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Petitions To God, Part II


Dear God, thank you for bringing such a good friend in to my life at just the time I needed this. God, I may not understand everything but I do know that you hear my deepest thoughts without condemnation or criticisms, for I know you think of me as just a child learning my path and although it seems some friends come and go one thing is certain you always know when I need them the most. Thank you for sending them to me and allow them the wisdom that you have shown me. God teach me not top judge them as I have in the past. Allow me grow and learn all the lessons that you continue to teach me, and the lessons that I to need to show them. Keep them protected God as you keep me protected. Allow us to learn from each other and give each other the strength needed to continue our path. I thank you God for you are so special and understanding and someday I can only hope to return some on the favors that you have given me. Allow the light to shine. Amen


Dear God, I call on you and your mighty angels to help me to find the job that will keep me in line for the purposes that I am here. God I understand that money is just something we use in this life time and I can not bring it with me, but I need it here to survive. God I don’t just want a job, I want a job that I will grow in and have all my material needs meant. God I want to continue to grow and feel love for my brothers and sisters. God I am not looking for greed, just enough to get everything I need to do in this lifetime done and to be able to help those less fortunate than myself. God I know I need you to be with me and give me the wisdom that I need when I interview with a company, knowing this, God, is very important to me. Guide me with your wisdom, God send me in the direction I need to go. Allow my application or resume to land in the hand that will help me to do your will. God I know I am a child and I have an ego but I ask you to allow my higher self to help me through this tough time. Allow me to be confident and to smile, God send me a sign of peace with in a knowingness that you are truly guiding me. Allow the Light to Shine. Amen.


Dear God, Please help me for I have just lost my best friend, I know it was just a pet God but she was like my child. It seems like just yesterday she came into my life, she always showed me unconditional love and understanding and although I am bad at judging others, God, she never judge me. I ask that she be happy and that when we reunite, when I come to other side of life, she be there waiting for me. God I need strength to get through this for you are truly the only one who can understand how I feel. God I ask that all her pain be gone and that she truly understand why I have had to do what I did to her, God. I could not see her suffer any longer. God it hurts to let go but I know she will always have a part of my heart. Please let her know this. Allow her to visit me if at all possible for my house will be empty with out her presence. But I know she is with you and will be taken care of until again we meet. Allow the Light to Shine. Amen