Let’s Make Love

By:  CC

Lindsey sat out on the back porch looking up at the stars. Her thoughts began to wonder, as she started to think about him. The one she loved deeply. She waited for him to come home. He was gone out on the road, touring for the groups 4th album. She was very proud of him and the others. Doing what they loved.

Nick was suppose to be coming home sometime that night. But she wasn't sure when. She couldn't wait to see him again It was 6 whole months sense the last time she had seen him.

The wind started picking up. Blowing little strans of her light brown hair, tickling her shoulders. One of the things that she missed was holding him, feeling his skin against hers. Being able to touch him. Feeling things she never thought she could feel for him.

She decided to go in. She walked to her room, getting her pjs out. She laid them on the bed. She left her room, walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower. She stripped out of her clothes and stepped in the warm water.

Her thoughts began to wonder again. She wanted to see him so bad. The closeness she would feel when he was around. Even though they've been together for only a short period of time, she knew deep down that she could spend the rest of her life with him.

*~*~*Baby I've been drifting away
Dreaming all day
Of holdng you
Touching you
The only thing I want to do
Is be with you
As close to you
As I can be*~*~*

Nick sat quitely in the back of the van. Only a few more blocks to go, before he would be home. Home to see his girlfriend. The girl of his dreams. And he couldn't wait. Being a way from her, for this long, killed him inside. He hated being away from her.

Some nights it got lonely on the road, and he wished that she was there. To fill that empty spot, that he felt for many days.

The van pulled up in his driveway.

"Nick, this is your stop," His manager, Cory, said.
"Okay," He said. He got out of the van, and walked to the back to grab his bags.
"Have a good few weeks off," She said.
"Oh you better believe I will," He told her. He said his goodbyes to the others and headed up the walkway to the front door.

He looked through the window, to see if she was up, but could hardly see through, for it being dark inside. He turned the knob and walked in.

"Linds, I'm home?" He said, but there was no answer. "Hmm, maybe she's upstairs. She told me she would wait up for me." He sat down his bags and headed up stairs. He could hear the water running from the bathroom. He walked to the door and lightly knocked on it. No answered.

He turned the knob, thinking that it was locked. But to his surprise, it wasn't. He peaked his head in. He searched around and his eyes stopped at the shower. He smiled. He could a little see her. "God, how I missed you," He said. And idea popped in his head.

He entered the bathroom, quitely closing the door and locking it. He stripped out of his clothes and walked over to the shower door.

Lindsey wasn't even paying any attention. She had her eyes closed, thinking about Nick, not knowing that he was right behind her. Her thought her interrupted when she felt a pair of arms around her waist.

"Ahh!" She screamed, as she turned around to see who it was. It was him. "God Nick, you nearly gave me a heart attack."
"Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. I wanted to surpise you," He said. Their eyes met.
"It's okay. Just don't do it again."
"Okay," She said. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close to him.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too. It got very lonely without you here."
"It got lonely on the road. I couldn't wait until I could go home to see you," He said, as he kissed her. He started making his way to her neck. Softly planting little kisses. Lindsey closed her eyes, as he sent little shivers up her spine.

"Oh god. How I missed your touch," She whispered.
"Every night I would dream of the day that I would see you again. Wanting and needing you, to feel you against me," He whispered, against her neck.

"I love you so much," He told her. He looked up at her, looking her in the eyes. A look of desperation was on his face. He needed her. He brought a hand up to her face and lightly caressed it. He moved his fingers over to her lips. She softly kissed each of them.

He opened the door to the shower and stepped out. She just looked at him, confused. Wondering what he was doing.

"Hmm, maybe he's not in the mood," She thought to herself, as she turned off the water and stepping out. She grapped a towel and wrapped it around herself. She picked up another and started to dry her hair.

Nick walked up to her and picked her up. She letting out a small screech.
"Nick, what are you doing?" She asked, as they left the bathroom. He didn't say a word. He carried her to the bedroom. And laid her down on the bed, climbing on top of her.

A uncontrolable feeling took over him. The need to feel her to touch her. He started kissing her again. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her up more on the bed. His hands started to wonder. Exploring every inch of her body. Forgetting what it felt to touch her again.

"The things you do to me. I can't control myself," He said, as he kissed her ear. Lightly nibbling on it. Sending a rush of feelings she never experienced before through her body. Getting that feeling that she needed to feel him.

*~*~*Do you know what you do to me
Everything inside of me
Is wanting you
And needing you
I'm so in love with you
Look in my eyes
Let's get lost tonight
In each other*~*~*

"Make love me Nick," She said, as her breathing started to pick up.
"My pleasure," He said. His hands caressed her skin. She let her hands explore his body. Taking in every touch and feel, she got.
"All night long," He said. "Touching me down to my heart. To my soul."

As their love for each other came together as one. Their heart beating as one Going to a level they never thought could have been so beautiful. Releashing all worries and emptiness they had felt for 6 months, letting in the strenght of their love for each other.

*~*~*Let's make love
All night long
Until all our strength is gone
Hold on tight
Just let go
I want to feel you in my soul
Until the sun comes up
Let's make love*~*~*

The End


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