Dangerous Intrigues

By:  Amanda


London 1899


Thomas strode quickly down the desolate London streets. His home just a mere mile away and he wanted to get there quickly.  It was after midnight and this particular night had an eerie presence about it. All around him the world seemed to be sleeping, there was no noise. He pulled his coat tighter to his body as a sudden breeze passed over him.


“Thomas,” a voice whispered.


He turned around but saw no one, “is someone there?’


“Thomas,” the voice whispered again.


“Who is there?”


“Thomas,” it said, closer this time.


He turned quickly and started to jog towards his house. He could see it in the distance, it was only half a block away.


“Thomas,” the voice called again.


“Leave me alone,” he shouted into the dark.


Suddenly he was tackled from behind. He yelped as he was slammed against the pavement. He fought with all his might but the person on his back was strong. He caught just the briefest flash of green eyes before everything went black.


United States 1999


“Mr. Thomas, here are the reports you asked for.”


“Ahh yes Amanda, please just set them on the desk.”


Brian Thomas watched intently as his secretary stacked his reports on the corner of his desk. She was a delicate young woman, gorgeous soft blond hair, bright blue eyes and the way her hips swayed when she walked. There were many days where he sat at his desk thinking about her and fantasizing about what they could do together. He wanted to ask her out, but for several reasons he didn’t. The biggest being that he was her boss. From the moment she had interviewed with him she had bewitched him. That was half the reason he had hired her. The fact that she was qualified and talented just made it even better.


“If there isn’t anything else sir, would you mind if I left? It is going to be difficult to find a cab this late.”


“A cab, nonsense. No employee of mine will ride in a cab. Gather your things while I call my limousine, I will drop you off on my way.” Brian replied watching her closely.


She blushed fiercely and he suppressed a chuckle. Suddenly her thoughts flashed through his mind. She wondered if Mr. Thomas liked her the way she liked him. His eyes grew wide as he read another thought. She imagining what would happen if he kissed her. He groaned inwardly, he wanted her. Not just tonight but for eternity. He had been debating this situation for quite some time, and with the high council breathing down his neck he knew he had to act.


“Go get your things, I will meet you out front,” he told her.


She nodded and scurried out off the office. He sighed as he stood, pulling on his jacket. He was nearing the hundredth year, if he didn’t find a mate before the end of the month he was doomed. Amanda would be perfect but he was not sure exactly how to go about it. She had to submit to him willingly. He knew she wouldn’t be hard to seduce but she had to agree to cross over. He refused to force her, it wasn’t his style. Grabbing his briefcase he switched off his computer monitor and left the office.


“Are you ready?” he asked.


She nodded wishing he would offer her his arm. Brian smiled when he read her thoughts and immediately held out his arm for her. She looked perplexed for a moment and then happily took his arm. The next thought she had almost made Brian laugh out loud.


“Can he read my mind or something?”


They exited the building together and immediately saw the sleek black limousine waiting for them, a young man in a black jacket was waiting at the door. He smiled at them, nodding his head slightly, “Mr. Thomas.”


Brian waited until Amanda was in before leaning over to him, “take the long way back to my home, I think I’ve found someone the council will approve of.”


“Very good, they will be pleased.”


Brian nodded and climbed into the limousine.


“Would you like a drink,” he asked as the limousine pulled away from the curb.


“Doesn’t your driver need directions to my loft?’ Amanda asked.


“He knows where he is going,” Brian replied, “how about a drink?”


“I’m not much of a drinker,” she replied looking around.


He could tell by her thoughts she was uneasy, he needed to calm her down.


“One drink won’t hurt,” he said soothingly.


“I don’t want to insult him,” she thought to herself, “maybe I should accept it. It’s only one drink.”


The corners of his lips twitched in a smile, he had her now.


“One drink won’t hurt,” she consented out loud.


“My thoughts exactly. This is from my own personal collection,” he told her handing her the glass.


She took it and sipped delicately from the top. Her eyes brightened and she took another larger drink. He smiled and watched as she emptied her glass.


“I take it you like it,” he chuckled.


“Hmmm, oh yes, it’s very good. I feel a little fuzzy though,” she murmured sleepily.


“We are going to go to my home,” he replied taking the glass form her hand and moving to sit next to her.


“But, I ….feed the cat,” she replied softly.


He set down the glasses and caressed the side of her face. “We’ll send someone to get your cat.”


“Thank you,” she murmured leaning on him.


“You just rest,” he continued as her eyes started to droop.


“I’ll just rest my eyes” she murmured?”


“That’s a very good idea.”


“I’m so tired.”


“Do you want to go to sleep?” he asked.


She nodded her head, as her eyes fluttered shut.


“Close your eyes,” he commanded, “relax, let sleep take you.”


“I don’t think I should. I need to give your driver directions.”


“I will take care of you, sleep,” he told her.


She tried to fight it but the urge was to strong and she dropped into a deep sleep. Brian smiled and leaned her against the back of the seat before lowering the partition between the back and the driver.


“She’s asleep,” he said.


His driver glanced into the rearview mirror. “She is very pretty, she looks young though.”


“She’s nearly 20,” Brian replied glancing over at the sleeping figure.


“Will she consent?” the driver asked.


“I don’t know. I pray for my sake that she will. She may be my only chance to survive the hundredth year. Nick,  I will need to go out tomorrow, so you are going to be in charge of preparing her for the gathering tomorrow.”


“Are you going to try and bring her over tonight?” Nick asked.


“I’m not sure, she will be asleep for at least two more hours. The drugs in the wine were strong. She is going to be scared when she wakes up. She may not let me near her.”


“So the hundredth year, you have to find a mortal to mate with and transform them before one hundred years is over or you die? Why can’t you just mate with another vampire?”


“It keeps the population fresh. Even though we don’t age physically, inside we do, and there is a point in a vampires existence when they stop being able to bring mortals over. We need to bring in younger people to rejuvenate us.”


“Who is all going to be at the gathering?” Nick asked pulling onto the drive of Brian’s estate.


“The high council will all be in attendance I’m sure. I’m not positive as to who else.”


“Do you want me to carry her inside?” Nick asked as the pulled up in front.


Brian nodded, “take her to the master suite, I’ve left some clothing for her in the dresser. I’ll be up shortly. If you want you can have Eloise help you with changing her.”


Nick nodded and took the sleeping girl from the car taking her up stairs. Brian sighed and went into his study pouring himself a glass of Brandy. He stood in front of the fire gazing into the flame.  He stood there for a long time before he was finally interrupted by his housekeeper.




“Yes, Eloise?”


“The young lady is stirring.”


“All ready?”


“Yes sir, master Nikolas is with her.”


“Thank you Eloise.”


Brian took one last look at the fire before turning and making his way upstairs. As he neared his room he could hear shouting. He opened the door slowly and saw Amanda clad in a delicate light blue nightgown waving a fire poker at Nick.


“Stay away from me,” she warned.


Brian crept up behind her and grabbed her around the waist. She screamed and dropped the poker.


“Nick will not hurt you,” he said softly.


“Who are you, where am I?” she whimpered.


“You are in my home,” he said setting her down.


She scooted away from him and turned to look. “Mr. Thomas?”


“Brian,” he replied.


“Who is he?” she demanded pointing to Nick.


“That is Nick, my personal assistant.”


“Why am I here?”


“I’m afraid I’ve kidnapped you.”


“What? Why?”


“I need you.” he paused and then took a deep breath, “Amanda, I am a vampire.”


She looked at him incredulously before bursting out laughing. “Ok sure, you’re a vampire and I’m Frankenstein’s Bride.”


“I’m telling the truth, and I need a mortal to mate with and bring over.”


“Ok, look you nut case, I don’t know who you are out I’m out of here,” she replied heading for the open door.


“I don’t think so,’ he replied using his power to slam the door shut.


“How did you do that?” she demanded.


“Telepathy, one of the numerous powers I have received.” Brian replied.


“Ok Mr. Vampire I want to see you fly,” she replied coolly.


“I don’t fly, I can read your thoughts though.”


“What am I thinking.”


“That if you can get to the poker you may have  a chance to escape.”


“That was a lucky guess, try again.”


“You are thinking of how erotic you have always found vampirism to be.”


“You really are a vampire,” she whispered, “show me your fangs.”


He opened his mouth and revealed a set of glistening white fangs. He knew she was going to faint before she did and rushed forward in time to catch her before she hit the ground.


“Get the restraints for her wrists,” he told Nick as he carried her to the bed.


Nick quickly grabbed the restraints and handed one to Brian as the bound her wrists to the headboard.


“This is going to be more difficult than I thought, her mind is strong. I had trouble reading her thoughts, she was blocking me.”


“The gathering is tomorrow night, what will you do?” Nick asked.


“She’ll be ready, it will just take some time.”




When Amanda awoke she tried to sit up, only to find her wrists bound to the bed. She began to shake her arms in an attempt to get free.


“it’s no use, you won’t get loose.”


She looked up and saw Brian standing at the end of the bed.


“There’s no use in screaming,” he told her reading her thoughts.


She opened her mouth, “how?”


“I can read your thoughts, remember?”


She glared at him darkly.


“Hey that’s not a very nice thing to call me,” he admonished lightly as a string of curse words passed through her mind.


“Let me go,” she pleaded.


“Just listen to me, that is all I ask.”


“I won’t tell anyone, they wouldn’t believe me anyway.”


“Let me explain to you why I brought you here.”


“Are you going to hurt me?” she asked timidly.


“No, now will you listen?”


She nodded and he sat down on the edge of the bed.


“How old do you think I am?” he asked.


“I don’t know 26 maybe,” she replied.


“I was born in  February 1875.”


“Ok so 25,” she replied.


“I said 1875, I’m one hundred and twenty five years old.”


“What? How I mean, how is that possible?”


“I was brought over when I was 25 years old and I am now nearing my hundredth year as a vampire. Once a person is brought over they stop aging physically.”


“Is your assistant, Nick, a vampire?”


“Yes, he is one of my closest friends. He was 19 when I brought him over.”


“How long has he been a vampire?”


“Nearly forty years.”


“What does any of this have to do with me?” she asked finally.


“Vampires for the most part are immortal, we don’t get sick, we can’t be killed with gun or by drowning or any other conventional way that mortals can. We can however be killed in other ways.  Drinking stale blood can kill us, not feeding for extended periods of time, or the High Council can strip us of our powers. We will go back to being mortal but we will be the age that we are today, not when we were brought over. So if I was to be stripped of my powers I would be 125 years old and would likely die.”


“All right, I still don’t see where I come in.”


“Every vampire once brought over will meet with the High Council. They give everyone a task that they must perform by their hundredth year or they will be stripped of their powers. The tasks vary depending on the situation. My task is to help rejuvenate the population.”


“Rejuvenate the population?” she asked confused.


“I have to find a mate, a mortal and bring them over.”


“Please tell me you are joking,” she begged trying to pull her arms free.


“I’m afraid not,” he replied getting up off the bed and gazing out the window.


“Why me? Why have you waited so long?”


“Most vampires would just force a mortal to come over, against their will. I wont do that. I want my mate to be willing.”


She looked at him trying to comprehend exactly what he was telling her.


“You are who I want,” Brian continued.


“You can’t choose me, you said I have to agree to this. Let me go I don’t want to be a vampire.”


“You have to choose to come over,  I don’t have a problem about keeping you as a plaything if you refuse,” he lied, trying to scare her.


“Let me go!!!!!” she screamed thrashing about on the bed, “help me, someone!”


“Scream all you want, it won’t help.” Brian told her.


“Fuck you, I refuse to let you change me. I hope your hundredth year comes and you die.”


He walked towards the bed and she immediately stopped thrashing, closing her eyes expecting him to hit her.


“I’m not going to hit you,” he said softly.


“You aren’t?”


“What is so bad about my lifestyle, about me? Why would being a vampire be such a horrible thing. You could live virtually forever, we protect each other and you and I could be together. You like me, I know you do, just as I like you. It was why I chose you, I could read your thoughts.”


“I….My family, and my friends… and my job,” she stuttered.


“The only family you have lives on the other side of the world and you see them maybe once a year at most. As for your friends, you don’t have to cut off ties with them. They just can’t be told what you are. The same with work, you work for me remember?”


“But I wouldn’t know how, and drinking blood, that sounds disgusting.”


“I would teach you, and once you have been brought over, you have a natural taste for it.”


“Does it hurt? Crossing over?”


“A bit, but it’s brief.”


“Would we be married?” she asked.


“No, and if we learn that we can’t live together than we can  go our own way, but you will have to find another mate. Either another vampire or you’ll have to bring someone over.”


“How do you bring me over?” she asked.


He could tell by her thoughts that she was seriously thinking about it.


“For me to fulfill my requirements for the hundredth year, we have to be together, and just as you hit your peak I will draw some blood from you. To complete the process you will have to drink from me. Then we will be bound together, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and the transformation will take place.”


“Can I think about it?” she requested.


“I will give you time, call me when you are ready,” he told her standing up to leave.


“Can you untie me?” she asked, “I won’t run.”


He nodded and released her, “I will be down the hall in my study.”


After he left she got out of the bed and walked towards the window. She looked out onto the expanse of his estate.


“What would be so bad about this?” she wondered aloud.


She had no real family and no real close friends. Brian was offering her security, she’d be part of a group, and at the very least  she would be getting companionship. The only thing she had going for her in her life was her job, and with Brian being her boss that would be extremely secure. Only one thing scared her and that was crossing over, it meant giving up the one thing she prided herself on the most, her virginity.


Finally she made up her mind, she grabbed a robe she saw hanging on the back of the door and went out into the hall. Nick was standing outside the door waiting for her.


“Where’s Brian?” she asked quietly.


“Follow me.”


She followed him down the hall and into a room. Brian looked up from a book when she entered.


“I’ve made a decision,” she told him.




“Are you positive about this?” Brian asked as he led Amanda back to his bedroom.


She nodded timidly, following next to him, his hand holding hers lightly.


He opened the door and guided her inside, shutting and locking it behind him. He turned and saw her standing in the middle of the room, bathed in moonlight watching him.


“You truly are beautiful,” he murmured closing the distance between them.


She blushed and ducked her head. He placed his hands on her hips and drew her to him.


“Put your arms around my neck,” he whispered.


She hesitated a moment, but complied when he whispered, “please.”


He immediately brushed her lips with his own. She let out a small sigh as she raised onto her tiptoes to reach him better. He continued to kiss her while he slide the robe off her shoulders and onto the floor. As the kisses grew more intense he backed her up towards the bed. Her knees hit the edge of the bed and she fell back on it. Brian stood above her, watching her breath deeply, her eyes closed tightly.


“Brian?” she whispered.


He leaned over her, kissing her softly, running his hands up her side and to the front of her nightgown, cupping her full breasts, running his thumbs over her nipples.


“Oh my,” she moaned arching off the bed.


He grabbed the edge of the nightgown and pulled it up her body, lifting her slightly to remove it. She was wearing nothing underneath and he groaned unconsciously.  His hands covered her bare breasts and his thumbs caressed her hardened tips.


Standing, he quickly rid himself of all his clothes besides his boxer shorts. Picking her up he laid her in the center of the bed, kneeling on the comforter next to her.  He kissed her forehead, then her nose, lips, neck, collarbone, until he reached her breasts. He bent his head and took one nipple in his mouth. He circled the nipple with his tongue, loving the way she hardened for him. His other hand covered her other breast, exploring it’s softness.


Amanda moaned, lifting her hips off the bed, running her hands through his soft hair, clutching him closely to her.


Brian groaned and kissed back up her body, capturing her mouth in a searing kiss. She could feel his excitement on her leg and unconsciously rubbed against it.


“Sweet Jesus,” Brian hissed grabbing her arms and pinning them above her head, “you’re playing with fire there.”


She smiled and bit her bottom lip, “did I do something wrong?” she asked as she rubbed her leg against him again.


“For a virgin, you sure know what you’re doing,” he moaned.


“Just cause I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I’ve never been touched.”


Hot jealously rushed through Brian’s body at the thought of another mans hands on her.


“From now on, I am the only one who will ever touch you,” he ordered kissing her again.


She wound her fingers through his hair as his tongue explored her mouth, dancing with hers in an erotic battle. As their kisses grew more intense his hand trailed down her stomach to the juncture between her thighs.


Her entire body tensed, “Brian,” she whispered against his lips.


“I want to touch you, spread your legs for me, I want to feel you. I promise I’ll be gentle.”


She hesitated a moment, but soon his soft caresses were to much and she parted her legs for his questing fingers.


His fingers skimmed upward and gently caressed her soft folds of womanly flesh. She was wet and slippery, moist and warm, and it was all for him. He groaned deeply as he eased one finger inside her. She began to pant and push her hips towards him as his finger moved slowly in and out of her body. He slipped a second finger inside her and nearly lost himself when he felt her velvety walls clutch his fingers. He found a little nub of flesh between the folds with his thumb and stroked it, causing her to scream out his name and arch off the bed. She clutched the sheets as waves of pleasure pulsed through her.


“Open your eyes,” he instructed as her breathing slowed.


Slowly her eyelids fluttered open, “that was amazing, but what about you,” she asked pointedly looking at his large erection.


He just sat there, waiting for her to make a move. She pushed herself up until she was eye level with him. Then she laid her hand on him tentatively and felt him immediately swell even more. Wrapping her fist around him, she began to pump him slowly.


“Yes…. baby….. yes that’s,” he moaned bucking his hips forward.


She squeezed him softly and continued to fondle him until her grabbed her wrist.


“Enough, I need to be inside you,” he growled flipping her onto her back.


He positioned himself between her legs, “this may hurt a bit,” he told her.


She nodded and pushed her hips towards him. Grinning evilly he leaned into her for a kiss as he thrust into her quickly. His mouth captured her cry of pain and he kept still as she became accommodated to him.


“Are you okay?”


“I’m better than okay,” she moaned pushing against him.


This was all he needed as he began to pump her slowly. Withdrawing nearly all the way and then burying himself deep within her.


“Yes, oh god yes,” she whimpered wrapping her legs around his waist pulling him further into her.


“That’s a good girl, show me what you want,” he panted.


“Oh god, I’m going to….oh god,” she cried out.


He knew she was at her peak and swiftly sunk his teeth into the tender flesh of her neck as she screamed in pleasure and pain. Grabbing a bedside knife he slit his wrist and held it against her lips.


“Drink,” he ordered as he continued to thrust into her.


She greedily lapped up the red liquid as his thrusts grew more urgent, “god that’s it baby, I’m almost there,” he shouted as he plunged deeply into her, spilling his seed in her womb.


He collapsed against her, trying to catch his breath. She lay still for a few moments, her were  eyes closed and her body twitched. He knew she was dying, but all he could do was watch and wait. Suddenly her eyes flew open and she groaned softly, looking around her as she regained her bearings. She sat up a little and licked her lips, capturing the remaining droplets of blood.


“Is it done, am I like you now?” she asked, her voice a little scratchy.


“Yes,” he murmured kissing her crimson lips, “you are one of us now.”


“Do I look any different?” she asked softly.


“Look for yourself,” he told her nodding towards a standing mirror in the corner.


He felt himself stir again as he watched her walk across the room nude and examine herself in the mirror.


“My hair is curly,” she exclaimed happily, “and my eyes look like they are glowing.”


He smiled as he climbed out of bed and stood behind her, “are you happy?” he asked as her ran his hands from her shoulders to cup her breasts.


She nodded as she watched his hands in the mirror, “do I get powers?”


He began to kiss her neck and one hand started to creep down her midriff, “the high council will bestow them upon you, most likely tomorrow night at the gathering.”


She nodded and sucked in a breath as he began to stroke her again. Turning in his arms she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself to him, “I never knew how incredible it could feel to make love, can we do it again?”


“So soon, did you enjoy it that much?”


“More than you will ever know,” she murmured pressing kisses to his neck and collarbone.


“I really should let you get some rest,” he murmured as she continued to nip at his neck, “but what the hell,” he declared scooping her up and carrying her back to the bed.  “You think that was good, wait until I show you what else we can do.”


She giggled as he fell onto the bed next to her, but was immediately silenced by a powerful kiss.



“Now I want you to behave for Nick, no trying to kill him with a fireplace poker, understand?” Brian said as he got dressed the next morning.


Amanda nodded sleepily burying herself deeper under the covers.


He laughed as he fixed his tie, “what am I going to do without a secretary today?”


“Don’t go to work, stay here with me, we’ll spend all day in bed,” she said peeking out from underneath the pillow at him.


“Looks like I’ve created a monster,” he said laughing, “Amanda, I need to go to work, if both of us our out then someone will get suspicious.”


“No, you’re sick and you called me and told me not to come in, I wasn’t needed.”


“No baby, I’ve got a feeling that we are going to need to use our sick days after the gathering tonight.”


“What is the gathering?”


“Nick will explain it all to you. I need to go to work.”


Amanda sat up and climbed out of bed, “what am I supposed to wear?”


“Nick is taking you out to find some proper clothes. Now stop stalling me.”


“I’m hungry, do I still eat normal food?”


“Yes, but you also need to feed and since it’s your first day, you need to feed more often than I would,” he said grabbing his knife.


He drew the tip across his wrist quickly and she immediately began to lap up the crimson nectar like a kitten. He groaned softly, feeling himself become aroused by the mere touch of her.


“Come here,” he growled pulling her to meet his lips.


She sighed contentedly as she melted to him. She had never felt more secure or wanted then she did at this moment.


“Enough, little one, I’ll never be able to leave.”


“Fine, just leave me all by myself.”


“Nick will be here with you. Now go get dressed for the day, you and Nick have a lot of things to go over before tonight, I will see you at dinner.”


He kissed her one last time before slipping out of the room. Nick was waiting outside and he stopped to talk to him.


“Well?” Nick asked.


“Teach her well, I don’t want her getting hurt at the gathering tonight.”


“Did she cross over?”


“Yes, and it was more easier than I anticipated. She has feed twice, so she should be ok until I get home.”


“Should I prepare her for a meeting with the High Council?” Nick asked as they walked down the hall.


“Even if she doesn’t have her meeting with them, they will still be there. Warn her about the dark ones Nick. Serena is still angry with me and she may try to get back at me through Amanda when she finds out I’ve chosen another mate.”


“I’ll take good care of her,” Nick reassured him.


“Thank you,” Brian said grabbing his briefcase and heading off to work.




“All right, one more time, who is on the High Council?’ Nick asked Amanda several hours later as the browsed the racks at the local vintage store.


“There is Kevin and Lisa, they are the highest members, then there is Alex and Ari, and Howie and Kelly. What do you think of this?” she asked holding up a skirt.


“Not for a gathering, the normal dress for woman is as little as possible without being indecent.”


“How about that leather barely there mini skirt,” she suggested sarcastically.


“Perfect, do they have it in your size?” Nick asked.


“You can’t be serious,” she exclaimed.


“Like I said, as little as possible. Brian will love it if you are in leather I’m sure,” Nick added.


‘what is this, a giant orgy?” she asked as she pulled the correct size of skirt off the rack.


“No, everyone just dresses like it is,” Nick answered.


“great, just great,” she muttered.


Nick smiled looking at the rack of men’s clothes for something for himself.


“Do you like being what you are?” Amanda asked Nick suddenly.


“I don’t not like it,” he answered, “I asked to be brought over.”


“Do you have a mate?”


“Yes, her name is Lara, she was my girl when Brian brought us over.


“He brought you both over? Why?”


“We were young and very into the party scene, we met Brian one night at a rave in London and were intrigued by his lifestyle.”


“Where is she?”


“She went to visit some friends, she should be back today or tomorrow.”


“Do you regret it?”




“Crossing over.”


“No, it in many ways saved me. I was on my way to dying of alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose I’m sure.”


Amanda didn’t reply, just went back to the racks trying to find some more clothes to wear.






“Nick, Amanda? I’m home.” Brian called as he stepped into the house.


“She’s upstairs trying on the new clothes we bought,” Nick answered coming out of the study.


“How did it go?” Brian asked setting down his briefcase.


“Perfect, she was eager and inquisitive. She wasn’t to thrilled about the wardrobe though.”


Brian’s lips curved up in a smile, “what kind of clothes?”


“You’ll see, but all I can say is it’s a good thing you got to her first or I may have taken her for my own.”


Brian chuckled, “ You have Lara, and you would never leave her and you know it. Is dinner just about ready?”


“I know that,” he replied with a grin, “I’ll go see about dinner, you can go upstairs and get Amanda.”




When Brian entered his room it was empty and he could hear the shower running, and a female voice singing. Smiling he quickly shed his clothing and made his way towards the bathroom.


He slowly pushed back the curtain and slid in behind her. She had her head thrown back and her eyes closed as she rinsed out her hair. He softly ran his hands across her wet torso to wrap around her waist.


She yelped and her eyes flew open.


“Relax it’s me,” he murmured nipping at her wet neck.


She sighed and relaxed against his chest.


“Did you have fun today?” he asked as he continued to rub her stomach, his hand dipping lower every few seconds, teasing her.


“Yes, Nick is fun to shop with, but the clothes are so revealing.”


“It’s the way we are at the gatherings, its tradition I guess. You remember last night before you crossed over, how good it felt when I touched you?”


“Yes,” she murmured closing her eyes as his hand traveled further down her body.


“How does it feel now?” he asked cupping her mound.


“Ohhh yes, it feels utterly euphoric,” she moaned.


“That’s because as a vampire your senses are heightened. We are very sexual creatures and we express that whenever we can. Such as through the clothing we wear to the gatherings. Do you understand?”


“Yes,” she hissed moving her hips against his hand.


“What do you want?” he whispered pressing harder.


“You, I want you,” she moaned.


He turned her around to face him, “do you want it slow and gentle like last night?”


“I want you to take me, right here, right now,” she hissed grabbing his member and squeezing it.


“Oh shit,” he cried tossing his head back.


She smiled at her new found feminine power, leaning over she licked his neck before trailing kisses further down his body. She stopped at his nipples and suckled them, her hand still wrapped around him.


“Damn baby, that’s it,” he hissed.


She kissed down his body, lowering herself to her knees in front of him. She looked up at him and smiled, his eyes were closed and his fists clenched. Leaning forward she delved her tongue into his navel, causing his stomach muscles to constrict.


She gripped the base of his shaft as she reached out and flicked her tongue across the head.


Brian gasped as his entire body jerked towards her mouth.


“Amanda don’t tease,” he warned.


She smiled and took the head in her mouth, sucking gently, tugging on him. Suddenly his arms were around her and he was carrying her out of the bathroom.


Tossing her onto the bed he kneeled next to it and lowered his head between her legs, “two can play at this game sweetheart.”


She shrieked in delight as his tongue grazed her entrance, grasping the sheets.


“Do you like this little one?” he asked repeating the act.




“You want me to keep doing this?” he teased.


“No,” she moaned.


“No?” he asked sitting up.


“No,” she repeated throwing herself off the bed and on top of him.


He moaned as she moved against his turgid flesh. Brian’s breath caught in his throat as she moved against him restlessly. Finally he could stand it no longer and guided her onto his shaft, pushing her hips down until he was fully embedded in her.


He watched with delight as her head rolled back in extreme bliss, her hips moving slowly against him. He reached up and cupped her breasts holding them together like succulent fruit. Leaning his head forward, he drew one taunt nipple into his mouth, tugging lightly.


With each new sensation Amanda moved against him unconsciously, making him moan against her breasts. Groaning, she ran her hands through his hair as she began to circle her hips.


He fought to remain in control, his hands on her hips guiding her, increasing and decreasing the speed and pressure. Finally she cried out and convulsed around him. The tightening of her walls around his member was to much for him and he thrust up once more, losing himself inside her.


“You are going to wear me out,” he panted as she lay against his chest.


She only smiled, her breathing to erratic to talk.



“Ok, now remember, stick to either Nick or I, and stay away from the dark ones,” Brian reminded her as the three of them walked up towards the gathering.


“How will I know who they are?”


“We’ll point them out but as long as you stay with us, you will be okay.” Brian reassured her.


She nodded and adjusted her skirt, “do I look ok?”


She was wearing the black leather skirt  she and nick picked out, with a tight black tank that revealed her navel and a sheer lavender blouse. Brian had gone with all black, tight pants and a muscle shirt. Amanda was excited to see him out of his work clothes and in some street wear. Which she had told him he looked hot in. Nick had worn similar pants to Brian’s with a green shirt unbuttoned half way.


“You look gorgeous, the other men will be jealous.” Brian replied kissing her neck.


She shivered, and he laughed.


They approached the door and were immediately ushered inside. The gathering was held in a large ballroom. There was low music plying the background, a bar, a small buffet and a stage off to the side. All around the room people were standing in groups talking.


“It looks like a normal party,” she whispered to Brian.


“What did you expect, capes and bats?” he teased.


She blushed and ducked her head.


“It’s alright, that’s what the stereotype is,” he replied taking her by the elbow and guiding her towards a crowd of people.


“Kevin,” he called.


A tall man with dark hair and stunning green eyes turned in their direction.


“Brian, Nick, welcome,” he called back excusing himself and approaching them.


“Is that THE Kevin?” Amanda whispered to Nick.


He nodded, “the woman over there in the black, is Lisa, his wife.”


“So Brian, who is this beautiful woman at your side?” Kevin asked.


Amanda looked up from her conversation with Nick and smiled shyly.


“This is Amanda. Amanda meet the High Councilor, Kevin.”


“Hello,” she replied softly.


“How are you enjoying yourself?” Kevin asked her.


“We only just got here, but from what I can tell I will enjoy myself,” she replied.


He nodded his agreement and then turned to his right, “Lisa come here a sec.”


“What’s up baby?” the girl replied as she joined the running her hand up Kevin’s chest.


“Brian has brought a guest with him,” he told her.


She turned and spotted Amanda standing behind Brian, almost hiding.


“I didn’t see you there, I’m sorry, my name is Lisa ” she replied politely.


Nick gave Amanda a little shove forward and she smiled, “An honor to meet you Ma’am. My name is Amanda.”


Lisa laughed, “well isn’t she just the sweetest thing. You have to meet the other girls.”


She looked over at Brian and he nodded. Lisa grabbed her arm and drug her away from the men over to two other women.


“Girls, I want you to meet someone,” she said as they joined the women.


“ Ari, Kelly, this is Amanda. Amanda met the other girls on the high council, Ari and Kelly.”


“Hello,” they greeted her politely.


“Amanda came with Brian,” Lisa added.


“Brian? Are you two together?” Ari asked.


Amanda nodded, “he brought me over last night,” she replied timidly.


“He cut it close didn’t he?” Kelly asked.


“His hundredth year was up this month,” Lisa replied.


“We should take her out sometime, show her life on the other side,” Ari suggested.


“We can have a girls night, we’ll take her to the clubs and shopping,” Kelly added excited.


“That would be great, I don’t have a lot of friends,” Amanda replied.


“Well, you are one of us now,” Lisa replied, “ plus you are going to be part of the high council.”


“I am?” Amanda asked.


“Of course, didn’t Brian tell you?” Ari asked.


“Nick taught me what he thought I would need to know for tonight. Brian had to work.”


“Oh girl, we have so much to teach you. Come with us,” Kelly declared grabbing her arm.




“It looks like they got to your girl,” Kevin said to Brian as they stood talking with two other men.


Brian looked up in time to see Lisa, Kelly, and Ari usher Amanda out of the room.


“Looks like they are going to initiate her into the clique,” one of the other man spoke up.


“This is just great AJ, all I need is another one like Ari,” Brian teased.


“Hey man back off my woman,” AJ teased, “who knows she may come out acting like Kelly.”


“Now I know you didn’t just slam my girl AJ,” the other man said.


“I’m just playing Howie,” AJ replied.


“Yah, you better be,” the one they called Howie replied with grin.


“Brian, look,” Nick spoke up pointing towards the door.


Brian turned and saw a stunning red head, in a slinky black dress, surrounded by a huge entourage of people enter the room.


“Serena,” he hissed watching her as she said some things to her followers and then they all dispersed.




He turned and saw Amanda and the other girls walking towards him. He could feel Serena’s eye boring into him.


“Nick, get her out of her before Serena sees her,” Brian barked.


Nick jumped and rushed over the approaching girls and grabbed Amanda pulling her in the opposite direction.


“Hey!” she cried.


“Dance with me,” he ordered.


“Who’s that woman with Brian,” she demanded as Nick swept her around the dance floor.


Nick turned and saw Serena, running her hands up Brian’s chest, whispering to him, he sighed quietly.


“That’s Serena.”


“Oh,” she replied.


“Excuse me, can I cut in?” a voice asked.


Standing behind Nick was a brunette in a green dress.


“Sure,” Amanda replied brightly pulling away from Nick before he could protest.


Amanda started to walk towards Brian when suddenly he looked up and saw her. The look on his face stopped her in her tracks.


“Wait with the other girls,” he told her silently.


She nodded and turned towards the other girls. She was half way there when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and stared into the bluest eyes she had ever seen.


“Hi there, would you like to dance?”


“I ….umm….Brian…. I mean….sure,” she stuttered.


“I’m Simon, by the way,” he told her as he led her to the dance floor.


“Amanda,” she replied.


They danced silently for a few moments, until Simon spoke.


“Would you like to join me on the balcony, it’s awfully hot in here.”


“I’m here with someone,” she replied.


“Yes, Nikolas, I saw you with him earlier.”


“Not only him,” she replied.


“Trust me, it is strictly platonic, I simply need some fresh air.”


“Alright,” she replied uneasily.


He smiled and took her elbow, guiding her towards the balcony. She was just about to walk through the curtains outside when a strong hand clamped over her wrist.


“Where are you going?” a voice demanded.




“Nick!” she exclaimed, “let go of me.”


“I asked you a question,” he growled.


“Outside with Simon,” she replied.


“I need to talk to you for a minute, now!” he hissed.


She turned to Simon, “I’m sorry Simon, some other time.”


He nodded and went outside, leaving the two of them alone.


“What the hell was that for?” she demanded.


“Amanda, do you know who that was?” he asked his tone less harsh.




He sighed and ran a hand through his blond locks, “Amanda, he is Serena’s brother, they are dark ones.”


“The woman with Brian? She is a dark one?”


“She is the leader. She is dangerous Amanda, especially when she figures out who you are.”


“What do you mean?’ she asked curiously.


“Come with, we need to talk,” Nick replied guiding here out of the room and in a more private area.




“Serena, I told you I’m not interested,” Brian repeated pushing the woman off of him.


“Let’s not play coy Brian, you know you want me, need me. Your 100th year is up soon, I can help you.”


“No Serena,” Brian said turning away.


“You’ll come crawling to me soon enough Brian,” she called smugly after him, “you’ll never be able to find someone.”


Her last comment sent him over the edge, he turned to her, his eyes flashing with rage.


“What did you say?”


“I said you’ll never find someone, no one else wants you Brian,” she purred.


He grabbed her by the shoulders, and got right in her face. “Listen to me,” he spat out angrily, “You’re wrong, I have already someone, I brought her over yesterday.”


“I bet it was the little twit I saw your trusty sidekick pull away from Simon, I knew there was something about her,” she hissed under her breath.


He glared at her and shoved her away.


“Oh Brian,” she called after him as he walked away.


He stopped but did not turn.


“Just remember, she still needs to be alive the eve of your hundredth year for it to work.”


He turned but she was already gone, “SHIT!!, Nick, Amanda!” he screamed, racing through the ballroom.




“you are telling me she knows a way around Brian’s hundredth year?” Amanda asked.


“she says she does, only catch, he has to become hers. She wants him in the worst way, and when she finds out about you, she is going to come after you.” Nick told her as he paced the length of the room.


“Let her come, I can handle her,” Amanda replied coolly.


“She has powers beyond your comprehension, hell I don’t even understand them all,” he replied, “you wouldn’t stand a chance.”


She was about to reply when a commotion outside the door interrupted them.


“What was that?” she asked.


“Stay here, I’m going to go check”


She sat on the couch, looking around the room, playing with edge of her skirt nervously. Suddenly she heard a yelp and a thump and then silence.


The door opened slowly, “Nick?” she asked frightened.


“Sorry sweetie,” a voice replied dripping with sarcasm, “Nick’s a little tied up at the moment.”


“Who are you?” she asked looking around for a way out.


The person stepped into the room, and Amanda immediately recognized her.


“You’re Serena,” she gasped.


“Yes, and you must be Amanda.”


“How did you know that?” Amanda asked getting up and moving to stand behind the couch, trying to put some distance between the two of them.


“Nikolas isn’t as strong minded as some of the others, his mind is still vulnerable to readings. Don’t even try to scream, you’ll be dead before anyone gets here if you do.”


“What do you want?” Amanda asked softly.


“The simple answer? Control, I want to be the High Councilor.”


“What does that have to do with me? Kevin and Lisa are they high councilors.”


“Stupid, naïve wench, who do you think is line next? Why do you think he needed a mate? Brian takes control after Kevin’s done.”


“Brian…. Brian is next in line for High Councilor?”


“Yes, and before you came along I was going to be along side him.”


“But…he had to find a mortal and bring them over.”


“No, he had to find someone who isn’t a vampire. I’m not, I’m what’s known commonly as a halfie. Not all human, not all vampire. He could have brought me over completely and we could have ruled together.”


“What are you going to do to me?”


“Well I suppose I can’t kill you…yet, Brian still has time to find another. I’ll keep you alive until the eve of his 100th year. Then he will be forced to join with me.”


“I wouldn’t be so sure,” a voice spoke up.


Both girls turned and saw Ari, Kelly, Lisa, Nick and Brian standing in the doorway. Before Amanda had time to react Serena had her by the neck with a dagger shoved into her throat.


“Don’t move or she dies,” Serena warned.


Amanda whimpered as the cold steel pressed into her skin.


Brian took a step forward, but stopped as Serena pressed the dagger closer, drawing a tiny droplet of blood. His blue eyes seemed to ignite in flame, rage was coursing through his body, his skin was hot to the touch. Serena noticed his change in demeanor and smiled as she noticed his fangs growing.


“What’s wrong Brian, does the sight of her blood make you angry, does it make you want to kill?” she taunted.


“Let her go,” Brian growled.


“Now why would I do that?” she asked backing up towards the window.


“Let her go,” he repeated stepping closer.


Amanda yelped as Serena dug the dagger deeper into her throat, cutting her flesh even more.


“I’d stop moving if I were you, you wouldn’t want this pretty little thing to bleed to death would you?”


‘Serena, let her go, NOW,” Lisa ordered harshly.


“Oh yes right away, your supremeness,” Serena retorted snottily.


“You can’t get away,” Ari added.


“Oh I can’t can I?” Serena replied.


Suddenly the room filled with smoke, there was the sound of shattering glass, and Serena’s laughter filling their ears.


“Brian!” Amanda screamed and then everything was silent.




“DAMNIT!! I’ll Kill her,” Brian roared slamming his fist against the wall.


Everyone had been sent home so that only the members of the High Council and Nick remained.


“I’ll fucking kill her!!!” he screamed.


“Brian, calm down,” Nick said placing a hand on his shoulder.


“Calm down!!! Calm down!!! That bitch Serena has my girl, and will do God knows what to her.”


“Brian, we will find her,” Lisa told him, “Serena isn’t stupid, she wont do anything rash, she needs Amanda as leverage over you.”


“They’re right,” AJ added.


“If she hurts her….” Brian fumed.


“Try reaching out to her in your mind,” Kevin suggested.


Brian stopped his pacing for a moment to look at Kevin, “do you think it will work?”


“Have you talked to her through her mind yet?” he asked.


“Once or twice, but we were in the same room.”


“Try it, your powers are strong, if Serena is still close, it might work.”


Brian took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Everyone in the room watched with hushed voices as he concentrated. Suddenly he let an animalistic roar and fell to his knees clutching his heart.


“WHAT?” everyone screamed rushing to him.


“She’s in pain,” he gasped, “she’s in pain.”




“Ahhhh, does that hurt?” Serena asked sarcastically as Amanda screamed out in pain.


Serena had her in some sort of basement/cellar, shackled to the floor. One of her many henchmen had Amanda by the hair and held her down as Serena hit and kicked at her.


“You are going to pay you little bitch,” Serena hissed kicking her, repeatedly, in the ribs.


“I didn’t do anything to you,” Amanda whimpered.


“I’m sure you didn’t tempt Brian to change you, you whore.”


“I didn’t even know until yesterday, please let me go.”


Serena started to laugh at the request and kicked her in the stomach. Finally tiring of the game, she looked down at the bruised and bleeding girl with a smirk. Amanda looked up at her with tears streaming down her face.


“Shut her up,” Serena hissed as she left the room.


The henchmen looked down at Amanda and grinned evilly. She whimpered at him and closed her eyes. She felt his hand connect with her face as her neck snapped back and then everything went black.


Back at the house, Brian’s eyes suddenly rolled back in his head and everyone gasped as he feel over unconscious as well.




Brian sat in a chair in his home staring at the wall in front of him, clutching a drink in his left hand.




“what?” he snapped.


Nick stepped into the room, “have you felt anything else lately?”


“No, not since I passed out. Any word from the council?”


“No, Brian they’ll find her.”


Jumping to his feet, Brian flung his glass into the fire place, glass shattering everywhere, the alcohol causing the fire to flare violently.


“GOD DAMNIT, this is all my fault!!”


Before Nick could reply the phone on the nearby table rang and he grabbed it quickly.




Brian looked at him expectantly and Nick shook his head.


“Hi sweetie, I’m okay, there is some bad stuff going on though. I’ll explain it all later, but Serena has Amanda. Yeah I know, he is really upset. All right, I’ll see you tonight.”


Brian sat back down in his chair his head in his hands, “Lara?”


“yeah, she just got back.”


“I need to get out,” Brian said suddenly jumping to his feet.


“Where are you going?” Nick asked.


“Out,” Brian snapped grabbing his leather jacket off the back of the chair and leaving the room.




Driving through the darkened city Brian’s mind began to wander.


“There has to be some way to find her,” he muttered to himself, his hands clutching the steering wheel until his knuckles were white.


He was passing one of the local Goth clubs when an idea struck him. Jerking the steering wheel quickly to the side he pulled his car into a parking spot and headed towards the club. Pulling the collar of his leather jacket up around his neck, and slipping on a pair of sunglasses he walked into the club not stopping to bother with the bouncer.


Once inside he searched the cloudy building over the top of his glasses. Spotting one of Serena’s lackeys he strode over to the young man and yanked him away from the crowd discretely. Once away he pulled off the glasses and slammed him against the wall.


“Who the hell are you?” the boy demanded.


“You know exactly who I am,” Brian hissed, his eyes, red with anger, glaring down at the boy.


“What do you want?” he asked with a slight tremble in his voice.


“Where is Serena?” Brian demanded.


“I….I…. I don’t know.”


“Bullshit, where the fuck is she!” Brian roared.


“I don’t know,” the boy whimpered.


“I’ll kill you,” Brian threatened as he bared his teeth.


“Warehouse, downtown, 14th and Main, there is a secret basement, I don’t how to get in there though.”


Brian shoved the young man hard, before letting go of him and disappearing into the night. Once back to his car he called Nick and Kevin and told them where to meet him. Brian threw his phone into the seat next to him and didn’t even look back as he left a trail of burned rubber and the sound of screeching tires behind him.



“SIMON!!!!!!!!!!!” Serena screamed from her office.


“What?” Simon demanded as he walked in.


“Fetch me that bitch in the basement, Brian is on his way here.”


“What are you going to do?”


“We are going to be waiting for him,” Serena replied with a laugh.


“He won’t come alone, you know that right?”


“Of course I know that you moron, but he won’t do anything to endanger his princess either. Trust me little brother, I know what I’m doing.”


“Fine Sis,” Simon replied in an insolent tone, “I’ll go get her.”


Serena sat at her desk, an evil smile on her face, “I will be High Councilor, nothing will stop me.”


A few moments later Simon returned with Amanda, who was still unconscious.


“Set her in the chair over there, secure her legs and arms. The take the others out of the building, I want to deal with this personally.”


Simon nodded and did as Serena told him


Serena looked at the clock and chuckled, “not long now, not long at all.”




“She’s in there, I can sense her,” Brian growled as he, Kevin, and Nick surveyed all the possible entrances.


“Alright, they know we are coming, so they’ll be waiting for us.” Kevin said.


“I don’t care, I’m going in,” Brian snapped moving towards the door.


“Brian!” Nick called, but his plea fell on deaf ears as Brian burst through the front door and he and Kevin were forced to follow.


The warehouse was eerily quiet as the three moved through the dark.


“This way,” Brian said, following his senses.


“Something isn’t right, this is to easy,” Nick whispered.


“She’s in there,” Brian replied pointing to a large metal door.


“Something isn’t right, Brian this a trap,” Nick told him.


Brian ignored him and kicked the door in. There in the middle of the room was Amanda, unconscious and battered, secured to a chair.


“Amanda!” Brian cried as he ran to her.


Before Nick and Kevin had a chance to follow the door was slammed shut and the room was immediately shrouded in darkness.


“Serena, show yourself!” Brian cried.


“Why would I do that?” Serena purred from behind him.


Brian turned quickly, “what the hell do you want.”


“Power, Brian, a very simple request.” Serena answered this time from his left hand side.


“What does that have to do with Amanda?”


“Fool! You think I don’t know that you are next in line for High Councilor? You and your mate will rule the society when Kevin reaches his 500 year term. That is this year, I’m not stupid. Soon you are going to be in control, you and your mate.”


“You can’t be my mate Serena, you aren’t mortal.”


“Liar, I don’t have to be mortal, I just can’t be a vampire. I’M NOT STUPID!!” she screamed.


Brian struggled to untie Amanda’s binds. He could feel Serena moving around him, the rustling of her clothing and the breeze as she blew past him.


Suddenly he was knocked off his feet from a powerful blow to his chest. All around him Serena’s laughter filled the room.


“You can’t win! Haven’t you figured that out yet?”


Brian laid on the ground, trying to regain his barrings when suddenly he felt Amanda waking.


“Amanda?” he asked silently, “are you okay?”


“My head hurts, but I think so, where are we?”


“Serena took you, can you get loose? Be careful she’s still in the room.”


“I’m loose,” she replied silently.


“Try to get to the door, I’ll distract her.”


“Alright,” Amanda replied.


“Serena,” Brian groaned, getting to his feet, “Maybe you’re right.”


“Pardon?” she purred appearing in front of him.


“Maybe you are right about Amanda, I mean she didn’t even fight back at the gathering, I can’t rule with a weak mate can I?”


“Exactly, you need someone who knows about control,” Serena replied, unaware of Amanda moving towards the door.


“You and I could rule the society together,” Brian continued.


Suddenly Amanda tripped over something causing a commotion.


“BITCH!!! Where are you?” Serena screamed , lighting the room up with a fiery blast.


Amanda quickly dropped and rolled behind the desk, and out of Serena’s sight.


“Where are you!!” Serena shrieked throwing the chair and shattering it against the wall.


“Right here!” Amanda cried.


Serena turned in time to duck the waist basket that Amanda threw at her head. Serena stood back up as Amanda ran to Brian. Just before she reached him, a invisible force tossed her against the concrete wall like a ragdoll. She moaned once and then slid to the ground limply.


Brian watched horrified before leaping at Serena, an animal like roar escaping his throat as he viciously sank his teeth into the side of the woman’s jugular, killing her instantly.


Nick and Kevin burst through the door a few seconds later to find Brian crouched over the corpse, breathing heavily, blood on his face, and his fangs gleaming. Nick ran to Amanda’s side while Kevin checked Serena to confirm she was dead.


“Brian, what happened,” Kevin asked.


“I had to, she would have killed us both,” he replied standing up and wiping away the blood, “is she okay?”


“She’s unconscious, let’s get out of here before the dark ones return,” Nick replied, picking up Amanda’s limp body.


Brian and Kevin nodded as the foursome disappeared into the darkness.




“Come on Amanda, wake up for me.” Brian whispered.


“Nick, get me another blanket,” the young woman standing next to him told him softly.


Nick nodded and ran off quickly.


“Lara, is she going to be okay?” Brian asked as the young woman gently cleaned Amanda’s wounds.


“It’s hard to tell Brian, she is very weak, her powers are not developed, it is going to be harder for her to recover.”


“I’ll do whatever I have to bring her back.”


“When was the last time she fed?”


“Yesterday morning.”


“She’s needs to feed, it would be best coming from you since you are the one that brought her over, your blood is the key to her powers and strength.”


Brian nodded and reached for his dagger.


“I’ll leave you two alone,” Lara said softly leaving the room.


Brian sat down on the bed next to his mate and gently lifted her head to lay on his chest. “I’ve certainly made a mess of things here haven’t I? You’d think I could at least keep you safe, I should have never brought you over. I should have just left you alone, all I’ve done is hurt you.”


“N…o,” came the raspy reply.


He looked down and saw her looking up at him, a pained expression on her face.


“You’re awake, how do you feel?”


“L….ike…..c….crap,” she answered slowly, her voice scratchy.


“Can you move at all?”


She tried to sit up and immediately fell back against him, a raspy gasp of pain escaping her lips.


“You need to feed,” he told her gently, once again picking up the dagger.


She didn’t move, only watched him as he lifted his wrist to her lips, allowing the crimson elixir to touch her pale lips. She sighed softly as the warmth spread through her body. He allowed her to drink from him until the pain was to much. Gently, he pulled his wrist away and leaned back against the oak headboard. Amanda let out a satisfied sigh as she drifted back to sleep, Brian’s blood coursing through her system, slowly repairing the damage Serena had done as she slept.


It was three days before she was able to get out of bed and come down to the dining room where Lara and Nick had prepared a special meal for Brian and Amanda. The two were standing in front of the large table when Brian entered the room with Amanda in his arms.


“Is everything okay?” Lara asked immediately worried.


“Yes,” Amanda answered, “he insisted on carrying me.”


“Well put her down and have a seat you two,” Nick instructed.


“This looks lovely,” Amanda commented as Brian helped her into her seat.


“Yes, it looks absolutely exquisite,” Brian added as he also sat down.


“We’ll leave the two of you now,” Lara said as she took Nick’s hand and led him out of the room.


“Dear, I don’t know where to start, it looks so delicious,” Amanda commented as she spread her napkin over her lap.


“There are a lot of delicious looking things in this room,” Brian commented, looking at her suggestively.


She blushed and looked down at her plate, embarrassed.


Brian leapt out of his seat and kneeled at her side, “what is wrong, did you not like my compliment?”


“It’s not that, it’s just that I know that I do not look very beautiful right now, my face is scratched and bruised, my arm is in this sling and…..”


Brian cut her off, “stop, you are absolutely gorgeous, and if you finish your dinner I can take you upstairs and prove it.”


She began to blush again and look away but he captured her chin and forced her to look up.


“You are beautiful and don’t you forget it.”




“No buts my pet, now eat you must be famished.”


“I am but it’s hard to eat with one arm.”


Brian chuckled and reached over to pick up a strawberry, and held it delicately to my mouth. He sat transfixed as he watched her soft succulent lips slowly devour the juicy fruit.


Their romantic moment was broken by a scream and the pounding of feet.


“What in hell?” Brian demanded jumping to his feet.


“SHIT SHIT SHIT,” Nick screamed as he and Lara burst through the doors, slamming them behind them.


“What is going on?” Brian demanded.


“Si…..Simon,” Nick panted.


“Oh god, poor Eloise,” Lara whimpered.


“What happened to Eloise,” Amanda asked getting to her feet.


“He killed her,” Nick answer just before the doors flew open causing Lara and Amanda to both scream.


“Nick….the girls get them out of here,” Brian shouted.


“Brian!!!!” Amanda screamed as more of Simon’s henchmen filled the room.


Nick ran for Lara but was stopped and held back by 2 vampires and watched helplessly as another one grabbed Lara.


Brian ran for Amanda who was being cornered by another vampire, but stopped suddenly when Simon jumped him from behind.


“Get the girl!!!” Simon roared as he knocked Brian to the ground.


“Brian, HELP!!!”


“DAMNIT, let her go you bastards!!!” Brian bellowed.


“STOP!!” Simon shouted, his voice shaking the walls.


Everyone froze as Simon got to his feet.


“Bring the girl to me,” he demanded.


“LIKE HELL,” Brian screamed jumping to his feet.


Simon snapped his fingers and Brian was thrown against the wall.


“Fool,” he chuckled, “you really think Serena had the power?”


“What?” Amanda gasped.


“My sister was nothing but a pawn, she had spunk, but no real intelligence, which is why she let you two get away.”


“I don’t understand, how do you plan on taking over the High Council, Brian won’t marry you.”


“You moronic twit,  you are going to marry Brian, and then after you kill him, I take his spot.”


“I would never kill Brian, you are a crazy bastard,” she screamed.


“No, you’d never kill him on your own, but with the right persuasion……..”


“You son of a bitch!!!” she screamed launching herself at him.


He chuckled as she pummeled his chest futilely.


“Are you done,” he asked in a condescending voice as he looked down at her.


“No, I’m not,” she hissed as she kneed him as hard as she could in the groin.


“You bitch,” he groaned as he fell to the ground, clutching himself.


“Nick, Lara…run!” Brian moaned, getting to his feet.


Nick nodded and practically carried Lara out of the room as Amanda ran to Brian and helped her up.


“Brian are you okay?”


“You need to get out of here,” he told her grimacing in pain.


“I won’t leave you here,” she told him trying to help him to the door.


“Your arm,” he whispered referring to her sling.


“I’ll be ok, I need to get you out of here.”


Simon suddenly landed in front of them, “going somewhere?”


“Get out of our way,” Amanda said in a voice she had never heard before.


Simon looked at her strangely and then sneered as his hand connected with her face and she flew backwards. Her head hit the table with a sickening crack and her body went completely limp.


“You bastard. You killed her!” Brian shouted falling to his knees beside her.


“I haven’t killed her,” Simon laughed, “at least not yet.”


“What do you mean?” Brian demanded trying to get to his feet.


Simon threw back his cape with flourish and produced a vile of thick red liquid.


“Where did that come from?”


“From my dearly departed sister,” Simon said uncapping the vile and sniffing it.


“That’s stale,” Brian said, slowly realizing what Simon was going to do.


“I know,” Simon replied pushing Brian aside and scooping Amanda up into his arms and laying her on the table.


“No!” Brian cried weakly crawling towards the table.


Simon laughed and began to tip the vile towards her lips, when her eyes flew open and her hand reached out and knocked the vile away.


Her body slowly levitated off the table as Simon watched, his mouth gaping.


“Get away from me,” she hissed, her usually soft voice reverberating throughout the room.


“What the hell is going on?” Simon demanded.


“Oh my god,” Brian whispered climbing to his feet, “I thought it was a myth.”


“Brian what is happening to me?” Amanda asked settling onto the floor next to him.


“There is a prophecy, its nearly 2000 years old, I always thought it was a myth. There would be a mortal who when brought over would possess powers greater than even the High Council. It says that she will change our world as we now it, she will rid us of the evil ones, and all our kind will live in harmony.”


“Oh please,” Simon laughed, “this is some sort of illusion.”


Amanda looked at Simon and slowly lifted her hand, “get away,” she whispered.


Simon let out a cry of surprise as he was thrown across the room.


“Brian are you ok?” she whispered helping him up.


“This is incredible,” he told her softly.

“I’m going to kill you,” Simon shouted rushing at the couple from behind.


Amanda turned and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground, “you will never hurt any of us again,” she told him.


“What are you going to do?”


“Give you a taste of your own medicine,” she told him snapping her fingers.


The half spilled vile of stale blood appeared in her hand as she squeezed his jaw forcing his mouth open.


“Say hello to your sister,” she hissed as she poured the blood down his throat.


He gasped and gurgled as his body began to shake and she dropped him to the floor and stood back.


“You bitch,” he screamed as he writhed in pain.


Brian and Amanda watched as his form slowly started to shrivel until all that was left was a pile of dust.


“It’s over,” she told Brian softly.


He nodded, leaning heavily on her .


“Your ankle, is it broken?” Amanda asked helping him to a chair.


“I think it may be.”


Amanda was removing his shoe when Nick and Lara burst into the room with Kevin and the rest of the council behind them.


“Are you okay?” Nick asked.


“I think my ankle is broken,” Brian replied.


Kevin looked around at the scene and turned to Brian, “what happened? Where is Simon.”


Brian nodded to the pile of dust, “right there.”


“How did you do it?” Lara asked.


“I didn’t.”


Everyone turned their attention to Amanda who was trying to bust herself with removing Brian’s shoe.


“The prophecy,” Brian stated simply.


“What do you mean? Amanda is the prophecy?”


“Yes, Simon was going to kill her,” he interrupted himself with a gasp.

Amanda had her hands on his ankle and her eyes were closed. Slowly she removed her hands and looked up at him.


“Try to walk,” she whispered.


Brian stood slowly and gingerly put all his weight on his ankle. He had a look of surprise on his face as he began to walk towards the group.


“But, I thought his ankle was broken,” Lara whispered.


“Amanda healed it,” Nick said slowly, “the prophecy is true.”


Amanda looked shy and confused standing alone while everyone stared at her.


“What does this mean?” she whispered.


“It means so many things,” Brian told her, coming over and taking her hand.


“There are many things to be done,” Kevin stated, “we will begin plans for the inauguration at once.”


“Inauguration?” Amanda asked.


“You and Brian,” Lisa replied, “The prophecy says that you and your mate are to become High Councilor”


“But, you and Kevin.”


“Our time to step down has come anyway, we are ready to let someone else be in charge,” she replied with a smile at her husband.


“Come, you need to rest, I will make all the arrangements.” Brian told her gently.


“No,” Nick broke in, “you need to rest too, we’ll make the arrangements, you both go rest.”




“I can’t believe I’m getting married,” Amanda announced softly.


“You look so beautiful,” Ari gushed as she, Lara, Lisa and Kelly stood in front of her.


Amanda spun around happily, “do you  really think so?”


She was wearing an off the shoulder bodice, beaded with pearls and crystals with full Thai silk skirt. Her hair was curled and pulled back with small white roses woven in. A delicate string of pearls adorned her neck and matching pearl drops earring hung lightly from her ears. The girls had spent nearly an hour fusing over her and doing her makeup. The girls, except Lisa who would be standing next to Kevin, were all dressed in off the shoulder lavender gowns, with Lara as her maid of honor. Nick would be Brian’s best man after he walked Amanda down the aisle.


Lisa sniffled, “ I remember when I got married to Kevin. It seems like so long ago.”


The other women nodded and wiped their eyes.


“Can I ask you guys a question?” Amanda asked smoothing her hair in the mirror.


“Sure,” Kelly replied helping to straighten her skirt.


“Why whenever Brian refers to one of you, are you Kevin’s Mate, or Nick’s Mate? Why not say wife?”


“That’s a good question, I guess its just one of those old phrases from our culture that stuck around.”


“So how does this ceremony work? Kevin marries us and swears us in as the new High Councilors? What am I supposed to say, I mean what if I screw up?”


Lisa smiled, “that’s how it works dear, don’t worry, I was scared when I was sworn in, you will be fine. This is a very special day.”


“I can’t believe you are the prophesized one,” Ari said with a sigh from her seat on a settee.


“I still don’t completely understand what it means, Brian explained it a little bit.”


“I don’t know a lot about it, but the prophecy basically states that one day there will a mortal who when brought over will have powers beyond anyone’s comprehension. She will have the power to rid our society of the evil that resides within it and bring us all peace.” Lisa explained.


“How do I do that?” Amanda asked.


“I guess it will just come naturally to you,” Lara told her with a smile.


“Enough talk, girl lets get you married,” Ari said jumping up.


Lisa gave Amanda a quick hug before going to find her husband. A soft knock on the door caused the remaining girls to jump. Nick poked his head in and smiled.


“Are you girls ready?”


Everyone nodded and filed out of the room.


Amanda was taking one last glance in the mirror when Nick walked up behind her.


“You look stunning, Brian is a lucky man.”


“Is this the right thing Nick, I mean we haven’t known each other that long.”


Do you love him?” he asked.


“Yes, I mean I think so, It seems like I’ve known him forever. How does Brian know he loves me? Does he just want me to rule with him?”


“Amanda you just have cold feet. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith, to trust what we feel in our hearts.”


Amanda smiled at him, “how did you get so smart?”


“I’m a lot older than I look remember? I just carry my age well.”


She smiled at him and smacked him playfully on the arms.


“Are you ready?” he asked holding out his arm.


Looping her arm through his, she kissed him on the cheek and nodded.


They excited the dressing room and gathered with the brides maids in the hallway. The organ started playing signaling Kelly and then Ari. Lara went next and as she reached the end of the aisle the wedding march began and everyone stood up. Kevin nodded at Nick and he started down the aisle with Amanda on his arm.


“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she thought to herself, “God he looks so handsome. This is so amazing, in less than a month I went from frumpy secretary to ruler of an entire society and wife to the most gorgeous man in the world.”


“I don’t think I’m the most gorgeous man in the world,” Brian’s voice invaded her thoughts.


She raised her eyes to him standing near Kevin and saw him grinning, “The whole mind reading thing remember?”


She smiled and replied back, “I’ll get you back, remember I’m the prophesized one?”


Brian laughed out loud and everyone turned to look at him, unaware of the silent conversation the two were having.


“Ha Ha Ha,” she mocked him silently.


“You just wait til I get you all alone in that honeymoon suite, we’ll see who is laughing then,” he teased back.


She began to flush a deep crimson as all the dirty thoughts Brian had for later began to float through his mind, at one point she raised her eyes and looked at him shocked. He shrugged his shoulders and grinned.


Amanda shook her head slightly the empty out his thoughts and concentrate on the ceremony.


Nick stopped in front of Kevin, kissed Amanda lightly on the cheek and placed her hand in Brian’s before taking his spot.


The ceremony went by in a flash, the wedding came first, where the couple recited personalized vows.


Brian took her hand lightly in his and slipped the custom made ring on her finger, and while looking deeply into her eyes began reciting his vows.


“Amanda, I love you and I know that this love is meant to be forever. Through all of the uncertainties and trials of the present and future, I promise to be faithful to you and guide and protect you. I promise to love you, comfort and encourage you, be open and honest with you, and stay with you as long as we both shall live.”


Amanda blinked back the tears and took Brian’s ring from Lara and slipped it on his finger.


“Brian, I promise to love, respect and honor you, sharing your plans and interests, ideals and emotions, through all the trials and tribulations of life, as well as the joyous times, caring for you in lifelong commitment. I affirm the special bond and unique relationship that exists between us, and promise to keep it always alive and stay with you as long as we both shall live.”


After the wedding came the inauguration, Amanda stood next to Brian shyly, repeating the words as she was told and smiling at everyone around her.


Kevin turned to the guests and raised his hands above his head  “Ladies and Gentlemen: may I introduce to you the new High Councilors Sir Brian Thomas and his beautiful wife Amanda.”


The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as the couple took their first seat on their new thrones. Amanda sat holding Brian’s hand as Kevin read from the ancient scroll and talked about her being the prophesized one and gave his blessings and final speech as he and Lisa stepped down.


After the ceremony there was a huge reception that seemed to pass is a blur of music and people and before she knew it, she and Brian were in the limousine heading to a quaint bed and breakfast on the coast.


“What are you thinking?” Brian asked her as she gazed out the window.


“Not thinking so much as reflecting. Should things feel differently for me? I mean I’m married and the ruler of an entire society, yet nothing seems that different.”


Brian cupped her chin softly and smiled, “I told you in the beginning, this life is just like any normal life with a few differences.”


“A few differences? I’m a vampire,” she said with a laugh.


“Yes, but remember the benefits of being one?” he whispered as he kissed her softly.


“Mmm, no remind me,” she practically purred.


“Well besides the fact that you have incredible mental powers and the ability to read minds,” he continued nibbling on her neck.


“Yah, mmm keep going,” she replied running her fingers through his hair.


“There is also the fact that all your senses are heightened to incredible levels,” he whispered huskily in her ear as he ran his hands down her arms and over her back.


Amanda swatted at him as he playfully bit at her neck.


“I’m your wife, not your meal,” she teased.


“I disagree,” he growled, “ because as soon as we get to where we are going, I’m going to feast on you.”


“Why wait?” she asked in a deep, sultry voice.


Wiggling his eyebrows provocatively, Brian pressed the button that lifted the tinted barrier between the driver and the couple. They began to giggle like children as the limousine continued to take them towards their coastal hideaway and their new life together.


The End


Tell Amanda what you thought of this story!