Every Word I Say Is True

By:  CC

Jeff waited for his girlfriend, Lindsey to show up. They were going to the movies, to see, Pearl Harbor.

Jeff was in the bathroom, checking himself over, when there was a knock at the door. He turned out the light and went to answer the door. It was her.

"Hey baby," He said, as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips.
"Hey, you ready?" She asked, as she rolled in.

Lindsey was born with Spina Bifida. Unable to use her legs. But that didn't bother Jeff. He loved her. He wouldn't have cared if she wasn't able to move period. There was something about her, that he loved. She was always there for him, when he needed a friend. They were friends before they came a couple a year ago. She knew Nick's wife, Kris, for 10 years. Kris introduced them and they hit it off real well. But they didn't want any type of relationship yet. They wanted to be friends. Over the year, they became real close and one day Jeff asked her the question. Of course she said yes.

Lindsey loved Jeff. He was the one, and she knew it in her heart. He treated her like she always wanted to be treated. Not someone who was different from the rest. Even though that she was in a wheelchair, he treated her like a person and that what mattered to her.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go," He said, as the both of them left. "You ready for a good cry?"
"What do you mean?" She asked, as he helped her into his car.
"I heard the movie is a real tear jerker."
"Ooh, my favorite type of movie. I kinda figured it would be, so I came prepared," She said, as she pulled out some tissues.

Jeff just looked at her and laughed. "You're crazy."
"I know. Gotta love me."
"Yeah, I do," He said.

Jeff pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. He got out and went to get Lindsey's wheelchair from the trunk.

He helped her into her chair, and pushed her to the building. She got a few stares but Jeff told her not to let them bother her. And it didn't. She didn't care what people thought about her. Jeff would tell her that they were just jealous. And that would usually cause her to break out in laughter.

After the movie was over, Lindsey was in tears. She looked over at Jeff, as he tried to act like he was crying. She slugged him in the arm.

"Owe, that hurt," He said, as he rubbed the spot where she hit him.
"Sorry, but you asked for it," She said, trying hard not to laugh.
"Why's that?"
"For making fun of my crying. I can't help it that I get so emotional when the movie ends like that. It was so good, but yet it was a sappy one. But I liked it. It was sweet of his bestfriend wanting to take care of his son, when he died. Okay, I think I'm going to cry again," She said, as a few tears rolled down her cheek.
"It was good. I liked it. But I wouldn't want to see it again," He told her, as they headed out to the car.
"Why not?"
"Cause if I see it again, it wouldn't be as good as I think it is right now."
"Oh," She said, looking at him weird.

They pulled up in his driveway.

"Wanna come in for a little bit?" He asked her, as he turned off the car.
"Sure," She said.

He helped her out of the car and they headed in the house.

A few hours later.

They were sitting in the living room, watching tv, when Lindsey was starting to doze off. Jeff noticed and couldn't help but smile to himself.

"I think I should take you home," He told her.
"No, I don't wanna go back to that hell whole," She said, as she started to yawn.
"You know you can always stay here for tonight," He said.
"You sure that it won't bother you? I mean because of you know."
"No, I'm sure it won't. Sex isn't everything. Once in a while it feels just fine when I'm laying next to her and nothing happens."
"Okay," She said.

She knew she was ready to take that next step into their relationship, but wasn't sure if he was ready. But she was also scared. Scared that she won't be good or that he wouldn't like it. It would be her first time.

"Let's go to bed. I'm getting tired myself," He said.
"Okay," She said, as he picked her up. He carried her up the stairs and into his room. He gently laid her down on one side of the bed.

Jeff undressed, only being left in his boxer.
"Need anything, before I turn off the light?"
"No, just you," She said, not realizing what she said.

But he didn't catch it. He turned off the light and got in on the other side. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.
"I love you Linds," He said.
"I love you too Jeff," She said, as she kissed him.

Lindsey closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep. Jeff too, soon fell asleep.

3:00 in the morning.

Lindsey was awake by something soft moving on her neck. She opened her eyes, trying to get them adjusted to the darkness. She turned her head a little, noticing that it was Jeff.
"Jeff, what are you doing?" She asked, tirly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I thought I was doing this in my dream," He told her, as he started to blush.
"You dream about me?"
"Yeah every night. There isn't a night that doesn't go by, that I don't dream about you. I can't help it."
"And what does happen in your dreams?" She asked, curiously.
"A little of this," He said, as he started to kiss her neck again. "And a little of that." He started slowly moving to her lips.
"Oh really?"
"Uh huh." He finally reached her lips. He softly kissed her.

She laid there, enjoying every moment of it. A tinglely feeling started in her stomach. She never exprienced it before. Something that she hoped that she would feel.

He slowly moved on top of her. She started getting a little nervse. And he could sense it.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked her, looking up.
"No, boy don't you dare stop. I'm just a little scared. I mean, I've never done this before," She told him.
"Well, I promise you that I won't hurt you. And any time you want me to stop, just tell me I will. I don't want to put you into any uncomfortable position. If you're not ready, then tell me, and we can wait until you are."

She looked into his eyes and she knew that he meant every word.
"But, I am ready. More then you know. I'm just afraid that I won't be good or that you won't like it."
"Trust me, anything with you, I'll like. I love you so much Lindsey. You wouldn't have to worry about me not liking it. I've waited for this day to come forever. But un like some people, I waited. And I'll still wait. If I have to wait until I'm 80, then god so be it, I'll wait until I'm 80."
"But you wouldn't have to wait until you're 80," She said, as she kissed him.

"Mmm, I like this," He said, against her lips.

He started caressing her skin. Slowly making it up her shirt, caressing her sides, making their way up to her breasts. A few moans escaped her lips.

"Jeff, please don't stop," She said, barely getting the words out. He worded his way up to her lips, kissing them again.

They removed their clothing. He pulled away from their kiss and looked down at her. She started feeling a little uncomfortable.

"So beautiful," He said, whispering it in her ear. "My beautiful angel."

"I love you Jeff," She whispered.
"I love you too," He said.

They both shared a world of passion that night. Not knowing that it would of been that wonderful to move their relationship to that next step. That night it brought them closer together. Lindsey was glad that she could experience something so great and wonderful with the one that she loves so much.

The End


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