Where You Are

By:  Amanda


"Today we gather to mourn the death of a dedicated husband, friend, and musician. Taken tragically from this world so soon, we must now find solace in the fact that he is in heaven. He will forever live on in our hearts and memories. Now his friends would like to say a few words."


Amanda gazed through a shield of tears at the cherry wood casket that held her husband and father of her unborn child. She only half listened to what the Reverend was saying or to the speech her husband’s best friend was giving. Laying a hand on her round belly, she let out a quiet sob as the emotions of the day hit her once more.


"There are times / I swear I know you're here / I forget about my fears /Feelin you my dear "


"………he was my best friend. He was always there for me when I needed him………..and I promise that I will keep my word to him about watching out for

Amanda and the baby. I’ll miss you bro."


Amanda looked up as he sat down next to her and placed a comforting arm around her shoulders, allowing her to lean on him as she cried. The rest of the funeral went by as a blur and the next thing she knew she was at home with his 4 closest friends.


"Do you think she is okay?" a voice said quietly.


"She lost her husband and father of her baby, you tell me," another voice replied.


"Yo man, chill out, I’m just wondering if its normal for her to space out like that."


"Nick?" she whispered.


"I’m right here Manda," the second voice said quietly.


"Where’s Brian?"


"Manda honey, he’s gone."


"When will he be back?"


"Hon, he’s not coming back."


"Why not?" she sobbed, looking at him with big eyes.


Nick felt his heart breaking even further as he looked into the lost eyes of his best friends wife. "Don’t you remember what happened Manda?"


"Where’s Brian? I want Brian!"


"Amanda, he’s gone," the other voice told her gently.


"No he’s not," she screamed standing up and running towards the stairs totheir bedroom.




She ran frantically through the house throwing open doors and calling his name as the tears streamed down her face. Finally she came to their room and collapsed on the floor next to the bed, sobs racking her body.


"Shhh princess, here I am," a soft voice whispered.


" And I can see your face / Your kiss I still can taste / Not a memory erased"


"Brian?" she asked sitting up.


"I’m right here," the voice said again.


She turned around and saw Brian, dressed all in white, standing in the doorway.


"Brian, is it really you?"


"Hey there Princess," he said softly, kneeling next to her, "what’s with all the tears?"


"Nick and AJ, they keep telling me you are gone. I knew they were wrong. I knew you wouldn’t really leave me."


"You’re right sweetie, I’ll never leave you, I’ll always be by your side. But for a little while you aren’t going to be able to see me. I’ll always be there, just not in the same way I usually am."


"Why not?" she whimpered.


"Because baby, God needs me in heaven. Guess who is here."






"Our baby?"


"That’s right sweetie, our baby that went to heaven. She is here and now I can take care of her."


"Let me come with you Brian, we can take of her together. Please!"


"Princess, we have another baby coming that needs you there. You have to take care of our new baby. Can you do that for me Manda?"


"I need your help Brian, I can’t do this on my own."


"Yes you can, my girl is strong, I know you can do it. Nick will help you, so will the other guys, they promised me."


"I’m scared Brian, I’m lost without you."


"I know you are scared Manda, but you don’t have to be, Taylor and I will be here watching over you and the new baby. I have to go now sweetheart, I’ll come back once more when the new baby is born, I swear."


"Brian, NO, don’t go, please NO!"


Brian leaned over and pressed his lips to hers softly, "shh, be strong, I’ll see you again, don’t worry. I Love You Princess, for now and forever.  Good-bye."


"I Love You Brian," she sobbed as he faded away, "I Love You."


"Oh, how I see your star / Shinin down on me  /And I'd do anything  / If I could just, be right there where you are"


"Manda? Are you in here?" Nick called, pushing the door open.


He saw her sitting against the bed, staring out the window silently.


"Manda, are you okay? Please talk to me."


"He’s not gone Nick, he’s right here next to me," she whispered.


"Of course he is honey, he’d never leave you, his spirit will always be with you."


"Let’s go downstairs Nicky," she replied as he helped her to her feet.


"You sure kiddo? You can lay down if you want."


"No, Brian would want me to get up and go downstairs."


"Alright, let’s see if we can’t find something to eat."


"You go ahead, I’ll be there in a second."


Nick nodded and left the room.


"Good-bye Brian, I’ll miss you," she whispered to the room.


"I’ll miss you too Princess," he whispered back.


"Baby I still believe  / Oh I gotta believe  / I still believe / I will touch you that sweet day"


Smiling for the first time in nearly three days, she headed downstairs, turning to blow him one last kiss before joining her friends downstairs.


Lyrics from "Where You Are" performed by Jessica Simpson and Nick



The End


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