My Everything

By: CC

Nick looked over at his wife, Lindsey and smiled. Everything he ever looked for in a person, was sitting next to him on the couch.

Nick and the rest of the sensation group 98º, had the next 2 months off. To rest, relax and be with their families.

Nick sat there, as he watched her, watch the movie on TV. His mind wondered time to time, on the day they first met. A day he would never forget.


As the guys from 98º put on a good show, that Friday night. Lindsey stood there, as she watched Nick dance. Her heart pounded, as she became speechless. Not once, did she take her eyes off him. The way he moved to the music, sent little shivers up her spine. His voice, soft and tender, filled the stadium. Making it hard for her to concentrate on singing along.

Nick searched the crowd for that special girl, to bring up on stage. The guys made it a custom that every show, they bring a girl up for the song, "I DO" and sing it to them. Make 4 girls, feel special for that period of the show.

Nick worked his way down to the other end of the stage. His eyes wondered to girl to girl. But not one of them catch his attention. He made his way back to the middle, hoping there would be someone.

He glanced over at Jeff, Drew and Justin. They already had their girls picked and up on stage. Getting ready for the next song.

As he looked out in the crowd, someone caught his eye. He stopped in his track.

Nick slowly made his way to her. Looking her over. And their eyes met. An unknown feeling, that neither of them had felt before, raced through their hearts and minds as Nick grabbed Lindsey's hand and made their way to the stage.

Through out the song, not once did he take his eyes off her. When they sang the chorus, he brought his hand up to her face, and lightly brushed his hand over her cheek.

Lindsey sat there, taking in every moment. Not wanting it to end. Cherishing every moment, every touch with him.

Something happened between them, that they couldn't express. By the time the song was over, Lindsey knew it was the end of her once short true happiness. As Nick helped her down the stairs, he kissed her on the cheek, and whispered something in her ear, that she would never forget. His light breath tickled her on her ear and neck.

"After the show, come backstage. It's already been arranged," He whispered softly, in her left ear.

She only shook her head as she headed back to her seat. Through the rest of the concert, every now and then, a glance between them and a smile of his that seemed to light up the room.

Like she did, when the concert was over, she headed backstage. Not knowing she would be spending the rest of her life with him.

Later, as time went on, they found out that they had a lot in common. Liked a lot of the same things, and almost the same things they wanted in that special someone.

When it was time for Lindsey to head home, the question ''Will I see you again' came up. Nick wrote down his cell phone number as she did too. As they exchanged numbers, their hands brushed up against eachother, leaving them with smiles on their faces.

As she stood at the door, saying their goodbyes, she brought her hand up to his face and lightly touched it, telling him thank you for everything that happened. He leaned down, pressing his lips upon hers for a small kiss. Which only lasted for a few seconds, but felt like everything around them had stopped and it was only the two of them.

When she left, with him standing in the door, watching her leave. He knew he couldn't let her leave his life.

*End Flashback*

Since that day 2 years ago, they've been inseperable. He called her the next morning, wondering if she would like to go out on a date. Of course, she couldn't resist and said yes.

A year after they got together, he asked her to be his bride. To share life together. To come as one. He never felt what he feels for her, before. Even when he was with other women, they never had that much affect on him, like she did, when they first met. She captured his heart, the moment he laid eyes on her. The way she touched his face, sent an unbelievable feeling through his body.

When they were saying their own wedding vows. He told her, he wanted to give back in return, the love that he had for her. To show her, how much she has helped him in life and how she showed him the true meaning of love.

When the movie was over, Lindsey turned to him. He wasn't paying much attention.

"Hun, you okay?" She asked, concerned.

His thoughts were shaken away, by her sweet, soft voice. "Huh, what?" He asked, as he turned to meet her eyes. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine baby. Why you ask?"

"Just a little curious. You looked deep in thought," She told him, as she kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, I was. I was just thinking."

"Thinking of what?" She asked.


She smiled. "I love you Nick."

"I love you too Linds." He lightly kissed her on her lips.

~*~*~The first time I looked in your eyes I knew
That I would do anything for you
The first time you touched my face I felt
What I never felt with anyone else
I want to give back what you've given to me~*~*~

Later that night, as they laid together in eachother's arms, Nick began to think again. He looked down at a sleeping Lindsey, and smiled to himself.

He thought of everything she ever done for him. Being their when things weren't going so good with the group. Telling him, that things will get better. Showing him a love that she nor him have ever felt for eachother, when they made love for the first time. Being the friend, that he needed or just being their when he needed someone to talk to.

And he couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the rest of his life with. And he couldn't have been any more happier then he is when he's with her.

"I love you Linds so much," He whispered. "For showing me that there is more to life. For being just you and loving me for who I really am and not for what I do. And helping me reach my dreams and goals."

He kissed her on the forehead. "And I will do the same for you. If there is a dream you want or a goal, I will be right by your side. To help you, as you helped me."

~*~*~And I want to witness all of your dreams
Now that you've shown me who I really am
I want to be more than just a man~*~*~

Nick laid there in bed for a while before he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning when he woke up, he woke up to seeing her beautiful brown eyes staring back at him. He slightly blushed.

"Mornin sunshine," He said, kissing her.

"Mornin," She said, softly.

"How long have you been up?" He asked.

"For the past half hour. I didn't want to move. I like watching you sleep. You look so peaceful and adorable."

"I only sleep peaceful, cause I know you're next to me," He said, shyly.

She blushed a light color red. He couldn't help but smile.

"And the only reason I can sleep at all."

"I love you Nicholas Lachey," She said, pressing her lips against his.

"I love you too Lindsey," He said, against her lips.

After making sweet, passionate love, that morning, they finally got out of bed. Lindsey heading to the shower and Nick heading downstairs to the kitchen to make them breakfast.

As they sat across from eachother, eating their breakfast, Lindsey broke their silence.

"So, when do you go back on the road again?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"We leave in 2 days," He told her. He looked across the table at her. Knowing that it was going to be painful again, to leave eachother, for another long period of time.

Hearing those words, that she hated the most, she wanted to cry. But she tried her hardest to fight back those tears.

They finished their breakfast. Nick went to take a shower and get ready. He told Lindsey that he had a few errans to do today.

As Nick was in the shower, Lindsey cleared the table, putting the dirty dishes in the sink. She ran some dish water. She stood their at the sink, trying to hold back her tears, but after many minutes of no effort, they slowly began to fall from her eyes.

She placed her wet hand over her stomach. A few days ago, she found out that she was pregnant. But hadn't found the right moment to tell him that they were gonna start a family. She dreamed of this day. Carrying his baby. Something that was missing in her heart.

She wipped her face with the dish towel, as she heard Nick coming down the stairs.

He walked back in the kitchen. Walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her waste.

"I have a few errans that I gotta do. But when I come back, we can do something together, okay?" He said, as he turned her around to face him. He noticed that her face was a little red and her eyes were a little puffy.

"Okay," She said.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, concerned. "Cause it's looks like you've been crying."

"No, I haven't been crying. I got a little soap water in my eyes," She lied, hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Okay. I'll see you when I get back." He kissed her gentlly.

"Love you Linds," He said, walking to the door.

"I love you too."

And with that he was gone.

2 hours later. Lindsey was in the living room, watch TRL on MTV, when Nick walked in.

"Hey," She said, looking up from the TV.

"Hey. I have some great news to tell you," He said, coming in, and taking a sit next to her.

She turned off the TV and turned her full attention to him. "You guys get to have some extra more days off?" She asked.

"No, better," He said, excitely.

"What then?"

"I went to see Gary today. That was my erran. And I asked him if any way possible if you could come with on the up coming tour," He started telling her.

Her eyes got bigger as she listened to him. She hoped that one day she would be able to go with him on the road. "What did he say?" She asked, noticing that she too was getting excited.

"After a few minutes of nagging, he said that it was alright for you to come with. Just as long as you won't distract me during the 'business hours' as he likes to call them."

"Ah, that's so cool. I've waited for this day," She said, throwing her arms around his neck, knocking him over where she landed on top.

"I can't wait. No more lonely nights on the road," He said.

After a few minutes of sharing the joy, Lindsey told him she had some news that she wanted to tell him.

"Baby, I have something to tell you," She said.

"What is it? You're not gonna change your mind are you?"

"No, no. I wouldn't change my mind for the world. But, a few days ago, I went to the doctor for my annual checkup. And I found out that I'm...pregnant."

She studied his face for a few seconds. Trying to read what he was thinking. But it was hard, for he had no expression on his face.

Then a sign of relief when she saw him smile.

"That's wonderful. I'm so happy," He said, pulling her in for a hug. "Now, I'll have my beautiful wife and our baby with me."

"So, you're happy?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm so happy. It's like one of my dreams is coming true. I've dreamed of having kids for a while now. And I'm ready. Ready to make that next step."

They shared their good news for a while. Nick picking her up and carrying her to their room, where they would be making love again.

"I need you Nick," Lindsey barely said. Their breathing picking up.

"I love you Lindsey," He said, as they shared a day of passion love. "My beautiful angel. My everything." He would whisper in her ear, sending little shivers down her spine.

For the rest of the day and night, they shared a love for one another, a bond between them that no one could break.

~*~*~When you wake up I'll be the first thing you see
And when it gets dark you can reach out to me
I cherish your words and I finish your thoughts
and I'll be your compass baby when you get lost~*~*~

9 months later, while they had a night off in Flordia, Lindsey went into labor. Only a few hours later, giving birth to their first baby girl, naming their daughter Caitlin Rose.

a year and a half later after their daughter, Caitlin, was born, Lindsey had their second daughter, Madison Nicole.

Not a day that goes by that Nick doesn't thank god for blessing him with a beautiful family. He couldn't have asked for anything better and not a night goes by that he doesn't let Lindsey know how special she was or how much he loves her.

The End


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