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What Is The True Cost Of War?

The following are my own views on war. I understand that sometimes war is a necessary thing for the Bible has this written.

First thing I need to do is say a prayer for all the Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters that are serving in the armed forces.

A Prayer For all whom have served and will serve

Heavenly Father I ask that you hear my prayer for all that have and will serve in this war for I know they are all your children, God I ask that you watch over all whom need you or has cried out your name, this goes to the children that are being used as human bombs because they know not better, to the women and men trying to understand all this turmoil. God I know your power and I pray that others know your power and that you send heavenly angels to help all who are not evil or that carry this evil in there heart. God I ask that they find peace within them selves for I know the cost of war is much stronger than just money. I know the cost of war is within all whom see the bloody images of people dying and suffering, for all whom see and hear about what is happening on the media. I ask that you consol their hearts for this is truly against the pure love and understanding that we are all here for. I ask that not another person be killed or injured and that justice is served today. I ask that you send healing light from the heavens to help heal not only the psychical problems that war causes but mental problems as well. God I ask that you send extra love and support to those relatives who have lost their loved ones and worry day and night about there mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. God I know you and ask that this world become a peaceful place for all regardless of skin type or religion. I ask that the belief in you grow ever stronger for all humanity. God I ask that greed and self righteousness leave this area and that people can live together in true peace. God I ask for strength for all man kind and that all see truelove and understanding. I ask that neighbor reach out for neighbor regardless of there beliefs and support each other. I will continue to pray for peace and ask that extra angels go to them in need. Amen

I Don’t Like War

I don’t like war. As many people don’t like war. But I believe we have to pray for all who are involved in this war whether this be by choice or not by choice because I feel these are souls that belong to God and true inner peace comes only from understanding him. I am not here to be the judge of why or who or to agree or disagree. But just like the innocence of a child I feel that all whom may be involved need our daily support and prayers, so I ask all to consider giving these prayers from the heart. For one prayer may be heard. But many prayers are heard loud and clear. I don’t believe in demonstrations for or against the war, this is the last thing that our soldiers need to see. They need to know that we understand why they are at war and they need to know they have our support from the heart.

I often like to refer to war as like the little person that works hard for a living in business, they work day and night never making ends meet. They sacrifice their families and their children to make the rich richer with little choice. But they do what they need to survive never thinking or making a fuss, just doing.

May peace find its way into the hearts of all in this universe and may we unite as one for God.

Allow the Light to Shine

Thomas Windlow

The following is a link page for soldiers that have died during the war:
