Chapter Thirty-Three


Chris lay on the floor stunned.  Did JC actually just punch him?  He sat up a little and tried to get his bearings.  JC was standing over him with gritted teeth and clenched fists.  Chris looked up at him.


“What the hell did you do that for?”  He demanded.


“I don’t care what you say about Alexandria,” he growled.  “I don’t give a shit about her.  But don’t you EVER talk about Laurie like that again.”


Chris lifted his good hand and touched his lower lip.  It was bleeding.


“I’m um… going to get some ice.  And then I’m going to try to call Michelle again.” He said quietly and walked out of the room.  JC followed him to help.


“Trick… we’re in this together.  Our girlfriends are essentially missing, they aren’t answering their cell phones and they only have each other for protection.  And the fact that you haven’t taken your pain medication probably isn’t helping any.”


“I want to be awake when Michelle gets back.” He told him.  “And that stuff will knock me out.”


“It’s supposed to.  How are you going to function tomorrow if you don’t get any sleep?”


“There’s nothing planned for tomorrow… I can sleep all day if I want.”


“You should at least try to get some sleep now.  You’ll hear her come in.”


“Jace…” Chris began uncertainly.  It was getting difficult to speak and his wrist was really starting to hurt.  “I’m sorry for what I said back there.”


JC grinned.  “And I’m sorry for punching you.  Even though you deserved it.”


“Yeah, I did.” Chris tried to smile and he flinched.  “Ow.”




(5am – Same Day)


Chris had been unable to sleep soundly because of the pain from his wrist and his mouth.  He had just gotten out of bed to take a pill when he heard giggling in the hallway.


Across the hall, JC slept lightly.  The bed sheets were on the floor from his constant tossing and turning.  When he heard the giggling in the hallway, he was out of bed and opened the door so fast, it almost came off of its hinges.  Chris had just done the same.


Laurie and Michelle stopped giggling for the briefest of moments when the doors to their rooms flew open.  JC and Chris stepped out into the hallway with their arms folded across their chests.


“I think we’re in trouble,” Michelle whispered not so quietly and in a voice still slightly slurred from the alcohol she had consumed earlier in the evening.  Then she started giggling again.


“Get in here.” Chris said, his voice rough from pain and lack of sleep.


“You too.”  JC told Laurie in a calm voice.


The women disappeared into their respective rooms and the doors slammed shut behind them.


“Go have a shower and brush your teeth to get the smell of smoke and alcohol off of you and then we’re going to have a talk.”


Michelle knew better than to argue when Chris used that tone of voice.  She walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her without a word.




“Sit.” JC said quietly and Laurie sat down on the sofa. 


He began pacing on the carpet in front of her.  Laurie stayed silent.  When JC still hadn’t spoken after several moments, Laurie did.


“Josh… please… say something.”


JC stopped pacing and dropped to his knees in front of her, placing his hands lightly on her thighs.


“Do you have any idea how worried I was?”


“I know,” her eyes filled with tears.  “I’m sorry.”


“Where were you?”


“I ran into an old friend from school… she invited us to see her ranch.  We started talking and just lost track of time.”


“Why weren’t you answering your cell phone?”


Laurie lowered her head.  “I forgot to bring it with me.  We wouldn’t have been able to hear it in the bar anyway.”


“Please… just call next time.  I don’t know what I would do if anything were to happen to you.”


“Ok,” she promised.  “Josh, I’m sorry…”


He picked up one of her hands and began to rub it between his.  “I know, sweetheart.”


Laurie was staring intently at his right hand that was starting to bruise.  “What happened to your hand?”


“Oh, umm… I kind of punched Chris.”


“What?” She exclaimed.  “Why would you do a thing like that?”


“He was mad… and he said something he shouldn’t have.  He already apologized, but there was no way I was going to let that comment go.”


“What did he say?”


“He said…” JC took a deep breath.  “He said ‘I bet if Craig were around more, Laurie would have no interest in you.’”


“Josh… my marriage to Craig is all but over.  There’s nothing between us anymore… if there ever was in the first place.”


“I know, but he…”


“He’s my husband in name only.  Craig and I don’t have a marriage… in fact…” She hesitated a little.  “Next time I speak to him, I plan on asking him for a divorce; because I want to be with you – not anyone else.”






He cupped her face between his hands and kissed her gently.


“I’m glad to hear that,” he murmured and kissed her again.  “You know… I had a lot of trouble sleeping without you lying beside me.”


“You did?”


“Mmm Hmm,” he nodded his head.  His lips had begun caressing her neck.


“You’re not tired now, are you?” She purred suggestively.


“A little,” he responded.  “But I think I can be persuaded to do something other than sleep.  What did you have in mind?”


Laurie winked.  “Follow me into the bedroom and I’ll give you a little demonstration.”




Chris was sitting on the bed in their suite staring intently at the closed door of the bathroom.  His wrist was aching and he had just taken a pill, knowing it would take effect in approximately thirty minutes.  His lip had swelled to nearly twice its normal size and he wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and forget the past twenty-four hours had ever happened.


When Michelle came out of the bathroom, Chris moved to the side to make room for her to sit down.  She sat with her head lowered and she stared at her clasped hands.


“What’s going on with you lately?”  He asked.


“What do you mean?”


“Just what I said.  It seems like you’re just looking to get into trouble lately.  Going out last night without security when I specifically asked you to take someone… coming home so late without telling anyone… it’s almost been a pattern with you lately.  I think… maybe Laurie is a bad influence on you and you should limit your time together.”


“Did it cross your mind that maybe I just enjoy have another woman to hang out with and spend time with for a change?” She challenged.


“It’s not just that.  You were drinking last night, what if you’re already pregnant and don’t know it?”


“Trust me Chris, I’m not pregnant.  My period ended about a week and a half ago… remember?” She told him.  “Besides, neither of us are going to be able to go out very much when we have children… and I’m sure Johnny won’t want me out in public once I get pregnant and start showing.”




“Just let me have a little bit of fun now, please Chris?  It’s not hurting anyone.”


He finally looked at her.  “I was really worried about you last night.”


“I’m sorry.” She frowned when she noticed his lip.  “What happened?”


“JC punched me.” Then he quickly added.  “But I deserved it.  Everything is cool now.”


“I don’t think I like the idea of you guys beating up on each other.  How is your wrist feeling?”


“It’s sore.  I didn’t take any medication last night… I wanted to be awake when you got back.”


“Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick, do I need to call your mother?”


“No,” he laughed.  “I took a pill while you were in the shower… I’m just waiting for it to kick in.”


“Ok then.” She touched the side of his face.  “I’m really sorry about last night.  I promise that I’ll try to behave better from now on.”


“Of course you will, because you’re grounded from Laurie.”


“You can’t do that… she works for us!  Besides, if you’re on tour, and Laurie and I are both in LA…” she said slyly.


“I may just have to convince JC to keep Laurie around.” Chris retorted.


“Oh come on… how is that fair?”


“Laurie would choose C over work any day.”


“I know… that’s why it’s not fair.” Michelle pouted.


“Any way, you must be tired… I know I am.  Let’s get some sleep.”


“Ok… do you need any help?”


“Nope… I just need you by my side.” He thought for a second and added, “And to pull the covers over me.”


They lay quiet for a few minutes and Chris’ voice broke the silence.


“You’re still grounded from Laurie.” Then he chuckled and went to sleep.


Chapter Thirty-Four