I Can’t Believe It’s Over

By:  CC

"I know there is more to the reason, what is it?" He asked, hoping, praying that it wasn't what he was thinking.

"Please don't make it any harder on you."

"Tell me, please."

She sighed and told him. "There is someone else in my life."

"And I want to be with him. I never felt this way, when I'm around him. A feeling or love that I never felt before inside. "

"Who is he?" He asked, wanting, needing to know.

"His name is Eric. I work with him."

He wanted to get mad, find this Eric guy and beat the crap out of him, for taking her away, but something told him not too. Not wanting to ruin that small chance that they could still be together.

"Is....is he treating you good?"


*~*~*~*Now you're tellin' me
You found somebody new
You wanna be with him
And that he's good to you*~*~*~*

He looked at her. A small smile appeared on his lips. Just as long as she's happy, and he could tell. That this new guy would treat her, the right way.

"I'm leaving now. I really am sorry," She said.

Jeff turned away, not wanting to watch her leave.

"Good bye Jeff," She said, and started walking away. Walking away, out of his life for ever.

He stood there, as the tears rolled down the side of his face, faster. He turned and walked her walk away, watching everything he ever worked for, slip through his hands.

Slowly, she started disappearing in the darkness. He wished that in just a few seconds, she would be coming back. But he knew in his heart, that she was gone. Gone forever.

"I can't believe it's over," He said, as she sat down in the sand and began to cry. Cry everything he had in him.

*~*~*~*I watch you walk away
Disappearing in the dark
You're not coming back
And it's tearing me apart
I said it's tearing me apart*~*~*~*

The End

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