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Thomas Windlow's Website

The world And How I See Things.

I would like to say that this universe that we live in is a beautiful and a full feeling place, full of unconditional love and compassion and understanding, with real beauty all around. But by far is this the world we live in. War on the minds of many, worry in the hearts of good people. Greed is out of control and on every corner, from the little guy trying to make a living, to the big company trying to make ends meet, to the churches where we hold services. Oh I am not saying that Churches or companies are a bad thing because this is what make us live for tomorrow, our hopes and our dreams of a better future. But what I don’t understand is why with so many Churches and so many people going to Church we can not change our way of thought. I have been to many Churches where when you walk in the doors you are welcomed but when you walk out the door you are forgotten. This makes me mad, how can you go to a church and have a church family and then run in to someone at the grocery and they ignore you. How come this happens? Another thing is why are there always the same people in the church that control all the committees when the whole congregation has an obligation, not just a few. This is wrong for one should be able to think the same in and out of church.

When I am talking, I am talking in general, please don’t take offense.

War, no one likes it but yet we allow it to happen because fear over takes us and we react to the different situations around the world, and unless there is a real need like the recent earth quake, we just sit back and take it. But why do we react this way? is this just the way society has us programmed? Or do we allow fear to overtake us? And what good is money? And why can’t we ever get enough? Why do we push our self to the point of being exhausted for it, because society dictates it? When will people wake up and look around and see the real beauty of what the world has to offer, will it ever happen. I ask people all the time how much money are you going to take with you when you die? And the answer is always the same, I won’t take any for I won’t need it because I am dead. But yet they work day and night and pay someone else to raise there children, to take care of the house and to always create more and more for what reason? I have found the most important person in my life is God and then my family, for I know, by knowing him, he will take care of my family and my needs. Sure I would like a nicer home and a newer car and so on, but do I really need it. I ask people all the time when they come to me over depression from incurring so much debt. Have you ever just asked yourself two simple questions: Do I need this? Or Do I want this? Most of the time the answer is the same, I want. I am just as guilty of this myself. But what if you could have only one wish before you die, what would it be? Have you ever pondered this question? I have and here's what my wish would be: the only thing I would ask for is clear site, site to see my fellow man as he really is without material possessions, site to see the beauty of the trees and plants, site to look inward at another person to find that we all, no matter what, have that spark of light, with clear site there would be no need for war or evil, with clear site families would be families because there would be no greed, with clear site neighbor would be helping neighbor, with clear site the ego would be gone allowing others to see all of these areas. too So I ask you to ponder this and let me know what you would ask for, maybe I am wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time, but I can admit that. With true site we would only see true beauty.

Allow the light to shine!

Thomas Windlow

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titled Ave Maria and perfomed by 
Margi Harrell
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