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Levels of the Soul

One may not think about this very often, but as I develop my own way in this life time I am finding that we in our human form take on many roles in our life, as we have in many life times. I like to think of this as stair steps, as we evolve so does our soul. We come into this life knowing very little just as God has intended this to be. But when we look at many different life times and the knowledge and wisdom that we carry forward in our sub conscious mind we develop many similar traits, unfortunate we also have many task that we have to overcome. My belief system is that as we evolve as humans, science will also evolve into the knowing and the understanding of this bio-field of our inner body, or the soul.

As I look into different life times for people that come to me for readings, I find that the soul and the purpose is always evolving. For example I have talked with many people that are teachers or doctors or nurses in this life time that were in similar situations in past life times, I find that teachers often have a draw not only in helping children, but often times they are helping each other with the different methods that they have developed over these past life times. Take a nurse, and many times they have been involved as a mid wife or the Red Cross during a war or as an aid that have helped in different tragedies around the world.

I have also found many people have phobias that they have carried forward into this life time from another life time, sometimes this may be a fire that they were involved in, or a death from drowning so they have a fear of water, we carry many of these soul memories with us. This also carries over to people that they have met and people that they are currently involved with, some of these lessons are on going.

I have seen people that they just don’t feel that they fit in during this life time and continue to wonder why they were born; some people have a pull to another country or another culture. I recently helped a woman that lived many life times over in Europe and England, and had a strong desire that this is where she belonged, the longing to be somewhere other than where you were born is a sure sign that these memories are worth checking into.

We truly have the power to recall many of these life times and the draw we have to people and places, this can be done in many forms. One form is by asking your guides to help you to see things in a clear view, the other way is going under hypnosis and recalling these memories, another way is seeking someone that is creditable with clairvoyance to look deeper into the soul and the journey. Accepting who we are in this life time helps many to understand and to deal with the past life memories, or maybe just to help get a persons life back on the course of why they decided to come back in the first place. Remember, these choices are ours to come back to work out our karmic debts. And to deal with issues that we are here for, and to continue learning and accomplishing things we made a contract with to learn in this life time.