings as door prizes and had a few friends stop by for readings and this was all fine and good but when this one special friend stopped by I said to him, You know I don’t think this kind of thing is for me, I told yea the money has been good and I have stayed busy but I felt I had better things to do to help others. He responded to me by saying don’t judge this so fast, and I always heed his advise. But the next day boy did spirit have things lined up for me I was busy from the start of the fair to the end of the fair. But towards the end of the fair I had three woman walk up to my booth, The first lady sat down and told me that she was not sure why but she knew I was to read her, she said to me that she had read my bio and it just felt right. The whole time I was doing this woman’s reading spirit was telling me the third woman is why they were here. I thought this was strange because the third woman had not decided to get a reading. The second woman sat down and spirit again was telling me the third woman was who I was to read, by now I was starting to wonder why they keep telling me this, so I did the second woman and then the ladies told the third woman that she needed to sit down with me, so I my self was getting excited when she sat down. I did her reading and thought what was spirit talking about this is nothing out of the norm, but at the end of her reading I asked her if she had any questions and she said yes she did, I said ok go ahead and she said to me could you tell me about my sister, I said sure what was her name she said her first name and chills went down my spine and my hair stood up on my arms and neck. I reached over and put my hands on hers and said your sister’s name is Debbie Chaney isn’t it. And she said yes do you know her? I said I have been doing praying and healing every sense she was taken to the hospital.

Now I want to tell you the world is not as big as we think. First Sprit was able to get this woman to come to a psychic fair and then they were able to get her to come to my booth. Think about this. Now I hope to continue to do healing and to help Debbie to live a full and productive life with her family. So after what had happened to me that day it was clear to me that this psychic fair may not be my road but it sure was a road that spirit had recognized and was able to send such a special person my way. So I decided after that I was needed at the fair and so I did sign up for the fair in November. It was also very clear to me that what I do is needed by more than just one but by many as spirit sees fit.