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Window Of Light

It is never too late to love someone, but some think that it may too late to be loved.

I say these words because I feel it is never too late to communicate with someone on this side of life or on the other side. I am a medium and many times people come to me because they never had the chance to say goodbye. Well this is true and false. I have a belief system that we never die we just get re born back in to a world that in our human form does not exists. In this other form we know nothing about lies and deceit. We only know unconditional love. When we die in our human form we place their remains in the ground or we cremate and have the ashes. But what ones does not see is that the soul has left the body and is all light and this light can move around freely and visit many people that they may not have been able to when they were sick or dieing. Every soul has a window of time before they have to enter into the light and go to the other side of life. In this window of time many whom have died are visiting those they have loved and those who have loved them.

Of course even when the soul does go into the light they can still come back and check on one loved ones and what is going on. So when you think that you didn’t have time to say goodbye, remember you do have the time to use it wisely. You always hear many say tell those whom you love that you love them every time you are ready to leave them because no one has a guarantee that they will be here tomorrow.

The only guarantee that we have is to live and die. So we are all here for many reasons and those reasons were planned out before you came into this body, your higher self and the guides that have been sent with you know these purposes but you need to put your trust in them and allow your higher self to control what you need to do. Remember that you truly have no clue when you will be taken.

I have known many people that work out at the gym and work all the time and are very good supporters for there communities and for their family and something happens nothing foreseen just one day they wake up and have cancer or are in an auto accident or something even worse, and they are gone. We take each other for granted and if only all could truly see what is in there own heart they would know true love and true emotion. So I do ask you to ponder this question, If I died tomorrow would I have said all that I needed to all those around me. Would they have quilt because I left them and I did not say I loved them or would they be fine not knowing. And If I had just one more day to be around those I have loved in my life time would I have left this world in a different way?