Impulsive Decisions

By:  Amanda


August 2000


Cocoa Beach, Florida


The paper that morning warned of temperatures reaching the high 90’s, possibly the hundreds. It may have been this warning that kept most people at home in their air conditioning rather than at the beach. A warning about strong currents may have kept the majority of the people who did venture out away from the water.


That is except for one headstrong young man who was bound and determined to swim that day. The filtration system in his pool had broken 2 days ago, adding to his already horrid week. His fiancé had called it quits last month, stating he wasn’t exciting enough for her. On Monday she had come by to get the rest of her stuff, and she brought her new boyfriend. Then there was his dog who had swallowed god knows what and was at the vets being examined. Then to top it ALL off, his house was broken into and his autographed Michael Jordan rookie card, worth some major money, was stolen. HE NEEDED OUT!!


Amanda Brooks stepped onto the hot sand and sighed happily. Today was her day, no job, no noisy neighbors, no responsibilities, just relaxation. She passed the lifeguard tower and noted the flag warning strong currents. Picking a spot of sand away from the other beach patrons, she spread out her blanket and set down her beach bag. Slipping off her tank top, she adjusted the strap of her bathing suit before settling down on her blanket. Grabbing her sunscreen out of her bag she applied a generous amount not wanting her sun sensitive skin to burn. Then she grabbed her book and settled down to soak up the rays and lose herself in John Sanford’s latest novel.


She was about a fifty pages in when a splash from the water caught her attention. She looked up and saw a young man in his twenties waist deep in the cerulean water. His back was to her and she could tell that he was muscular. When he moved the muscles in his golden tan back rippled. She watched as he dove under the water and then came back shaking his head, causing water droplets to fling off of his sandy blond hair. She watched for a few more minutes admiring the grace in which he moved through the water, he was definitely a water baby.


Amanda had gone back to her book when she heard a surprised yelp and a call for help. Looking up she noticed the young man struggling to keep his head above the water. Remembering the strong current flags from earlier she immediately knew he was caught in the undertow. Calling up her training as a lifeguard at the neighborhood pool for three summers she quickly stripped off her shorts and raced to help him.


"Help," he screamed just before he was pulled back under.


Amanda swam as hard as she could, her arms pushing her forward. He was pretty far out and her lungs felt like they were on fire, but still she kept going. She reached him just as he came back up, his arms flailing, his eyes wide.


"Hold on, I’ve got you," she cried trying to grab his arm.


He saw her and immediately reached and grabbed her arm.


"Shit let go, you’re going to take us both under," she screamed before she was drug under water with him.


She struggled to break free of his grasp, pushing away from him with her feet and kicking with all her might back to the surface. She gasped for air as her head broke through the water. Shaking her head to get the hair out her eyes she dove back under and grabbed the boy from behind slipping her left arm around his chest and using her right arm to pull them back up.

He gasped for air and started coughing as he surfaced. Holding onto him tightly Amanda kicked towards the shore. When she got close enough to let her feet touched she dropped down and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, supporting his weight as she helped him out of the water. When they reached the beach he flopped down onto the sand coughing, his eyes squeezed closed as he tried to calm himself.

Amanda dropped to her knees next to him. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yah, I think so," he groaned.

When he didn’t say anything else, she shrugged her shoulder and walked back towards her blanket.

"Hey wait," he called out.

She turned and saw him struggling to his feet. Walking back towards him she let him lean on her and gain his balance.

"Can you stand now?" she asked.

"I think so," he replied letting go.

Immediately his knees started to give out and he reached out for her. She wrapped her arm around his waist and let him lean on her as she led him back to her spot. Carefully she slipped out of his grasp and helped him sit.

"Just keep your head in between your legs for a minute," she told him.

There were a few minuets of silence as he struggled to catch his breath. Amanda just sat there watching him. His arms were propped up on his knees and his wet hair was hanging in front of his face.

Finally he brought up his head and looked at her.

"Thanks," he said softly.

She smiled and pushed a wet piece of hair out of her face.

"Not a problem, I’ve been a lifeguard for three summers, I wasn’t going to sit here and watch you drown. Didn’t you see the strong current warnings?"

"Yah, but I thought I could handle it. I guess I was wrong," he replied dropping his head again.

She patted his back, "that’s okay, everyone makes mistakes."

Then she stood up and started packing her things up.

"Where are you going?" he asked looking up.

"Well I have enough excitement for today, I need to catch my bus back to Orlando."

"I didn’t even get your name."

"It’s Amanda."

"Amanda, I’m Brian," he said holding out his hand.

She shook it lightly, marveling at how much larger his hands were than hers.

‘Well it was nice to meet you Brian, despite the circumstances, be careful next time okay."

"Wait, I want to thank you for saving my life."

"No that’s okay, it’s not necessary."

"Please, I really would like to. Maybe I could take you to dinner. I live in Orlando too."

‘Did you drive here?" she asked.


"If you want to show me your gratitude you could give me a lift home, I hate riding the bus."

"I could do that," he said standing up, "and then maybe we could go to dinner later tonight."

"Slow down there, I don’t even know you."

"I’ll tell you about me while we drive home," he said, "just let me grab my stuff, it’s down by the water."

"Are you okay on your feet now?" she asked.

"I’m fine," he said, jogging towards his things as if to demonstrate.

She shook her head as he jogged away. What was she doing, excepting a ride from a perfect stranger. He could be an killer for all she knew.

"Ready to go?" he asked coming back with his stuff.

She looked at him thoughtfully, "you aren’t gonna chop me up and scatter my body parts are you?"

"Nah I stopped doing that a long time ok, now I’ll just leave you in a ditch," he replied with a boyish grin.

"Oh well if that’s all, then lead the way," she replied following him to his car.

"Ok spill it," Amanda said as Brian pulled out onto the highway, "who are you?"

He laughed, "I’m Brian Littrell, 25 years old, youngest of two."

"Wait Brian Littrell as in Backstreet Boys?"

"That’d be me, you a fan?"

"I used to be, I mean I still am, but I’m really busy right now, so I haven’t had time for much of anything. I did buy Millennium not to long ago."

"Do you like it?"

"Yah, it’s really good, I love Perfect Fan."

"That’s my song, I’m very proud of it."

"Really, I didn’t know that you wrote it, you have an amazing way with words."

"Stop, you’re making me blush."

"Okay, Brian Litrell, I know you’re 25, youngest of two and a famous pop star anything else."

"Well I’m a country boy at heart who enjoys long walks on the beach, moonlit picnics, basketball, singing, and hanging out with my friends. I’ve also been known to be a prankster. Your turn."

"Okay I’m 20, I’m not famous and I’m a Libra. I also enjoy the beach, and moonlit picnics, I’m not really into sports, I’d be more comfortable with my notebook and some sharpened pencils to write with."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

He was watching her out of the corner of his eye and saw that she was pale.

"Are you okay?"

"Umm, yah, turn left at the next light."

Noting she was uncomfortable with the question he dropped it.

"So now that you know me, can I buy you dinner?"

"I don’t know, I mean why would you want to do that?"

"I don’t know, possibly because you saved my life, and I want to show you my gratitude."

"You’re giving me a ride home" she answered.

"You are just going to make this difficult for me aren’t you. It’s just dinner, it’s not like I’m asking you to marry me or something."

"Turn right here, Brian I’m sure you are very nice but I just don’t think it would be a good idea."


"Just trust me," she replied softly, "it’s the apartments on your left, number 10."

Brian pulled into the complex and parked his car, "can I at least have your number?"

"You are a persistent one aren’t you?"

"Yup," he answered smiling.

She opened the door and stepped out, shutting the door behind her. Slinging her bag over her shoulder she leaned in the open window of the passenger side.

"Thanks for the ride Brian, no more swimming when there are strong currents warnings okay."

With that she straightened up and patted the hood of his car before disappearing up the stairwell and into her apartment.

She watched from the privacy of her window as Brian shook his head and then backed out.

"Amanda is that you?" a voice called.

"Yah Lara it’s me," she answered stepping away from the window.

"You’re home early," her roommate/best friend observed.

"Yeah, I got a ride home."

"Really from who."

"This guy named Brian."

"Brian huh, was he cute," she asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.


"Do I know him, maybe he has a cute brother." Lara said.

"You might know of him, ever heard of Brian Littrell?"

"Backstreet Boys Brian Littrell? Yeah right you got a ride home from a Backstreet boy." Lara scoffed.

" I did, he wanted to thank me."

"For what, saving his life?"

"Actually yes, he got caught in the undertow and I pulled him out."

"You’re serious, you saved Brian Litrell’s life."


"What he say?" Lara asked excitedly.

Letting out a sigh Amanda sat down and recounted the entire story to Lara.

"Let me get this straight, he offered to take you to dinner and you turned him down! Why the hell did you do that?"

"Lara you know why."

"Amanda that is such bull, you know you could go out if you wanted to."

"Lara I can’t, I made a promise."

"Amanda," Lara sighed, "I’m not going to change your mind am I?


"You could have at least got his number, so I could have hooked up with that fine specimen of a man Nick."

"You are a freak Lara, I’m gonna take a shower. Keep an eye on….."

"I will Amanda, don’t worry."

"Thanks Lara," Amanda said before disappearing down the hall.


Later that evening Lara was sitting on the couch watching MTV when the doorbell rang. Muting the sound she got up and answered the door.

"I’m sorry I must have the wrong apartment, I was looking for Amanda."

"I’m her roommate Lara, come on in Brian."

"You know who I am?" he asked as he stepped inside.

"Yeah, I’m a fan, besides I was just watching MTV and you were on it," she answered.

"Oh I guess that would do it," he replied rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Would you like me to get Amanda?"

"Please." he replied.

Smiling Lara walked down the hall, "Manda come here for a minute.

"Why?" Brian heard her say.

"Just do it," Lara replied.

"What do you want Lara?" Amanda asked walking into the living room with a small child on her hip.

"You have a visitor," she said gesturing towards Brian, "here let me take Lucas."

Lara took the little boy away from Amanda and left the room.

"Brian, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well since you wouldn’t go with me to dinner, I brought dinner to you," he said holding up a box, "its half pepperoni, half cheese."

"You just won’t give up, come sit down, I have a feeling you are curious about Lucas."

"You don’t have to tell me, it’s none of my business if you have a son."

Amanda smiled, "Lucas isn’t my son, he’s my nephew. Do you mind if Lara and Lucas join us, he loves pizza."

"Is he old enough to eat pizza? He looks awfully small."

"He’s 2, it’s okay as long as I cut it up."

"Sure, I don’t mind, there is plenty here," he replied smiling.

"Lara, can you bring Lucas in here," Amanda called.

Lara walked in a few minutes later with the little boy. Amanda smile and took him in her arms, kissing him lovingly.

"Brian, this is Lucas, Luke I would like you to meet Brian."

"Hi Lucas," Brian said reaching out to tickle the little boys tummy.

The little boy smiled before burying his head in Amanda’s shoulder.

"Can I hold him?" Brian asked.

"Sure," she replied handing him over.

"Hey there buddy," Brian said.

Lucas leaned back in Brian’s arms and surveyed him closely. Nodding his head in satisfaction he reached up and touched Brian’s nose with his tiny hand.

"Hwello, my name Is Lucas Michael Thomas and I’s two years and a half years old."

"Hello, my name is Brian Thomas Litrell and I’m 25 years old."

"you old," Lucas declared. 

Amanda laughed, "am I old Lucas?"

"Yup and Auntie Lara too.”

Brian laughed, "you are cute."

"He knows that," Amanda replied rolling her eyes, "Lara, can you get some plates? Brian there is soda in the fridge. I’m going to cut up some pizza for Lucas."

A few minutes later they were situated around the kitchen table, Lucas was in his high chair munching happily on his pizza and banana slices. Lara had taken her pizza into the living room to watch TV, so that left Brian and Amanda to talk.

"So you baby-sit Lucas for your brother or sister?’ he asked taking a big bite.

Amanda set down her pizza and shook her head sadly, "he lives with me."

"Can I ask why?"

"My brother Michael and his wife Rebecca were killed in a car accident about 6 months ago, along with Rebecca’s parents."

"Oh man, I’m sorry I didn’t realize."

"You didn’t know, its no big deal. Since my parents both passed away from cancer a couple years back, I’m the only one he had left. So Lara and I got an apartment together and she helps me take care of him."

"Wow, that’s a lot of responsibility for one person. Do you work?"

"Yah, I work 3 nights a week from 7 ‘til 3 am at a 24 hour lounge and then I go to night classes three nights. Lara has classes at UCF from 11 until 5 Monday through Friday so she watches him when I’m at work or classes and I watch him the rest of the day. Today was actually my one day off so she told me to go to the beach and she would take care of him."

"That takes dedication," he mused glancing over at Lucas who was smearing pizza sauce in his hair.

"Yeah, but I love Lucas so I do what I have to do. I mean I could put him in daycare, but I don’t want to. I mean he lost his mother, father, and his grandparents. I don’t want to just stick him with some stranger. Rebecca’s family was very wealthy so he has a huge trust fund that I’m allowed to take money from to use for him."

"You work at a lounge, doing what?" Brian asked.

"I strip," she replied.

She couldn’t help but laugh when his eyes bugged out of his head, "Brian I’m kidding, I’m a waitress."

"Oh ok, you scared me for a second. I mean not that there is anything wrong with stripping but I can’t picture you stripping, I mean …. That’s not what I meant I didn’t mean I was trying to picture you stripping,, but ….. you just don’t seem the type," he spat out his face red.

She started laughing so much she started choking on her pop, "you’re face is so red."

Brian smiled through his blush, "leave me alone."

"All done Mana," Lucas announced.

"Oh Lucas, look at you, you need a bath now," Amanda said with a sigh.

"I’ll give him one," Brian offered.

"No you don’t have to do that, thank you though it was sweet of you to offer."

"Can I at least help you?" he asked.

"Well I guess," she replied.

"Bath time, bath time," Lucas called happily.

"Lara I need to give Lucas a bath can you pick up the kitchen?’ Amanda called.

"Sure," she called back.

"Thanks! Ok Lucas lets get you into the bath," Amanda said lifting him out of his highchair.

Brian followed her down the hall and into the bathroom. He undressed Lucas while Amanda ran the water.

"Ok Luke, in the tub," she said when she had it the right temperature.

Brian picked him up and set him down in the tub. Lucas squealed and splashed his legs happily. Brian picked up a rubber duck off the side of the bath and began to swim it around in the water quacking.

"Rubber ducky you’re the one, quack quack, you make bath time so much fun," he started to sing.

Lucas clapped happily and Amanda couldn’t help but smile.

"You’re good at this," she commented.

"Natural instinct I guess," he replied.

They let Lucas play for a few more minutes before shampooing his hair and washing his body. After draining the water, Amanda left him with Brian to dry off while she got his pajamas. When she came back Brian had him standing on the closed toilet seat with a towel around his waist while he was blow drying the little boys light blond hair to stick straight up.

She started to laugh at the site. Brian looked up and smiled.

"Ok Lucas, which jammies? Mario or Elmo."

Lucas looked at Brian for an answer. Brian leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Mario!" Lucas said loudly.

"Mario it is," she replied slipping the shirt over his head. Brian lifted him up so she could slip the bottoms on.

"Ok bedtime," Amanda announced.

"Brian come," Lucas said.

"Sure buddy I’ll come," Brian replied.

Brian followed Amanda down the hall to Lucas’s room and set the little boy down in his race car bed.

"I say prayers now right Manda?" Lucas asked.

She nodded and the little boy clasped his hands together. "God bless mommy and daddy, and Manda, and Lara and Brian. Oh man."

Oh man?" Brian whispered.

"He means amen," she replied.

"Sing song now," Lucas requested snuggling under his blankets.

"Can I sing a song for you?" Brian asked.

Lucas nodded and Amanda smiled as Brian became the opening lines to Perfect Fan. By the time he reached the second chorus Lucas was fast asleep. Amanda leaned over and kissed the little boy’s forehead before turning off the bedside lamp and tiptoeing out of the room.

"He liked that," she told Brian once they were out in the hall, "thank you."

Brian smiled, "do you work tomorrow?"

"At seven," she replied.

"do you think I could take you and Lucas somewhere tomorrow afternoon? Before you go?"

"where did you have in mind?"

"Has he been to Sea World?"

"I don’t think so," she replied.

"Great, and I’ll bring a one of the guys so that Lara can come."

"Bring Nick, she likes him."

"I’ll bring Nick," he promised as they entered the living room where Lara was.

"Bring Nick where?" Lara asked curiously.

"Brian is taking Lucas and I to Sea World tomorrow, and you can come if you want. He promised to bring Nick."

"Seriously! Won’t you guys be recognized?"

"Well tomorrow’s Sunday so it shouldn’t be to crowded besides people in Orlando are pretty cool about not mobbing us," Brian replied.

"This is so cool," Lara gushed.

"I’ll come by around 11, is that okay?" Brian asked.

"11 is fine," Amanda replied.

"Great, I’ll see you tomorrow then," he said.

Amanda walked him to the door. "Thanks Brian, I’ll see you tomorrow."

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow."

Then he disappeared into the black night. Sighing she shut the door and leaned against it.

"Tomorrow," she repeated before heading off to bed.


Sunday 10:45 am : Outside

Brian stood in front of Amanda’s door , a shopping bag in one hand, with Nick right next to him.

"Nick do I look okay?" he asked smoothing his shirt nervously.

"Brian will you clam down, you look fine. You barely know this chick why are you so nervous?"

"I don’t know man I just am. Yesterday when she rescued me I swear I thought she was an angel. I was so scared, I thought I was going to die. I was praying for god to help me and then all of the sudden there she was."

"Oh please, I think I’m going to be sick. Besides Brian she has a kid, she can’t do things like other girls you’ve dated. She has a major responsibility, she can’t just drop everything on a whim to do something with you."

"Thank you Dad, I so needed a lecture. Lucas isn’t her son Nick, and besides he’s a very sweet kid."

"Yeah I’m sure he is, but are you ready to be a father to him? If you get involved with her that’s what you’ll be. You’ll be his male role model, the closet thing to a father he has."

"I’d make a good dad," Brian told him.

"Ok Brian, just answer one question. Is it fair? If they both grow attached to you and Lucas looks up to you like a father, is it fair that you are gone 10 months out of the year?"

"They can come.."

"No they can’t Brian. Be reasonable, you cannot bring a two year old on tour with you. You and I are grown men and we can barely handle the life, how can a child do it?" Nick reasoned gently.

"I…I… can we not talk about this now. I want to take them to Sea World, we’ll venture down that path when we come to it."

With that he knocked on the door.


Sunday 10:45 am : Inside


“ Manda do I look okay?” Lara asked smoothing down her blue tank top.


“Lara you look fine, just calm down.” Amanda answered not even looking up from where she was feeding Lucas.


“You didn’t even look!” Lara accused.


Amanda turned around, “you look fine, why are you so nervous?”


“Why am I nervous!!! This Nick freaking Carter, have you seen the man, I mean good god, hot damn,” Lara babbled.


“Lara, honey, sweetie, come here for a sec,” Amanda said switching to her motherly voice.


“What?” Lara asked.


“CALM DOWN!” she yelled throwing a wet wash cloth at her face.


Lara shrieked and threw it back, “geez Amanda, nothing like being subtle. Aren’t you gonna get dressed?”


“I’m not getting dressed until I feed him, I’ve already got food all over me.”


“What if they show up early?”




“Oh crap,” Lara cried out, “what am I going to do, what if he doesn’t like me, I mean this is Nick Carter.”




“Well, you’ll never know if you don’t let them in.”


“What? Oh shit,” Lara exclaimed running for the door.


“Okay Bruner, stay calm, he is just a person,” she told herself as she opened the door.




"Hey Brian," Lara greeted ushering them inside.


“Where is the other half of our party?” Brian asked.


“What?” Lara asked distracted by the incredible specimen of a man in front of her.


“Lucas and Amanda, where are they?” he repeated


 "Oh, umm yah Lucas and Manda are running a little behind. They are in the kitchen."


Brian rolled his eyes when he realized why she was so distracted, "I forgot to introduce you guys. Nick this is Lara, Lara this is Nick."


"Hi Lara," Nick said shaking her hand, grinning broadly as he gave her the once over.


"Hi Nick," she whispered  suddenly very shy.


Stifling a laugh, Brian left the two and went to look for Amanda and Lucas.



“Please Lucas, eat your cereal, for Manda.”


"Amanda?" Brian called stepping into the kitchen.


Amanda looked up from her seat in front of Lucas’s highchair. "Hey , sorry we are running late, Lucas decided he didn’t want to get up this morning. Then we decided to chuck our oatmeal at Aunt Amanda and spill an entire carton of orange juice."


"Ouch, hey why don’t you get ready. I’ll finish feeding him and get him dressed."


‘You sure?" she asked, “I don’t you do get stuff all over you.”


"Positive, now go."


"Ok, if you insist," she replied with a smile.


She got up and started to leave. In the doorway she turned around and saw Brian imitating an airplane with Luca’s spoon and coaxing him to eat. Smiling she ran upstairs to get ready.


After a quick shower and a change of clothes, she quickly fixed her hair and put on a little makeup. Grabbing her shoes and wallet, she left her room. She knocked on the door to Lucas’s room.




"Umm , we’ll be down in a sec," he called.


She could hear Lucas giggling, "do you need some help?"


"Nope, be down in a sec," he called back.


"Ok," she replied shrugging her shoulders and walking down the steps.



"So Lara, how long have you lived in Florida?" Nick asked.

There had been an uncomfortable silence when Brian first left, but once they started talking there was no stopping them.

"I’ve been here all my life. After the accident, I move out of my house and into this apartment with Amanda to help with Lucas."

"How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking."

"I’m 27,” she replied praying it wouldn’t be an issue.

"That’s cool. Drinking age huh?" he answered as like it was no big deal.

"Yup, not that I care, I mean I don’t drink. It just doesn’t appeal to me."

"Me neither, I mean once every so often if we go out, but not very much. Besides in my business you can’t afford to get drunk and make a scene, it would be all over the tabloids in a flash."

"That’s true, I can see the headlines now, Backstreet Boys Streaks Nude through New York City in a drunken frenzy."

Nick giggled, "I can just hear the lecture now, "Boys what you did was unprofessional, irrational and damaging to your career, BLAH BLAH BLAH," he said imitating his manager.

"Hey Lara," Amanda greeted as she can into the room.

"Oh hey Manda, I’d like you to meet Nick. Nick this is my best friend and roommate Amanda."

"Hello Nick, I hope Lara here hasn’t talked your ear off."

"Nah, she and I had a great conversation," he answered with a smile.


Lara’s eyes just about rolled back in her with pleasure


"Ok, we’re ready!" Brian called.


Amanda turned around and saw Brian walking into the room with Lucas holding his hand and burst out laughing. He had Lucas dressed in a miniature version of his outfit. Khaki cargo shorts, a wife beater with a plaid over-shirt, sneakers and a backwards white hat. Lucas was even wearing a little gold chain around his neck.


"How in the world?" Lara asked standing up.


"Brian he looks adorable, but where did these clothes come from?’ Amanda asked.


"I stopped by the mall before I got here," He answered with a grin.


"Brian this stuff must have cost a fortune, I can’t let you do this."


"Sorry the clothes are non returnable without the receipt and I tore it up."

"Let me pay you for them at least," she said reaching for her purse.

"No, this was a gift from me to Lucas."

"But Brian.."

"But nothing, come on let’s go before it gets to crowded," he replied changing the subject.


“WAIT! What is that on his arm?’ she asked moving Lucas’s shirt sleeve up, “a tattoo!”


“it’s a temporary one.”


“It’s a Backstreet tattoo,” she laughed turning to Lara


Brian grinned and shrugged his shoulders, “what can I say.”


Amanda rolled her eyes and kissed Brian on the cheek, “thank you for being so sweet.”


‘Well….um…I.. uh…are you guys ready?” he stammered.


"We need to put Lucas’s car seat in your car," Amanda said indicating to the car seat next to the door.

Brian nodded and grabbed the car seat. Amanda and Lara grabbed their purses and Nick picked up Lucas. After locking the front door, Amanda helped Brian get the seat in while Nick and Lara kept Lucas entertained.

Once the seat was in safely Amanda fastened Lucas in and everyone else climbed into the car. After making sure everyone had everything they needed and that Lucas was in tight, Brian carefully backed out the parking lot and eased onto the road.

"You Brian, what’s up with your driving, you are moving like an old lady,"  Nick commented as a station wagon full of kids sped past them.

"I’m going 45," Brian answered.

"The speed is 70 on the freeway Brian," Nick replied.

"Shut up man, there is a little kid in this car, I’m not speeding." Brian growled.

"Brian you are going 25 mile under the speed limit, you can get pulled over for going that slow."

"Fine I’m going 50, happy now," Brian snapped.

Nick just shook his head and leaned back in his seat. Amanda was sitting in the front seat an turned around to look at Lara. Lara was grinning and Amanda smiled back at her before turning to face the front.


"Fishies!!!!!" Lucas exclaimed as the group stood in front of the dolphin tank


"Those are dolphins," Amanda told him.




Brian laughed and lowered himself to Lucas’s eye level, "dolphins Lucas, not Fishies, dolphins."


"dol.. dol… fishies," he cried.


Nick chuckled, and leaned over to Lara. "He’s cute, Brian really seems to like him, Amanda too."


"Yeah, I just hope they don’t get to attached. I tried to talk about it with her, I mean once you guys go back on tour what will they do then. Lucas already thinks of Amanda as his mother, sometimes he calls her Amanda sometimes mom. What if he gets attached to Brian and starts to think of him as Dad, then Brian leaves, it will be like losing his dad all over again. "


"Wow, I had almost the same conversation with Brian before we showed up," Nick replied.


"So I’m not just being irrational and pessimistic like Amanda said?" Lara asked.


"No, you’re just looking out for your friend."


"I just hope the same thing doesn’t happen to me," Lara answered turning to smile at Nick.


"What do you mean?"


"I hope I don’t get attached and then have my heart broken," she replied giving him a flirty smile.


"Well I hate to tell you, Brian likes Amanda."


"I wasn’t referring to Brian," she replied.


Nick ducked his head, "awww gee, I feel so special," he replied with a killer grin.


Lara laughed and pushed him slightly, "weirdo."


Nick crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue, "who are you calling weirdo," he asked slightly garbled in his speech.

Lara snickered and turned back to Brian and Amanda.

"Hey where’d they go?" she asked.

Nick peered over her shoulder, "I don no," he replied his tongue still sticking out of his mouth.


"Hey let’s go on that!" Brian cried pointing to the Journey to Atlantis ride.

"Brian we can’t take Lucas on that," Amanda pointed out.

"Oh yeah, darn."

"Actually Lucas is a convenient excuse, because there is no way in hell you could get me on that thing. Look at it, the drop is almost completely vertical. I be holding on to you so tight you’d have to pry me off."

"I wouldn’t mind," he thought.

"Chicken," he taunted her.

"Bite me."

"When and Where," he replied with a grin.

"Let’s go see the new baby killer whale," she suggested.

"We’ll see him when we go to the big water show around 2. Let’s take Lucas to the Caribbean Tide Pool, he’ll like that."

Amanda smiled as Brian took one side of the stroller and they pushed it together. When they got to the attraction Brian took Lucas out of the stroller and over to the water.

"Want to touch a starfish Lucas?"

Lucas squealed with delight as Brian pulled out the creature for him to run his tiny fingers over.

The attendant smiled at Amanda, "you son is adorable. He looks just like his father."

“Umm, thank you,” she replied not wanting to try and explain it.

Amanda stood there watching the two, man and child, and realized she and Brian could pass for Lucas’s parents.

“Stop it Amanda,” she told herself, “ there is no way a famous musician would want a girl raising a kid.”

"Fishies!" Lucas cried out pointing to the large tank of tropical fish.

Brian set the starfish back in the tide pool and walked over with Lucas to the tank.

"Aren’t they pretty Lucas, look at all the colors," he said pointing to the fish.

"Pretty!" Lucas copied.

"Look Mama, pretty," he said to Amanda as she kneeled next to him.

Brian looked up at Amanda, "mama?" he mouthed over Lucas’s head.

She shrugged, "sometimes he gets confused and calls me Mama. Lucas I’m not mama, remember."

"Mama, an angel," he answered.

"Yes sweetie, mama is an angel," she murmured stroking the top of his head.

"Manda, I’s hungry," Lucas announced.

"Me too, let’s go get some lunch," Brian replied picking up Lucas and putting on his shoulders.

Lucas laughed and clapped his hands as Brian galloped next to Amanda who was pushing the stroller. When they arrived at the food vendors they spotted Nick and Lara sitting at a table eating ice cream and talking.

"Hey guys," Amanda called.

"If it isn’t the happy family," Nick teased.

"Shut up Nick, some park attendant already thought we were his parents," Amanda replied sitting down on one of the chairs.

Brian looked up from tickling Lucas, "someone thought I was his father?"

"Yeah, the lady at the tide pools. It’s the blond hair and the blue eyes. Plus the fact that you guys are dressed alike," she replied with a smile.

"Hey we look cool, don’t we Lucas?"

"Cool," Lucas repeated.

"Oh no, do not teach him to talk like that," Amanda pleaded.

Grinning Brian leaned over and whispered in Lucas’s ear.

"Dats PHAT man,’ Lucas cried proud of himself.

"PHAT man, PHAT man," he kept repeating.

"Brian," Amanda whined, "you will pay for this."

"How about I pay for lunch, what do you want?" he asked.

"That’s okay Brian, I’ll get it."

"No," he answered stubbornly, "I want to pay."

Amanda stood up and placed her hands on her hips, "no, I’m paying," she answered stubbornly.

Brian handed Lucas to Lara and stood up to face her, he had the advantage of height, but she wasn’t going to let that deter her.

"I’m paying," he answered mimicking her pose with his hands on his hips.

"Keep dreaming Litrell, I’m buying mine and Lucas’s lunch."

"No I’m buying it," Brian replied dashing towards the food stands.

When he got there he realized he had no idea what to get for either of them. Turning around he saw Amanda smirking at him. Grumbling he walked back to the table.

"How about we go Dutch and each pay half," he suggested.

"Now that I can deal with, come on let’s get some food."


"We both had a great time today," Amanda told Brian as they walked up towards her apartment.

He was carrying Lucas who had crashed in the car.


"So when do you leave for work?" he asked as she unlocked the door.  


"It’s 5:30 now, If I’m out of here by 6:15 I’ll make it by 7."


"What’s the name of the place?"




"I know where that is, it’s about a 20 minute drive, why do you leave so early."


"I don’t have a car, Lara does but it’s not running right now. So it’s the bus or walking for me."


"Oh, well I guess I better let you get ready, where do you want Lucas?"


"His room is fine," she said nodding towards the hallway.


When Brian came out of Lucas’s room he didn’t see Amanda anywhere.


"Amanda?" he called softly so he didn’t wake Lucas.


"Just a sec," she called.


He walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Nick and Lara were still outside talking, so the apartment was fairly quiet.


"Sorry I had to change," Amanda said from behind him.


He turned around and stared at her, his jaw nearly hitting the floor.


"What in the hell are you wearing?" he asked.


"My uniform, why?" she asked as she put her earrings in.


"Where’s the rest of it," he asked looking pointedly at her black mini skirt and matching halter top.


"This is it, it’s what all the waitresses wear."


"But it’s so, so short."


"Manager says it brings in the business, and I get good tips. After a while you get used to the drunk men hanging all over you, hitting on you, grabbing your butt."


"They grab your butt," he asked immediately jealous and suspicious of this place she worked at.


"Sometimes, I just move their hand and pretend it didn’t happen."


"You shouldn’t work in a place like that, men like that take advantage of girls like you."


"Girls like me?"


"Sweet, pretty, innocent."


"Brian, I’ve been working there for a long time, I know how to handle it."


"Hey guys!" Lara said as she entered the apartment with Nick trailing behind her.


"Hey girl. Look Brian don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I need to go to work now."


"Have fun, Nick is gonna stay here and hang out, and help me baby-sit, do you mind?" Lara asked.


"Of course not, just behave, I don’t want Lucas to get nightmares."


"HAHA very funny."


"I can give you a ride since Nick is staying here," Brian offered.


"Only if it’s on your way," Amanda replied grabbing her jacket and purse.


"It’s like five minutes out of my way," Brian replied, "it’s fine."


"You sure?"


"Positive," he answered with a million dollar smile.


"Okay, Lara I’ll be home around 3."


"I’ll leave the light on," she replied not even looking up from the TV.


She nodded and left the apartment, Brian was waiting at his car for her. He held open the door for her and she smiled as she slid in.


"You know, you’ve thanked me 5 times over for pulling you out of the water, you don’t have to keep doing things for me," she told him as he got in and started the car.


"I like doing things for you," Brian replied backing out of the apartment complex.




"Why not, you’re sweet and we get along great."


"I’m nothing special, there are a lot more girls out there that I’m sure you get along with just as well as we do."


"But I don’t like them, I like you," Brian replied.


"Again I ask why?"


"And again I reply why not?"


"I have a child, I mean granted he’s not mine but I still raise him, I can’t do things that other girls could do. I can’t leave him and go clubbing or be spontaneous. With Lucas everything has to be planned."


"What brought this on? We were having a great time today, why do you bring this up all of the sudden?"


"I was getting ready and I was thinking about the day. I remembered the woman assuming you were Lucas’s father. You are famous and barely ever home, and you’re only 25, I don’t want you to feel like you have some obligation to be Lucas’s father, if we get into a relationship."


"I think Lucas’s is the sweetest little boy Amanda, I’m wouldn’t get upset that people think I’m his father."


"What about the press, or the fans? If the press thought you were his father they would be all over it, the fans would have a conniption fit over it."


"Screw them, my life is not on display for their approval or scrutiny. I’m my own person and no one is going to tell me who I can and cannot date. If want to date a beautiful woman who saved my life then I will. So what if she happens to also raise her nephew."


She was silent for a minute and finally his curiosity got the better of him and he had to glance over at her. She was staring at him, her eyes wide, her mouth open.


"What?’ he asked defensively reaching up to pat his hair.


"You really mean what you just said?" she asked.


"Yes, every word."


"Brian that was the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time, most guys don’t even stick around long enough for me to explain that Lucas isn’t my son."


"Well, gee…" he replied rubbing his neck sheepishly with one hand as a blush crept up to his cheeks, " I guess I’m just different than most guys."


Amanda smiled as Brian pulled up into the parking lot of Jake’s.


"Thanks for the ride," she told him kissing his cheek before climbing out.


"Hey Amanda," he called leaning out the window.


"Yah," she replied turning around.


"If any of those guys try to grab your butt, tell them they better not because you’re my woman."


"No I’m not, you never asked me."


"You will be soon enough," he replied with a confident tone.


"You keep telling yourself that Litrell."


He grinned and climbed back into his car and waved the Amanda as he left.


"Who was that?"


Amanda turned and saw another waitress, Sarah, smiling at her.


"That was Brian," Amanda replied as they walked inside together.


"Brian huh? He looked pretty cute from what I could see. Not to tall with a mop of sandy blond hair, I bet he even has blue eyes too." Sarah teased.


"The bluest you’ve ever seen," Amanda replied with a wistful sigh.


"Sounds like you really like the guy."


"I do," Amanda replied.




8 Months Later


“Happy Birthday dear Lucas, Happy Birthday to you,” 5 male voices harmonized perfectly.


Lucas clapped happily from his booster seat as his Aunt Amanda set a Rugrats birthday cake in front of him with three candles burning bright.


“Make a wish Lucas,” she told him.


“I wish dat I could take Uncle Nick, Uncle Kwevin, Uncle Howeee, Uncle AJ, and Bwian to pre-school for show and tell!” he cried before blowing out his candles.


The guys laughed as Lara flipped on the lights.


“If we can fit it into our schedule, we’ll be there little dude,” AJ told him ruffling his hair.


“Manda, can I talk to you for a second,” Brian asked pulling her to the side.


She looked over at Lucas who was happily stuffing his face with cake and then showing his chewed food to Nick, who was doing it back, and nodded.


“What’s up Cutie?” she asked lovingly, touching the side of his face.


“ You know I love you right?”


“Well, its not like you tell me every day,” she joked, “but I had a hunch.”


He smiled, “ok, please don’t freak out or anything, but well, I was sitting there watching you with Lucas and you make such a wonderful mother. You are so good with him and frankly everything I want the mother of my potential children to be. Plus you are the most amazing girlfriend and well, I tried to imagine my life without you and I couldn’t. I know this is sudden but Amanda will you marry me?” He asked kneeling and looking up at her.


“Ma…..mar……Marry you?” she stammered.


He nodded, smiling at her.”


“What about Lucas?”


“I want to adopt him, not replace his father, but give him a pretty good adoptive dad.”


“But…but your career….and….”


“Kevin did it.”


“I know but……..”


“Amanda, do you love me?”


“With everything in my soul.”


“Do you want to marry me?”


“Well yes.”


“Can you think of a good reason not to?”


“Well….”she began.


“A GOOD one,” he interrupted.


“No,” she admitted.


“Then Amanda Brooks, will you be my wife?”


“Yes, yes Brian I will.”


He gave a cry of pure joy and leapt up, swinging her around and shouting his love to her.


“What’s going on?” Nick asked from the table.


“She said YES!” Brian yelled, practically jumping up and down.


“Yes to what?” Lara asked.


“SHE’S GONNA MARRY ME!!!” he cried.








“Since now,” Amanda answered.


“It was an impulsive decision,” Brian added.


“Well, congratulations bro,” AJ said clapping Brian on the back.


“Yah, I’m happy for you,” Kevin added.


“So are we,” added Nick for himself and Lara, who was seated on his lap.


“Me too,” echoed Howie.


“What’s Mwary?” Lucas asked curiously.


“Manda and Brian are going to get married and live together with you,” Lara tried to explain.


“Bwian be Lucas’s daddy?” the little boy asked, “and Manda be mommy.”


Amanda looked at Brian and he nodded.


“Yes Lukey,” she told him, kneeling next to his high chair, “we’ll be like your mommy and daddy.”


“Cause rwel mommy and daddy ups in heaven with bob.”


“Who’s bob,” AJ whispered to Brian.


“God,” Brian replied.




“That’s right Lucas, but Manda and I will be the bestest new parents we can, is that okay?”


Lucas seemed to be contemplating the idea for a moment and then nodded, “yup, dats otay. Can I open my pwesents now?”


Everyone laughed and Amanda nodded.


“I love you,” Brian whispered to her as Lara handed Lucas his first present.


Amanda looked up from the camera she had in her hand and smiled, “I love you too.”


The End


Tell Amanda what you thought of this story!