Chapter Sixteen


“So what have you been up to since I left this morning?” JC asked as he continued to move his lips along Laurie’s neck.

            “Well, I went back to sleep for a bit and I had actually just returned from being downstairs when you came in.”


            “Yeah, I was picking up a few things that I needed in the Gift Shop.”

            JC moved his hands from Laurie’s waist to her shoulders and turned her around to face him.  He kept his hands where they were and made her look him in the eye.

            “You saw Alexandria and I together, didn’t you?”

            Laurie lowered her head in confirmation.  Hearing him almost admit that he kissed Alexandria hurt, but she knew she had no right to be angry with him because he was married to her and it was to be expected.  JC made her look at him again.

            “Laurie, it’s not what you’re probably thinking,” he began.  “I had absolutely no interest in kissing Alexandria, she was the one who kissed me.”

            “It doesn’t matter,” Laurie said quietly.  “You’re married to her, you have to show her some affection.”

            “But I don’t want to,” he whined playfully.  Laurie actually cracked a bit of a smile.  “Although I think the whole ‘affection’ issue is one that we need to address.”

            JC sighed and guided Laurie over to the bed and sat down beside her.  He wrapped an arm around her waist and moved his fingers slowly up and down her side while he contemplated what he was going to say.

            “I don’t see what needs to be addressed Josh, we…”

            “Hush,” JC said and placed one finger over her lips.  “I’m sure you really don’t want to hear this, but I feel like I need to tell you.”

            “Oh God,” Laurie thought to herself.  “He’s going to tell me that he had sex with her last night…”

            “Last night when Alexandria finally stopped screaming at me for having lunch with you, we went to bed and she suddenly decided that she wanted to be intimate.”  He felt the tension enter Laurie’s body and she shifted herself a little.  “I told her no… that I was too tired.”

            Laurie felt some of the tension seep out of her body.  “You didn’t have to do that.”

            “It doesn’t matter if I had to do that or not.  I have absolutely no desire to be with that woman any longer and I didn’t want to have sex with her last night.  It’s just… now that you’re back in my life; I only want to be with you.  When I’m with Alexandria - in any sense of the word - I feel like I’m being unfaithful to you and I hate that feeling.”

            “Josh, it’s something that we’re going to have to deal with.  I mean, Craig is picking me up at the airport tomorrow and I know that I’m going to want to put him off.  Thankfully, I’ll probably be too tired and he’ll accept that… but we can’t avoid sleeping with our spouses forever.”

            “We can’t?” JC pouted and rested his head on Laurie’s shoulder.  “But it could be so much fun…”

            Laurie couldn’t help but laugh.  “I guess we should consider ourselves fortunate enough that we don’t see them very often.  It makes things much easier - but we can’t keep saying no, it’s going to happen sooner or later.”

            “Can’t we just pretend that you and I are the only two people in the world?  And that we don’t have to worry about these problems?” JC asked huskily and leaned in to kiss her neck.

            “We could,” she replied and tilted her head to give JC easier access.  “In fact,” she said turning so that she was facing him.  “I think that’s a very good idea.”

            JC cupped the side of her face and slowly brought his lips to hers.  His fingers slid under her shirt and danced along her spine, making her shiver.  His mouth moved from her lips and trailed along her jawline until it made contact with the soft flesh of her earlobe.  He closed his teeth over it and began to nibble gently, while one hand cupped her neck and the other went to work on undoing her bra.

            Laurie eyes fluttered closed and she bit back a moan as JC’s hand made a path from her neck, over her shoulder, to the swell of her breast and gave a light squeeze as his thumb grazed over her nipple, which immediately responded to the stimulation.  Both hands soon began to descend to the hem of her t-shirt and JC swiftly lifted it over her head before discarding it on the floor in front of them, along with her bra.

            JC gently pushed Laurie’s shoulders so that she was lying on the bed.  He moved his body up with hers until both their heads were resting on the pillows and he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her.

            “I love being with you,” he murmured against her mouth and pulled her more tightly against his body.

            He had begun to kiss her again, so she could only moan her assent.  Laurie allowed her hands to roam his body and before either of them realized it, JC’s shirt had joined hers on the floor.  She shivered a little at the extraordinary shape that his body was in, and JC stopped kissing her.

            “Are you cold?” He asked.  “Because if you are, we could get under the covers…”

            “I’m not cold,” Laurie told him with a fire in her voice that matched the passion in her eyes.  “I was just appreciating your body and enjoying the feel of your skin against mine… knowing that only you can make me feel this way.”

            Having heard Laurie admit that to him was almost his undoing.  He groaned and quickly brought his mouth to hers with new purpose.  He uttered something that was unrecognizable and Laurie couldn’t help but smile at his fervor. 

            JC’s hands began to move more smoothly against Laurie’s skin and it wasn’t long before she was completely exposed to him.  They breathed tender words as they continued to caress each other and soon the remainder of JC’s clothing had joined Laurie’s.  Just as he gathered her into his arms, there was a knock at the door that connected their rooms.  Laurie’s eyes flew open and she looked at JC.

            “Did you remember to lock the door?”  She whispered frantically.

            “Yes,” he replied.  “Who the hell is in my room?”

            “I don’t know,” Laurie cursed.  “Go into the bathroom while I see why this person suddenly has no desire to live.”

            JC chuckled deep in his throat and immediately headed for the bathroom.  It wasn’t often that Laurie got violent, but when she did, it usually meant trouble.

            Laurie waited until JC had closed the door and quickly threw her robe on before walking to the door and opening it.

            “Hey Laurie,” Lance grinned.  “How are you?”

            “Tired, I was just about to take a nap.”

            “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Lance tried to look behind her.  “Have you seen JC anywhere?”

            “Not lately.” She was surprised that the lie rolled easily off of her tongue.  “How did you get into his room?”

            “One of the guards let me in since he wasn’t answering his phone,” Lance tried to look into her room again and noticed that the bathroom door was closed.  “But that’s ok, I’ll just catch up to him later.  Have a nice nap.”

            “Thanks,” Laurie replied and closed the door, double-checking that it was locked.  She walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly on it.  “He’s gone, you can come out.”

            The door swung open and JC grinned at her.  He began moving toward her and when he could reach, his hands untied her robe and pushed the offending garment to the floor.  He bent over and placed one arm behind her back, the other behind her knees and picked her up, carrying her over to the bed.

            “Now,” he murmured against her ear.  “Where were we?”




            “What are you doing?” Chris asked as he flopped down on the couch beside Michelle.  She had been working on her laptop all morning and he was finally curious enough to ask.

            “I’m sending the projected sales figures from Friday to Dave so he can look at them.  We won’t have the actual total until Nordstrom sends them to us.  We also need to start picking through orders for the fall line so we can ship it in time.”

            “I’m glad you’re handling that and not me,” Chris laughed.  “I’m getting a headache just thinking about it.”

            “It’s not a big deal, you have other things to worry about.  What time are we checking out tomorrow?”

            “I don’t know, I’ll have to check.  Are you in a hurry to leave?”

            “No… I’m just getting a little apprehensive about seeing my mom.”  She looked at him.  “I’ve been thinking that maybe it isn’t such a good idea.”

            “Come on Shelle, she’s your family,” he reassured her and placed his hand on the small of her back.  “I’m sure she can’t wait to see you.”

            “I know, it’s just… probably going to be a little awkward.”

            “Would you feel better if I went with you?  Tuesday is out of the question, because we have soundcheck and the show, but Wednesday morning before we go to MuchMusic…”

            “It’s ok Chris, I’ll just go on Tuesday and see her.  But thank you for offering.”

            “The offer still stands if you change your mind.” He moved closer to her.  “You know, I was thinking that after the concert, we could go to the club where we first met.”

            “You mean where I turned you down?” She laughed. 

            “Yeah,” he pouted.  “You thought I was just a freak hitting on you.  I think the braids threw you off.”

            Michelle raised her hand and touched his hair.  “I kind of miss them sometimes.”

            “Yeah?  Want me to grow them back?”

            “Hell no,” she grinned.  “They were just fun to play with.”

            “I can’t say that I really miss them.”  He looked at her carefully.  “Have you had anything to eat yet today?”


            “I didn’t think so.  Do you want to go downstairs and grab something or stay here and get room service?”

            “I think I’ve been cooped up here long enough.”  She closed her laptop and stood up to stretch.  “Let’s go.”

            As Michelle stretched, Chris placed his hands on her waist and drew her closer to him.  He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

            “Mmm… what was that for?”

            “It was just because I love you,” he smiled and kissed her.  He looked at his watch and said, “It’s almost four o’clock… did you just want to eat dinner and maybe grab a snack later?”

            “Works for me,” she said and slung her purse over her shoulder as Chris opened the door for her.  “Thank you.”

            The door closed behind them and they stepped out into the hallway holding each other’s hand.  They stopped briefly to tell Lonnie where they were going before taking the elevator downstairs.

            “Hey,” Chris said suddenly.  “You never did get me a coffee.”

            “Would you like me to buy you one now?” Michelle laughed.

            “Nah, I’ll just send you to get me one later.”

            “I might be busy later.”

            “Doing what?”

            Michelle just looked at him and arched one of her eyebrows while a sly smile crossed her face.  Realization dawned on Chris’ face and he grinned.

            “Is that a promise?”

            “Only if you behave yourself during dinner.” She touched her finger to the tip of his nose.

            “I’ll be good,” he said quickly and they turned into the door of the restaurant.

            The waitress seated them immediately and took their drink orders while they perused the menu.  It wasn’t long after they had made their decision and were waiting for their food that Lance came into the restaurant.

            “Hey guys, mind if I join you?”

            “Be our guest,” Chris said and pushed a chair out with his foot so Lance could sit down.  “How come we always seem to run into you down here?  Don’t you have a room?”

            “I do,” Lance laughed.  “But my work is finished for the time being and I’m getting restless.  I was also getting hungry.  Is that ok with you?”

            “I guess,” Chris rolled his eyes.  “Hey, what time are we checking out tomorrow?”

            “Eleven o’clock, so be ready.  Michelle, make sure he doesn’t leave anything behind.”

            Chris pouted and Michelle began to laugh.  “I just need to make sure that he doesn’t leave me behind.”

            Chris slouched deep in his chair and folded his arms across his chest and pouted even more, causing Lance and Michelle to laugh harder.  Lance was still laughing when Michelle rested her hand on Chris’ neck and gave it a light squeeze.  She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

            “You know I love you,” she told him.  “And I’m sure if Lance ever stops laughing, he would tell you the same thing.”

            Lance took a few minutes to settle down, but his eyes still held amusement.  He looked toward the door of the restaurant and waved as Joey walked by and the sparkle in his eyes increased as JC and Laurie walked into the restaurant together.  He had to suppress a knowing chuckle as he noticed that JC had his arm around her waist.

            “Josh,” Laurie whispered as she spotted the small group across the room.  “Your arm is still around my waist.”

            “Shit,” he said and withdrew his arm casually enough that he hoped it didn’t draw attention.

            In addition to Lance however, Michelle had also seen JC and Laurie and watched with increasing interest as JC withdrew his arm and raised her eyebrows.

            “Well, well,” she commented under her breath but it was loud enough for Lance to hear her and he looked at her.

            “You saw too?” He asked.  Chris was completely oblivious to their conversation.  Michelle nodded and watched as JC and Laurie walked toward the three of them.

            “It suddenly explains a lot,” she said quietly.

            “You don’t know the half of it,” Lance muttered out of the side of his mouth.

            Michelle quickly looked at Lance and made a mental note to get him to elaborate as soon as they had a chance.


Chapter Seventeen