Chapter 8

Dr. Shannon held the hospital room’s door open, allowing Joey, Chris and Lance to enter ahead of him. They stood near the open door, barely three or four steps in the room and stared at the two still figures across the room, lying on separate beds. They could hear the slight hissing sound of the oxygen and the quiet beeping of a heart monitor that was resting on a shelf above JC’s head. It was almost unnerving to see both young men lying so still. Cautiously, the trio made their way to the first bed, which happened to be JC’s.

“He’s propped up like that to aid in his breathing,” said Dr. Shannon.

“Is it okay to touch him?”

“Go ahead Lance. It’s okay.”

Lance reached for JC’s right hand and held it carefully in both of his hands. The heart monitor’s beeping picked up its pace slightly, indicating that JC was aware of his presence.

“He knows you’re here. Why don’t you talk to him,” urged Dr. Shannon.

“What do I say?” asked Lance as he began to fight tears forming in his eyes.

“You’ll know what to say,” the doctor answered before indicating that either Joey or Chris should do the same for Justin.

Chris made his way quickly to Justin’s left side so that he could still see JC. He slowly picked up Justin’s left hand and began stroking it with his thumb as he quietly spoke to him.

“Hey J. The doc says that you and JC are going to be just fine. You need to wake up now and give us that electric smile of yours, okay?”

Justin’s eyelids began to flutter as he moaned slightly in an effort to find the source of the voice.

“We’re here J. Me, Joey, and Lance are here with you and JC. You’re going to be just fine. Open your eyes for me, okay?”

Justin’s eyes slowly opened. He blinked several times at the bright lights in the room and looked around in total confusion. His gaze finally landed on Chris who was now also stroking his head as he spoke to him.

“Hey man. Glad you made it back.” Chris smiled broadly down on the youngest member of the group.

“Hey guys. He’s awake,” he called out quietly so as not to startle Justin, who seemed to still be confused.

Justin looked around him and saw that Joey was standing between his bed and JC’s. He also saw Lance standing by JC’s bedside.

JC was also showing signs of awakening as Lance whispered his own words of encouragement to him.

“JC…it’s time to wake up man. Let’s see those blue eyes of yours man. Come on. You can do it.”

JC’s heart monitor continued to pick up its pace as he seemed to be regaining consciousness.

The sight of the paramedics working on his friends had caused so much grief for Joey, that he had had to walk away. He could not stand to see JC’s limp body being poked and prodded by strangers and the sight of Justin passing out sent him over the edge. . He knew that they were doing their jobs, but in his mind, it was just that…they were just doing their jobs and didn’t realize that those were his brothers lying there…not just two victims. Joey said a small prayer of thanks for Chris, who had come to comfort him on the basketball court. He had not even remembered how he had come to be there, but Chris’ embrace was like a lifeline and he grabbed on to it and did not let go.

Chris had missed much of what had happened during that time since he had gone into the house to help Justin with the 911 call and then to the gates at the front of the home to guide the firemen/paramedics to the backyard. He did see just enough to understand why Joey was so upset, before leaving Lance to watch over their friends as they were being cared for.
