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Thomas'Teachings Thomas Windlow Website


My Life

Hello, my name is Thomas Windlow. I am a natural Psychic, by this I mean I was born this way. Growing up being Psychic one would have many questions, but being that this was a natural process for me I guess I took it for granted that everyone was this way. Sure I would know things that others didn’t but I really never thought much about it. I went to school just like others and had my share of struggles. I remember I would always know when the teacher would call on me or what we would be discussing. I just went along with it. I never discussed this much as a child. I am one of seven children and I believe all of us are the same and I have chosen to use my gift but we will get to that in a little bit. I was what I would call a common sense kid, I never did study and I did ok in school. Not great but ok. Did I know I was psychic? that would be a definite no, heck I didn’t even know what the word was, and as I said before I thought everyone was this way. When I was five or six years of age I would see people around the house, and I never fully understood this. I would go to my sisters and tell them and they would say, oh don’t worry about that lady, she is a ghost and she won’t hurt you. Now not all of us have seen this woman but I sure did, she was always dressed in a dress, sometimes it was a red one and sometimes it was a blue one, and she was always smiling. So I guess I was just used to seeing her. When I was about seven I was sleeping with my father one night and I had an Indian come and visit me, now this scared me half to death, and at that time in my life I really did not know what to do, for he told me not to mention this to anyone. So for years I didn’t. My Father died shortly after that and this is when life was very scary. I remember laughing and running around and life was real tough at this point. My mother had seven children and no husband. We had to do without a lot and there were many times we would have the same thing for dinner at night for what ever we had we had. But one thing I can remember very well is mom gave us love and we grew closer together. I think about it now and I wonder how my mother ever did it. My mother is a very amazing woman but I will talk later about her. As time went on mom married again and even though he was a very bad step father, he did provide for all of us kids, and I think about it now and what kind of man would take on a wife and seven children. I guess he loved my mom back then. This man could not stand me so I stayed away as much as I could, I remembering crying many of nights because of him. He was very abusive with me, I would be beat or thrown across the room or he would pull on my ears. You could understand why I did not want to be there. Well mom did the best she could and tried very hard to protect me, but I always knew God was with me and watched over me and I knew he had something special for me to do. I would leave the house at the beginning of summers and stay with an aunt and uncle, they were the greatest. They never had children and they truly made me feel like a different person, we would do outings and they would play games with me and we would talk and have breakfast together and every Sunday they would take me to church, really great people and how I wished so many time I could just stay there with them but that was just a fantasy. Summer would come to an end but they always welcomed me on the weekends. When I could not stay with them I would go and stay with my grandma, she was another special person, she lived a life of hell with my grandpa, sometimes he was a drinker, when he was sober he was very nice but when he started pouring that alcohol in him he became mean, he would yell and sometimes he would threaten my grandma with a butcher knife. I remember her running out of the house with me and taking a ride until he would fall a sleep. Grandma went to church every Sunday and I would go with her if not with my Aunt and Uncle. I was raised around drinkers on both sides of my family and I've seen how it would turn the nice guy to the mean one, so I made the decision at a very young age that was not the road I was going to take. But I continued to grow and be watched over never thinking about my gifts. When I was a teen I would sit for hours starring up at the night sky and talking to God, never really thought about the angels. I just knew there was more than anyone could tell me about and that I could even dream about. When I was sixteen I remember I came home from working at McDonalds about 1:30 a.m. and my step father was hitting on my mother and I blew up, I woke the whole house up and I know God was with me because I could have killed him or he would have killed me. After that day I think I grew up all the way and I knew I had it in me to face whatever life would throw my way. He never hit on her after that because he knew I wasn’t going to tolerate it and I would die trying if I had to, for she was the most important person in my life. She was my protector and she was my friend and she was what God had given me my mom and to this day she is my friend.

Well, when I was in High School I worked 40 hours every week and went to school. I could not be like my friends, I needed to stay away from home as much as possible for I knew why I was at work I was in charge and I didn’t have to face reality of home. I turned eighteen in April and quit school after my junior year. I did not care enough about school and I knew I had to get out of that house, so I moved out that summer and never looked back. My mother was devastated, I was number four out of a total of eight and I was the first to go, I explained to her it was something I had to do. I know she had special dreams for me and I am sure this hurt her more now that I am a parent myself. I worked at a local store and was determined I would make something of myself, for my real dreams was to be a teacher and I knew all along this is what I was. I moved myself up the latter one position at a time, Assistant to Manager, I was the youngest manager this company had ever had, I interviewed for a supervisor position when I was nineteen years old and was told I was too young but I would make a great supervisor when I was a little older. Then life started I was young dumb and stupid as I would say. I got married to my soul mate and yes I knew this on our first date but she sure didn’t I remember her saying after we were married, when we were dating, I would call her and she would tell her sisters if that is that Tom guy tell him I am not here, Well I don’t take no for an answer, and got married six months later and have been married for twenty two years we have two children and now I was the parent, I wanted them to have everything I never had and that was whatever I could give them I did.

I finely turned twenty one and was promoted to Supervisor and remained with the Company for eighteen years. I did get my GED when I was twenty one for this was important to me and I needed this to believe in myself.

I have always had feelings and I would know when something was wrong just by knowing, I remember I was sitting in my dinning room doing some paper work for work and I said to my wife something just happened to Grandma and I began calling her no answer I tried for two hours and then I got the call, that she had passed two hours ago. My wife never questioned me she just knew I was like this. I remember when I was dating her I was talking with her on the phone after we had closed and I told her to hold, I felt someone was in my store. I looked all over and in every isle and no one there, I looked in the walk in box and the freezer and no one, so I told her something was not right that I was putting the money away and I was leaving. At 3:00 a.m. I was awakened by a police officer telling me someone had broken out of my store, they had taken the door apart from the inside and walked out. I began to understand this gift I had a little more. But still I didn’t think I was any different. I knew God and I always knew I was protected. This is only a couple of my stories I have had many more and hope someday to write a book to let people understand divine intervention, and psychic awareness.

I never thought of about communicating with the other side much even though I could always tell spirit was around me, and that different people that had crossed over I was able to communicate with, again I thought this was what everybody did. I knew God and I knew God knew me, what was there to think about.

I am now forty two and this past two years have been a roller coaster ride.

@ Thomas Windlow