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Dear God and the angels, I am having such a hard time just seeing, today I feel like the world wants so much from me and my body is growing weaker. God, I call out to you and the angels that work for you to help me release some of this tension from my body for I know you have the power to help me. I ask for this today, God, for I need my energy back so that I may help others. I believe in the power of you. Send me strength to overcome this stress God. For I am your child; a child of God and I need you in my life to take some of this stress away. For this I call on you today. Help me to see clearly and allow me not to allow this stress to consume me. I ask that you send extra angels to guide me back on my path so that I continue my journey in helping others. Allow the light to shine. Amen.


Dear God and the angels I need extra angels around my family for communication is suffering and this is never a good thing. Please allow your angels to be with them to keep them safe and to keep them on there life path. Please allow them to be protected when they are away from home, allow your white light to surround the car in witch they travel, please keep their passengers safe when they are with them. It brings me such comfort knowing that they have your guidance around them. My intentions are good with them God although sometimes they may see me differently. My love is pure as your love is with me and all your children. God as I know your love, I ask for those around me to find this love and grow to understand it. As we are really one big family, and your light shines within all of us. I ask this for no other reasons except unconditional love. Allow the light to shine. Amen.


Dear God, I have such a problem and I need your guidance and unconditional love. God I have a (friend, family member, spouse) that needs inner strength to believe in you and your heavenly angels. God for they are lost and suffer such depression that they turn to these drugs for comfort instead of your loving hands. God please be with them for I know with your guidance you will direct them to the light and they will find the strength that they are searching for, allow your loving angels to be around them to direct them to there life path. God allow me to be more understanding of the situation and not judge them as I have. Give me the strength with in so that I may be a help to them instead of a burden. God, my love for them is strong and I know that with your guidance and support they will find what they are looking for. Allow me to be a true friend to them. Allow the light to shine, Amen.