Chapter Thirty-Seven


“Is everything ok at work?” Craig asked.


“Oh, umm… everything is fine.  Chris just had an idea for some advertising that he wanted to run by me.” She was surprised by how easily she thought up the lie.


“Good.” He walked over to where she was sitting and hugged her.  “I have some work that I have to do in the office tonight, but it shouldn’t take me too long.  Just call me if you need me.”


He kissed her lightly on the cheek and grabbed his briefcase.  He was whistling as he walked out the door.


“I won’t need you,” Laurie thought to herself.  “I haven’t needed you in a long time.  I need Josh.”




There were more calls from JC over the duration of the weekend and Laurie avoided most of them.  When she did talk to him, their conversations were short and impersonal – either because Alexandria showed up or Craig picked up the extension in his office to place a call.


It was already Sunday and Craig had spent the majority of the weekend in his office.  She knew she had to talk to him soon, he had a flight to New York that evening.  She took a deep breath and walked down the hall to his office.  Mustering up all the courage she could – she knocked on the door and waited.


He answered the door a few seconds later with a surprised look on his face and invited her in.  Laurie sat in the chair across from his desk and Craig took his place behind it.


“Craig, I think we need to talk.”


“I agree.”


“I don’t think things are working out between us,” her eyes filled with tears.  That seemed to be happening a lot lately.  “You’ve been so wonderful to me and you’re a good man with a good heart.  You’re just not around very much.”


“I know.” He said.  “I’ve spent the last month thinking about how unfair I’m being to you by being gone all the time.  We’ve been married for three months and I think this might only be the seventh time we’ve seen each other.”


“Something like that.”


“So I guess we’re both looking for the same thing.”


“I guess.”


“Laurie,” Craig said.  “I really wanted this marriage to work.  My career picked a bad time to kick into high gear.”


“Craig, it’s all right.  You don’t owe me an apology.  Sometimes things happen that you have no control over and you have to say goodbye.”


“I guess we were better off as friends,” Craig said sadly.  “If you’d like, I can call my lawyer in the morning from New York and have him draw up the papers.”


“Oh, you don’t have to do it that soon…”


“No, but I don’t like leaving things up in the air.” He winked.  “You realize that as my wife, you’re entitled to half of everything in the divorce?”


Laurie’s eyes grew wide.  “No Craig, I don’t want…”


“But half of everything here is legally yours.  That includes bank accounts, property…”


“I’ll fight it.” Laurie shook her head.  “I’ll take what I came into this marriage with and a little extra to start me off with an apartment and some furniture.  I don’t need anything else.”


“Well, we can work out the details later.” He walked around to her side of the desk and pulled her into a hug.  “I just hope that no matter what, you’ll be happy.  That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”


The tears Laurie had been trying to fight finally broke through and she returned Craig’s hug as tightly as she could.




JC was thankful that he had booked the hotel’s limousine for Alexandria’s trip to the airport Sunday afternoon.  They were in San Diego and though she could have just gone home to the house she occasionally shared with JC in LA, she wanted to return to Orlando.  JC didn’t care one way or the other, just as long as she left.


The whole weekend had been hell from the moment she had arrived on Friday.  She complained about going to the concert and chose to stay at the hotel for the duration of it.  Then she complained about leaving with the crew members when it came time to take the buses to the venue because they were leaving Denver and driving to San Diego immediately after the show.


She asked why she couldn’t fly to San Diego like Chris, Lance and Michelle were doing the following morning, instead of riding the bus.  JC had patiently explained to her that Lance had a few meetings to attend for A Happy Place and Chris and Michelle had work they had to do at the office before the Nordstrom signing on Sunday.


The only thing that made her happy was Justin asking Joey if he could ride with him.  She didn’t realize that Justin didn’t want to put up with her all the way to California. 


Once she was on the bus, she was even more miserable.  The bus smelled like old gym socks.  There was no fat-free food.  The bunks were too small.  The bunks were too lumpy.  The bathroom was too small.  There was nothing to do.  The ride wasn’t smooth.


“Dria. It’s one o’clock in the morning.  You’re not supposed to have anything to do, except for sleep.  I can’t control the surroundings no matter how much you dislike them.”


“Well where am I supposed to sleep?  The bunk isn’t big enough for two.” She pouted.


“Yes it is, Chris shares his bunk with Michelle whenever she travels with us.”  To himself he added, “And Laurie shares with me.”


“But I’m used to a lot of room.”


“If you don’t want to sleep with me, you can sleep in the spare bunk.  Or Justin’s bunk.  Or Chris’ bunk.  Or on the sofa in the lounge.  But I need to get some sleep, so please make a decision.”


“Fine, I’ll take the spare bunk,” she huffed.


JC listened to Alexandria toss and turn for five minutes until he fell asleep.  He was thankful for small favors the following day when Alexandria didn’t wake up until they were ten minutes from the hotel.


Now that it was Sunday afternoon, Alexandria was on her way to the airport in the hotel’s limousine and he could relax.  As soon as he heard from Laurie.


She had been standoffish every time he had spoken to her that weekend and it only resulted in making him uneasy.  What if she had changed her mind about asking Craig for her freedom?  What if the flowers and dinner on Friday just swept her off her feet and she fell into his arms?  What if they spent the entire weekend in bed together?


JC shuddered at that thought.


His head was full of more ‘What If’ questions but he refused to entertain them.


He heard voices in the hall and prayed that it was Chris and Michelle returning from the FuMan signing.  If it was, he fully intended on dragging Michelle into his room and asking her if she had spoken to Laurie at all during the weekend and interrogating her if she had.


He opened his door and leaned against the frame, smiling at her as she walked by.  She stopped and sighed.


“What do you want Chasez?”


“Oh I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.” He was still smiling.  That made her nervous.


“Jace, I’m tired, I’ve been up since five o’clock this morning and I have eight phone calls to return.” She complained.


“Please?  It won’t take very long.” He promised.


She rolled her eyes and handed her bag to Chris for him to take into their room.  She then followed JC into his room.


“Is one of those calls you have to return to Laurie?” He asked hopefully.


Michelle sat down.  She had a feeling this was going to take longer than intended.


“No, that was one of the calls I answered.”


“She called you?”


 “She always calls me.”


JC looked down at his hands.  “Did she say anything about me?”


“Maybe.” She smirked.  She was enjoying this.  “I think she might have mentioned a thing or two.”


He looked at her expectantly.


Michelle sighed.  “I’m not going to tell you, she told me in confidence.” She leaned forward a little.  “Why don’t you call her?”


“Because every time I’ve spoken to her this weekend she seemed… I don’t know… like maybe she didn’t want to talk to me.” He frowned.


“Look, Jace.  You know Laurie loves you.  And you know that she was probably acting that way because Craig was home… and also because the dumbass that is JC Chasez didn’t tell her that the wicked witch of the west was coming for a visit.”


JC glared at her.


“Don’t give me that look – I invented that look and perfected it on Chris.  I will tell you that Craig flew out this afternoon.  So…”


A grin slowly spread across JC’s face.  “So she’s home alone and I can call her without having any worries?”


Michelle shrugged and smiled.


“Thanks… you’re an angel!” He reached for his phone.


“Well I don’t know if I would go that far…” she laughed and reached for the door handle.  “Good luck.”


Chapter Thirty-Eight