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Thomas Windlow, Psychic And Medium Thomas Windlow Website - testimonials


For the past several months you have been doing readings for me, and I just have to tell you that they have been very informative and accurate.
I always wanted to see what it would be like to get a reading, and the first reading you gave me was VERY helpful. If you remember my first question was, "Should I take my job back down south?" Immediately, your answer was to, "Postpone." Well, I took your advice and I'm glad I done so. The new job I have now is coming around and things are looking up with it. In fact, a new position is opening up that is going put me where I want to be.
Another issue I had, that I bugged you about relentlessly on, was my house that I had for sale. When it looked like there was no hope of selling it, you kept telling me that it was going to happen. Everything you told me about it was right on of course, from when it was going to be sold to the amount of money it was sold at. You were even correct about selling it at a loss, but that once it was sold, things would start looking up for me and that the stress of trying to sell the house was the root of my depression and grim outlook on things. Of course, after selling it, my debt is down, I'm saving money, and my wife and I are getting along much better know.
As you know, I try to keep my feet on the ground, and try to resolve problems on my own. But, when my problems get to the point where I don't think it is going to get better, I know I have a friend to turn to.
You will defiantly be hearing from me again and I will be telling my friends about you.



I wish to tell you about how Tom has helped me so much. I have a chronic condition and I was hopeless when I happened on to Tom, even my hair was like straw. He knew everything about me, and he told me what I needed to hear and he told me he would do a healing on me. No sooner was the reading done, than a day later, my hair started getting like silk, every member of my family was commenting on that and I came back to life. I don't think I would have been able to be healed had it not been for the fact that Tom is really an instrument of God, God is really felt thru him. I am grateful God guided me to him. Thank you, Tom, from the bottom of my heart for bringing me back to life and for giving me back me.
