The Letter

By:  CC

Drew paced around the kitchen, a million thoughts ran through his mind. He didn't know what to think. Was he being hurt?

He came home from a rehearasl, and she was gone. All her stuff, was packed up and gone. The only thing that was left behind was a letter. The letter that turned his world up side down. The letter that made him think.

He walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. He held the letter in his shaky hand. He looked at it, and began to read it again.

Dear Drew,

Hey baby. This is the only way I can tell you what I'm thinking and feeling. You know that I'm not very good at expressing myself through words. So, I turned to the next best thing, writing you. And I know how much you hate when I do that, but I couldn't wait. I had to write how I felt.

Gosh, I don't know where to begin. Maybe at the beginning, would help. So much stuff has been going through my mind. And I'm afraid.

"Afraid? What could she be afraid of?" Drew asked, as he continued on reading the letter."

I'm afraid, that I won't be the person that you fell in love with. I've gone through so many changes, in the last 3 years that we've been together. Alot of them are really good, but yet, I have a few that aren't so good. But, I won't go into that.

You must be wondering why I left. Well, I wish there were the words to tell you. But I can't. I don't want to ruin your life. Your career is taking off, and the group is doing really well, and I'm really proud of you. For following your dreams. I just wish that I could be more like you. Be able to follow my dreams. But I don't know what my dreams are about. I just feel that I'm stopping you from becoming what you want to be.

I never loved anyone like I love you. You've helped me through so much in my life, but, I just feel that I haven't done anything in your life to help you out. Like, I'm just the third wheel. And it hurts so much, that I've haven't helped you out any.

I hate writing letters like this, but I can't find an easier way to tell you stuff like this. And I hope you don't hold that against me. Just don't think that I left, cause I don't love you. Believe me, I do love you. So much that I had to do this. There is another reason, but, I'm not sure if you'll leave me once I've told you. Plus I didn't want to ruin your career. I know how important it is to you, that you love singing.

Please, don't try to find me, cause you won't be able to. I left and I'm not sure where I'll end up. I'm just going to go and see where I'll end up. I need to find myself. I need to find who I really am. I need to find my own dreams. And I hate to say this, but I can't find them, when I'm with you. Please don't take that the wrong way. I need to find a life for myself.

I am really sorry, if I have hurt you too. But I have hurt myself also. By leaving a wonderful man. And I just hope that if we ever cross paths again, you would be able to find it in your heart, to forgive me for what I've done. And I hope that you won't stop loving me, cause I won't stop loving you. You're the one that I want, the one that I want to spend my life with, but before I can do that, I need to find who I am.

Just don't ever forget that I LOVE YOU!! And I will never stop loving you. Maybe when I find a place and get settled in, I'll give you a call. But I won't be sure until I can find the guts to pick up that phone and call you and hear that voice that I love so much.

Well, I better go. My ride is waiting outside. Please don't forget about me. I love you so much baby.

Love Always & Forever,
Your Babygirl

PS: Don't ever forget that I love you.

Drew sat there, as the tears rolled down his face. And just like that she was gone. It broke his heart. He didn't understand, but he hoped and prayed that one day, she would come back to him.

Cassie sat there on the bus, thinking about what she had done. She looked at her watch and she knew that Drew would be home and probably have read the letter, that she wrote just before she left. She looked out the window, as the tears rolled down her cheeks, as they past the "Thank you for visiting Ohio. Please come visit again" sign. She placed a hand over her tummy.

"I hope one day, your father will forget me," She said.

Drew got up from the table and headed to their bedroom, that they shared together. He walked over to his dresser and grabbed the picture of the two of them. He walked over to the bed and sat down. He stared at the picture, as the tears rolled down his face faster.

"I love you baby," He whispered. And he began to cry. His heart, his world, his life, just came down on him that night.

The End


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