Chapter 7

Dr. Shannon exited the elevator and made his way down several hallways that eventually would lead him to his office. He was deep in thought about the events that had taken place this afternoon. He always hated to see young people come into the ER or Trauma Center, but seeing JC and Justin in his stomping grounds was almost too much for him to bare. He had grown attached to both boys along with their friends ever since he had met the group almost a year ago. They seemed like such a closely-knit group of boys at the time and with each subsequent visit they had, for various ailments, to his family practice, he could see their closeness growing stronger. Never in his wildest dreams would Dr. Shannon have thought that he would be seeing any one of those boys lying on a stretcher in the Trauma Center during one of his rotations. Dr. Shannon shook off the memory as he finally reached his office door. 

Quietly, the doctor opened the door and slipped inside the room. He took in the sight around him with a shake of his head. Joey was laid out on the small love seat that was under a window across the room. His head to his bottom was on the cushions of the couch, but his legs hung over one of the armrests. Joey had his right arm flung across his eyes and the left hanging awkwardly off the side of the couch. Inwardly, Dr. Shannon groaned, knowing that if he ever attempted the same position, he would be paying for it for days. The doctor’s gaze then traveled to the couch at the opposite end of the room. Lance had made himself right at home on it, lying on his right side, facing the back of the couch and softly snoring.

“I wonder what Lance had to do to get the good couch?” Dr. Shannon quietly said with a chuckle.

Then, finally, Dr. Shannon brought his gaze to the beanbag that he kept in his office for any children that happened to come with parents to his office for consultations. Sitting in the beanbag was Chris in the classic beanbag pose. His legs were spread apart, as were his arms, and his head was lolling to the side as it rested against the back of the bag.

“Hate to break this party up, but here goes…”

Dr. Shannon first made his way to the nearest couch, which happened to have Joey on it. He grasped one of Joey’s knees, giving it a light squeeze as he quietly spoke to the young man.

“Joey? Joey? Wake up son.”

“What?” Joey said in confusion as he brought his arm up from his face and opened his eyes to see Dr. Shannon standing over him.


“Good nap?”

“I’ve had better. How’s JC and Justin?” 

”They’re doing fine and we have them in a room.”

“That’s great news doc. Thanks.”

“No problem. Let’s wake up the others.” Dr. Shannon gestured at the other sleeping figures as Joey nimbly sat up, rubbing his face with his hands in the effort to wipe away the sleep.


Both Dr. Shannon and Joey walked across the room and roused Chris and Lance from their naps.

After giving the boys a moment to settle down on the couch that Lance had been using, Dr. Shannon began telling the boys of JC and Justin’s conditions.

“They’re both doing just fine. They’re settled into a large suite that also has beds and pullout sofa beds for the rest of you.”

“That’s good but, we would have slept on the floor just to be with them if we had had to,” said Joey.

“I know that and that is why I had them put in that particular room.”

“How are they?” asked Lance with a bit of impatience in his voice.

“I’m getting to that Lance. Justin is still sedated and will remain that way for at least another 3 or 4 hours. We have an IV on him and some oxygen through a nasal tube.”

“Why the oxygen?” asked Chris with concern in his voice.

“We just want to make sure that he rests comfortably and with the sedation, sometimes the oxygen prevents nausea.”

“Oh. What about JC?”

“He’s also on an IV and we’re administering antibiotics to help prevent infections that can be common in near drowning victims from the water that is inhaled. The antibiotics will also help fight the possibility of pneumonia. We have him hooked up to a heart monitor and he’s on oxygen, but with a mask. He has a minor concussion so he’s going to be pretty confused about the whole afternoon. Don’t be surprised if he has a memory lapse similar to the one that you had, Lance.”

Lance nodded his understanding. Dr. Shannon’s first meeting with the boys some 10 months ago had been due to a slight concussion that Lance had sustained when he had tried to awaken Joey from a nightmare.

“I remember being pretty fuzzy the next morning. It was kinda scary.” Lance’s green eyes held understanding and compassion for what JC might be going through.

“When can we see them?” asked Joey anxiously.

“If you’re ready, we can go now. I do want to suggest though that after you’ve had a chance to see them that one of you go home and get some things that might make your stay more comfortable.”

“I’ll go,” volunteered Chris.

“Well, let’s go,” said Dr. Shannon as he rose from his seat and made his way to the door. With the others following him, the doctor led the way to the elevators and used a special key to send the car up to the top floor of the hospital facility.

“Penthouse?” asked Joey with a slight grin.

“Almost. This floor has been reserved for dignitaries, celebrities, and the like. The key is an extra security precaution. I’ll be giving you some passes and a key to use once we reach the receptionist area.”

Once they reached the floor, the doctor handed out passes and 2 keys to the boys before making their way down a long corridor to the special suite that held JC and Justin.

Joey, Chris and Lance were anxious to see their friends. They each could not erase the horrible memory of how JC’s face was covered in blood from his head wound and how his body had taken on a blue tinge from the lack of oxygen before they had started CPR. The memory of Justin’s pasty white features was also still fresh as was seeing the youngest member of the group simply collapse into one of the paramedic’s arms. The doctor opened the door to the room and allowed the boys to enter ahead of him.  
