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Readings By Thomas Windlow

Dear Tom,
There is a certain person who is in my life as a mild friend / acquaintance. I sometimes wonder his motives and intentions. Can you give me any clarity with this uncertainty I carry?

This Person has been in your life more than one lifetime, and will continue to bring up many questions. I feel this person will continue to be in your life but is looking for the easy way of life and is willing to ride shirttails if necessary. He seems to be untouchable and consider himself above others in his thoughts. He is also very opinionated. He has had battles with depression and he sees you as his answer. He is very soft spoken with his words, but beware the words that he speaks on the outside are much different then what he feels on the inside, for he can be ego driven and sees success in others failures. He is not a true friend.

Dear Tom,
My relationship with my parents isn't that strong. Their views and mine are very different. Will we be able to have a strong relationship in the future and if so how long?

The bond between your parents and you is unconditional. Yes, parents all have hopes and dreams for our children. I do feel that the work you do is not what they had imagined for you. I know that you are on the path of light and this is truly a blessing in deicised un-be-known to your parents. Will they truly understand what you do? Not in this life time, but they will accept it in time. I feel this is because of beliefs and influences from others. I do feel the sadness around all and know that your angels and guides are working on this on both sides. Some will never see past the end of their own nose. I do see them making an effort in the next six months. I also feel as if they are looking at you in search of yourself and that someday soon you will come to see what they have in stilled in you, but this will never happen because even though these are your parents you are in turn the teacher and that they are the students and you have to make this connection with them, not them with you.

Dear Tom,
My children see things from the "lost side" in our home. I try to protect them but things still are coming in. What can I do to stop this and will I ever be able to see the things that scare my children?

I feel the children are very much protected because I feel many angels around them. I feel insecurities around you and your own childhood with some of these lower entities that have attached themselves to you and have come with you in this home. Some of these manifestations are in truth but some are a conflict from within. I do not feel that the house needs to be cleansed but I do feel that you must be direct to these lower entities that have followed you and tell them with your higher power and the White Light I demand that you leave now and follow this with prayers and burn a lavender candle for the calm to be restored.

Dear Tom,
I come from a psychic family. I am now 5 months pregnant. Can you tell me if my new child will have psychic abilities?
Yes, this is definitely a child that has been sent and yes he will have special gifts. But I must warn you that he will be a challenge for you for he will hold his temper and will have a hard time controlling this. When he gets to the age of school I feel that they will want to push drugs into his system because he will be a very active child. This child will have to be in many things because he will be so full of energy. I see a strong future for him and feel he will teach many. I see him as a professor.


Thomas Windlow