Perpetual Bliss

By:  August

"You can't take two-hundred dollars when you land on go, and then when you pass it!" I snatched the two yellowish one hundred dollar bills from Chris's greedy hands.

"I can so, it's in the rules." He dug threw the box in search of the small booklet, which contained my victory.

"The Chris Kirkpatrick's cheater's guide to monopoly rule book?" I asked.

"Ah ha!" He smiled as he read aloud, "Each time a player's token lands on or passes over "GO", whether by throw of the dice or by drawing a card, the Banker pays him $200 salary." His smile soon faded, and he knew what was coming next.

"Told ya so." I placed the money back into the bank, and rolled the two dice.

"That could be construed either way."

"Why can't you just admit when you're wrong?" I asked.

"This is a stupid game anyway." He ran his hand over the board, knocking off everything from hotels, to the chance cards.

"Every single time!" I yelled.

"Well you know I don't like this game, why'd you suggest we play it?" He asked, helping me to put the game away.

"Why'd you agree to play it? You're the one that was bored; I was perfectly content with sleeping."

"It's not nice to sleep when you have guests over." He threw back at me.

"You're not a guest, you have a key and you come and go whenever you damn well please. I didn't even know you were here until you started jumping on my bed."

"Yeah, that was funny." He smiled.

"Don't you have any other friends?" I asked, placing the rectangular box on the top shelf of my closet.

"No, they all have girlfriends." He fell backwards onto my bed, and closed his eyes.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" I crawled on top of him, and stared down at his chocolate eyes.

"Mmm, are you hungry? I'm hungry." He pushed me to the side, and walked into the kitchen.

"Surprise, surprise." I followed, and watched as he dug through my bare refrigerator. "I don't have anything unless you get your ya ya's from eating condiments."

"Pickles!" He yelled.

"Hmm let's see… The last time I bought pickles was about Easter." He opened the jar and took a bite of one. "Of 2000." A disgusted look formed on his face, and he jolted for the sink to spit the contents out.

"That's sick." He washed his mouth out with water, and then dumped the pickles down the drain.

"I'm never home." My shoulders rose into a shrug.

"You could have told me that before I took a bite."

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked.

"Remind me why I'm going out with you." He threw the bottle in the recycling, and turned his attention toward me.

I stifled a laugh, "Because no one else would take you."

"Ha! I'm Chris Kirkpatrick; I could walk in the middle of the street, snap my fingers and girls would come a-runnin'."

I stared at him for a few minutes, trying not to burst out laughing. "Oh, were you pretending you were Justin again?"

"I'm leaving." He turned to exit my house.

"Three…Two…One…" The door swung back open and he walked over to grab his keys.

"I love you!" I called.

"Be ready by six, reservation is for six-thirty." He left for good this time, and when I was sure he had successfully made it to his car, I disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Wow, this is pretty fancy, you sure you can afford it?" I smirked, pulling my shawl over my shoulders, and allowing the host to pull my chair out for me, "Thank you."

"I was thinking I'd leave you here to do the dishes afterward."

"You're the best boyfriend." I smiled.

"What is your pleasure this evening?" I looked up to see a tall blonde, "Oh my goodness, you're Chris Kirkpatrick, I'm like your BIGGEST fan." She shoved her pad of paper and pen under his nose, "Could you sign this for me?"

"Sure thing." He smiled, and scribbled down his usual "with love, Chris Kirkpatrick."

"Oh thank you, I normally don't act like this but I just love you so much! I'm sorry, what can I get for you?"

"I'll have a white wine please." I tried my best to hold back my laughs.

"Make that two." Chris smiled.

"Right away."

"Aww, your biggest fan." I cocked my head to the side and smirked.

"I don't see anyone asking for YOUR autograph."

"That's because I don't dance around on stage singing like someone just grabbed my dick."

"I hope you weren't planning on having sex tonight." Did he think that was a threat?

"That's ok, JC invited me over for a little romp in the sack later on."

"Do you have a witty repartee for everything I say?"

"I don't know, try me." I smiled.

"But in all seriousness, you look beautiful tonight." He grabbed both of my hands, and kissed them lightly.

"Aww, you do too."

"I think you should call her, I mean she WAS your biggest fan, and she was just so gosh darn cute, I could just eat her with a spoon." I laughed.

"Laugh it up." Our waitress had left her number on Chris's receipt in hopes that he would call her.

"So where to next?" I asked.

"I don't care, where would you like to go?"

"I was thinking about going home… stripping down to nothing more than the bare essentials, taking a LONG, HOT bath, and then sprawling out on my bed with nothing in between me and the sheets." I smiled, and could almost hear him let out a low moan. "So when you drop me off, be sure not to stay up too late thinking of me."

"You are such a little bitch." He shook his head from side to side.

"Wait a minute… You didn't happen to want to join me, did you?" I smirked.

"I dunno, I've split you and the waitress up in my head, and am now tallying up who I would rather go home with tonight… So far the waitress is winning."

"Ohh, point one for Chris." I hissed.

He smiled in all his glory, and peeled out of the driveway, "Your house, or mine?"

"Yours is closer." I reached my left hand over, and placed it gently on his knee, slowly inching it toward his crotch.

"You know what's even closer?"

"What?" I wondered, and soon got my answer when the car came to a screeching halt.

"Right here." I glanced around at our surroundings.

"Chris, we're in the middle of nowhere." I announced.

"Mmm hmm." He unbuckled his seatbelt, and leaned over, placing a kiss on my neck.

"What if someone drives by?" I asked.

"You didn't seem too worried about that on your roof last week." He rolled out of his seat, and situated himself atop of me.

"That was different; we were putting on a show for those perverted guys who always stare at me threw their telescope." I stated.

"And what a show it was, too bad they couldn't be here for this one." The straps of my dress came down, revealing cleavage. "Now where were you hiding these at dinner?"

"I don't know, you're the one who bought me the dress, why don't you tell me."

"Are you insulting my taste in clothing?" He asked, unzipping the back of my dress.

"No honey, you have wonderful taste in clothing; maybe a little too wonderful."

"Am I gonna need to gag you?"

"We don't need to replay my birthday, we have it recorded." I reminded.

"I know, me and the guys watched it last month while you were out of town." He joked.

I giggled, "I love you." My arms wrapped around his neck as I brought him in for a passionate kiss.

"Ooo, no underwear." He noticed when his hand roamed under my dress, and felt my moistness.

"Underwear doesn't really go with this dress." It was skin tight, and barely left much to the imagination.

"Why do you think I bought it?" He wiggled his eyebrows, and removed the dress fully, leaving me in nothing but my birthday suit.

"Ok honey, in order for two people to have sex, both need to be naked." I informed when he had a miniature staring contest with my breasts.

"Right." He kicked off his shoes, and worked on getting his pants down while I unbuttoned his shirt.

"Might wanna hurry up, there's a fine like between public display of affection, and indecent exposure." I declared.

"Do you want it done fast, or do you want it done right?" He asked.

"I don't wanna get arrested."

He positioned himself above my awaiting center, and slowly slid his full-length in. "In this position you're even tighter than usual." He groaned, pumping in and out.

"Let's change positions." I suggested, and soon took the dominant position, riding him for all he was worth.

"This feels so good." He let out a deep moan, and grabbed my waist to help me along.

"I'm almost there." I announced, grabbing his shoulders for support.

"Me too, just a few… more… ahh!" He screamed, releasing deep within me.

I came only seconds later, collapsing on his sweaty body. When I had gained composure, I opened my eyes to find myself staring into a pair of brown ones, "We should probably go." I rolled into the driver's seat, and picked my dress up, off of the dashboard.

Chris put his boxers on, and stopped with that, not bothering to put anything else on, "I'm just gonna sleep in this anyway." Was his answer when I sent a questioning look in his direction.

The dress slipped on easier than it had come off, but I had trouble zipping it up, so I needed Chris's assistance. "Turn toward the window." He instructed, and I obliged, turning my back toward him, becoming face to face with a police officer.

"Ahh!" I yelled from shock. He tapped his flashlight against the window, and I rolled it down seconds later.

"You folks having some car trouble?" He wondered, shinning the light around the car.

"No sir, we were just about to leave." I started the car, and put it in gear.

"Alright, you two have a safe night." He answered, and made his way back to his car.

I glanced at Chris, and burst out into laughter, "That was close." He smiled.

"Let's get out of here." I put my foot on the gas, and we drove away hand in hand.

The End


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