All My Life I Knew You Were The One

By:  CC

Nicks POV

Have you ever felt like you felt different about someone you care about alot? I feel that way about my girlfriend, Savannah. I feel kind of uneasy, different. We were bestfriends before we became a couple. I love her, but I'm not sure if I love her that way. I thought at the time, I had more then a friendly feeling for her, but I'm not so sure anymore.

I paced around the living room in deep thought. I didn't even hear the door open. I looked up and saw that it was only my friend, Jeff and his girlfriend, Ivory.

"Hey guys," I said.
"Hey Nick," Ivory said. "Is Savannah home?"
"Yeah, she's upstairs working on a story.
"Okay," She said, and headed towards the stairs.

"Jeff, could I talk to you for a minute," I asked, as I saw Ivory walk up the stairs.
"Yeah sure," He said, walking in and taking a seat on the couch.

"Did you ever felt different when you first started going out with Ivory?"
"What do you mean different?" He asked, not quite sure on what I meant.
"Like you feel different. That you're not sure if you made the right choice."
"Are you having second thoughts already?" Jeff asked.
"Feel weird cause she's your bestfriend huh."


Savannah's POV

I was working on one of my stories, that I started like a month ago. I never realize just how hard it was to write. That's all I've been doing for the last week. Write. I sat at my desk, typing away on my laptop when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said, not taking my eyes off the screen.

The door open and Ivory walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Hey Savannah," She said, taking a seat on the bed.
I looked up and saw Ivory sitting there. "Hey Ivory. I didn't know you came over. What's up?" I asked, taking my eyes off the computer.
"Just came to see how your book is coming along," She said.
"Oh, it's coming along very slowly. I can't decide if I want Sarah and Matt to get together or if I should have Sarah and Jesse get together."
"I don't know how you do it. How many books have you written so far?" She asked.
"10 and this one is my 11th one," I told her.
"Cool. You have to let me read this one, when you're done with it," She said.
"I will. But it will be awhile still. I only got up to chapter 21 before I got stuck."
"Take your time. I'm sure this one will be just as great as the others."

She got up from the bed and started to head to the door. "Well, I'll leave you alone so that you could finish."
"Hey Ivory, can I talk to you for a minute," I asked her.

Lately ever since Nick and I became a couple, I've been feeling different. Different that it was a mistake to go out with him. But, I couldn't resist. He's just so damn hot. And a small part in my heart, had more then a friendly feeling for him. Maybe I feel this way, because we're such really good friends. I've known him for mostly my life.

"Yeah sure," She said.
"Did you ever feel different, when you first started going out with Jeff?" I asked her.
"Feelings like you're not sure why you went out with him. Afraid to ruin your friendship?" She asked.
She nailed it right on the spot. "Yeah, I feel that way about Nick. Like I'm afraid to get close to him and have something great come out of this relationship, cause I'm afraid that it would ruin our friendship. And I don't want that," I told her. "I felt the same way when I first started going out with Jeff. But as time went on being a couple, I fell in love with him. And I fell real hard," She told me.
"Yeah I remember. You called me, at 4:30 in the morning and told me the whole story. Remember?"
She laughed. "How could I forget. After we got off the phone and I seen you that day, you yelled at me for calling you so damn early in the morning."

We both started laughing.

"Anna, follow your heart. If you think you're better off as friends, then tell him that. Don't be with him if you're not happy." She said.

And she was right. I knew that I had a lot of thinking to do tonight.
"Thanks Ivory," I said, and reached over and gave her a hug.
"You're welcome."

"Tell me more about your story," She said.
"Okay," I said. I got up from the bed and walked back over to my desk and started telling her a little bit about my new book, "Promises Are Not Meant To Be Broken"


Nick's POV

"Nick, I'll tell you this. Follow your heart. If you think you're better off as friends, then tell her. Don't be in a relationship if you're not comfortable about it," Jeff told me.
"I guess I have a lot of thinking to do tonight," I told him.
"You mean, those rusty old wheel will be put to use after all these years?" Jeff laughed.
"Very funny Timmons," I said, and started laughing too.

Later That Night

Nick was outside on the patio thinking, thinking on what he should do. Wondering what kind of feelings that he had for Savannah. Were they just friendship or were they more.

Savannah was upstairs, trying to work on the next chapter to her book, but couldn't concentrate. Her mind wondered to her feelings. She closed down her laptop and sat there and thought.

After many hours of thinking, they both came to the conclusion. Felt, that they were better off as being just friends.

Nick's POV

"How do I tell her? What if she doesn't feel the same way as I do? What if I break her heart? I wouldn't beable to live with myself." I told myself.

Savannah's POV

"What do I tell him? What if he doesn't feel the same? What if he does love me more then a friend. How do I break it to him?" I asked myself.

Savannah get's up from her chair and leaves her room. She knew that if she was going to tell him, she better do it now. She walked down stairs and headed to the patio. She pushed the door open and stood there for a minute. Something tingly ran through her spine, but she didn't pay any attention to it.

"Nick, Could I talk to you for a minute?" She asked, slowly walking over to him.

Nick jumped by her voice. He was in real deep thought and didn't hear her come out. He looked up at her.
"Yeah, sure. I need to talk to you too," He said.

Nick looked up at her, and a warm fuzzy feeling pumped through his veins, but he didn't pay any attention to the feeling.

"I think we need to talk," She said, sitting in the other chair next to him.
"I think so too," He said.

"I think..." They both said at the same time.
They laughed. "You can go first," Nick said.
"Okay. I've been thinking a lot lately. And I think we should break up," She said, uneasily.
Nick let out a big sign. "Good, I'm not the only one who thinks that," He said.
"You feel the same way?" She asked him.
"Yeah. You're friendship means alot to me and I don't want to ruin it if we were to ever break up," He said.
"Same here. No hard feelings?"
"No hard feelings." He said and leaned over and gave her a hug.

Something went through both of their bodies, but what it was, they weren't sure. But they didn't care.

"I feel so much better now, I think I can write now," She said.
"I know how you feel," He told him.

3 Days Later.

Nick and Savannah were in the kitchen making dinner. Since they told eachother they didn't want to be a couple anymore. They grew closer. But something deep down in Nick, made him think again.

Savannah walked over to the cubbers and got out 2 plates and sat them on the table. Nick looked over at her and smiled. "Gosh, she's beautiful," He said, to himself.

"What am I saying," He said, shaking the thought from his head. "She's my bestfriend. We broke up cause we knew we were better off as friends." But something about her, made him tingle inside.

A Week Later.

"Don't wait up for me," Savannah said, heading towards the door. She was going out on a date with a guy she knew from work, Mark. Nick had a bad feeling about this date.
"I won't," He said. "Have a good time."
"I will," She said, and left.

But a good time, she didn't have. Throughout the whole evening, she saw the true side of Mark. A real jerk, he was. He was rude to everyone and even her. He even said a few things about her, that she got affended by.

She was glad when the date was over. Mark walked her to the door, said good night and left. She stood there by the door for a few minutes before going in. She couldn't believe it. "What a horrible date that was," She told herself. The things he said about her and about Nick, hurt her. Tears started to sting her in the eye. She left a few tears rolled down the side of her face. "I'm never going out with that jerk again," She said, whiping the tears off her face and heading in.

She quitly closed the door, not wanting to wake up Nick with her anger. She walked into the living room and to her surprise, Nick was up, reading a book.

"What are you doing up?" She asked, taking her shoes off.
"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would read one of your books," He said, looking up from the book. "How was your date?"
" was horrible," She said. And she started to cry.
"It couldn't have been that bad. What happened?" He asked, getting up from his spot, from the chair and walked over to her.

And she began to tell him the whole story. Everything that he said, how rude he was.
"Nick it was really bad. He was so mean towards me. But what I don't get is that he was so sweet at work," She said.
"What a jerk."
"Why couldn't I find someone like you?" She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Someone as sweet as you. Caring, nice." And she went on and on.
"You will, meet someone special.

Silence stood between them. No one said a word. Savannah looked up at Nick. A weird feeling was in her heart. And that's when it hit her. She knew in her heart that she loved him. Loved him more then what she already did, but she didn't want to face it.

Nick looked at her. And he could tell that she was beginning to feel the same. Something took over his body. He leaned down and kissed her slowly on the lips.

"I'm sorry," He said, as he pulled away. "I shouldn't have done that."
"It's okay. I've wanted you to kiss me for so long," She told him.
Nick looked down at his feet. He couldn't believe that he just kissed his bestfriend. But something about that kiss made his heart pound harder. It felt good.
"But, I couldn't hold it in. I've wanted to kiss you, ever since the day that we decided not to be a couple anymore."
"I know, I felt the same way," She told him.
"And I feel, like kissing you again," He said.
"Then what are you waiting for."

Nick bent down and softly kissed her again. A little more passionate that time. A love they never knew they had for eachother, came out. They knew they wanted eachother.

He picked her up and carried her upstairs to his room. He closed the door with his foot and carried her to the bed. He gently laid her down. He laid himself on top of her and started planting little kisses all over her neck.

Savannah laid there, taking in every kiss that he planted on her. Little moans escaped her lips.

Nick looked her in the eyes. "I never knew what I felt for you, until we broke up. And I'm not sure if I could go on, knowing that I can't have you."

Savannah looked at him, a smile on her face. "I need you Nick. I need you like I never needed anyone else." He started kissing her again, on the lips.
"Wanna try again," She asked, barely getting the words out.
"Yes," He said.

And that's what they did. They showed eachother, just how bad they needed eachother.

Savannah rested her head on his chest with her eyes closed.

Nick laid awake in bed for a while. He looked down at her and smiled. He kissed the top of her head.
"All my life, I knew you were the one for me. And I never want to lose you again."

He closed his eyes, and dreams about what life would be like with his new love.

The End

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