Chapter Forty-Four


Immediately after soundcheck, JC headed directly to the Quiet Room.  Once he was inside, he collapsed onto the sofa.  Fatigue was beginning to set in and he idly wondered how he was going to make it through the rest of the day.  He rubbed his temples to ease the headache that was quickly creeping up on him.  He rolled his neck on his shoulder and tried to stretch out the kinks.  He looked up when the door opened.


“Hey.” Lance nodded his head in greeting and sat down on the sofa opposite his friend.  “How are you feeling?”


“Like I’ve been run over by one of our buses.” He groaned.  “It almost killed me when Justin started singing the first few bars of Gone.”


Lance nodded sympathetically and JC looked at him with a pained expression.


“I can’t believe I lost her again, Lance.” His voice cracked.  “I’ve been fighting with myself all day, I’m so tempted to call her or stop by her room to see how she’s doing – but I’m terrified that she won’t want to see me or talk to me.”



“Have you had a chance to talk to her today?” JC asked hopefully.


Lance groaned.  He really didn’t want to be the one to tell JC that Laurie had left in the middle of the night.  “Actually… she kind of left.”


JC’s head snapped up.  “What do you mean ‘she left’?”


Lance averted his gaze from JC’s intense stare.  “Michelle went to check on her this morning and all of her stuff was gone.  Security said she left in the middle of night.”


JC buried his head in his hands.  “This is all my fault.  She didn’t tell anyone where she was going?”


“I think she would have told Michelle or myself if she was going to tell anyone.  Michelle’s looking for her now, she’s going to call Chris if she finds anything out.”


“Can you let me know?” JC implored.  “As soon you hear anything?”




“Promise me.”


“C, I promise I’ll let you know what’s going on with Laurie as soon as I know.”


“Thank you.” JC had never felt so weary in his life.  “Can umm… can you do something else for me?”




“I doubt she’ll come back on tour… but if you could keep in touch with her and just make sure she’s doing all right… since I can’t…” He hung his head.  “She probably hates me.”


“She doesn’t hate you,” Lance told him.  “She’s just hurt right now… she lost you again, too.  But yeah, I’ll keep in touch with her and I’ll make sure she has my number so she can check in with me too.”


JC brought a hand up to his face to wipe away a tear that he didn’t want Lance to see.  “Thank you.” He whispered.


“Anyway, I know you want to be alone so I’m going to head out.  Hannah is flying home tomorrow and I want to spend some time with her.”


“Thanks Lance.” JC still didn’t look up.


“Anytime.” Lance replied softly and quietly left the room.


JC sighed and reached over to turn the small radio on.  He found a station that was dedicated to music from the 80’s and froze when he heard the song that was playing.  It was one of his favorites but it broke his heart to listen to it.



Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some people's destiny passes by
There are no guarantees, there are no alibis
That's how our love must be, don't ask why

It takes some time, god knows how long
I know that I can forget you
As soon as my heart stops breakin', anticipating
As soon as forever is through I'll be over you

Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same

There were the nights holding you close
Someday I'll try to forget them
As soon as my heart stops breakin', anticipating
As soon as forever is through I'll be over you

As soon as my heart stops breakin', anticipating
Someday I'll be over you
As soon as my heart stops breakin', anticipating
As soon as forever is through I'll be over you
Someday I'll be over you
As soon as my heart stops breakin', anticipating



“Stupid song,” he muttered when it ended and switched the radio off.  “Even forever couldn’t help me get over her.”


He didn’t realize that tears were streaming down his face.




Lance entered the Toy Room and looked at Chris expectantly, who in turn shook his head.  Lance frowned just as Chris’ cell phone rang.  Chris glanced at the caller id and answered it.


“Any luck?”


“Hi Chris, I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Michelle said sarcastically.


“Sorry hun,” he apologized sheepishly and shook his head at Lance again.  Lance’s brow furrowed in concern.


“And no, I still haven’t been able to contact her.  She hasn’t been at the office, but she must have stopped by the apartment because most of her clothes are gone and her car is gone.  I even drove over to Craig’s house to see if she was there.”


“Shit.” Chris murmured.  “Have you tried her calling her cell again?”


“Many times.  It’s still off.”


“I’m sure she’s all right… we gave her the week off from work, she’ll probably be there on Monday.”


“I forgot about that.” Michelle sighed.  “I’m going to stay here in case she happens to come back for something, ok?”


“Where’s here?”


“I’m at the apartment.”


“You’re not coming back for the show?”


“What did I just say, Chris?”


“All right, all right.  I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning then, I’ll get C to drop me off on his way home.  Did you pick up the dogs?”


“Yeah, they’re here.” She scratched Korea’s ear affectionately.  “They seem happy to be home.”


“That’s what I’ll be,” Chris grinned.  “Two whole days off!”


Michelle laughed.  “Your beer is already here.”


“Aww… I knew I kept you around for a reason.”  Chris paused.  “Food is here, I have to go before Joey eats it all.”


“All right, I’ll see you tomorrow and I’ll leave a message on your phone if anything changes.  Love you.”


“Love you too – JOEY I WANTED THAT!” Chris yelled and dropped his phone.  Michelle just laughed and ended the call.


“No luck, huh?” Lance asked as he spooned some rice onto his plate.


“Nothing.  Michelle even went to Craig’s to see if Laurie had gone back there.”


“She didn’t, did she?” Lance looked up sharply.


“No and to be honest, I don’t think she would have gone there.”


“What’s going on?” Joey asked with a mouthful of food.  “How come Laurie isn’t here?”


There was an uncomfortable silence as Lance, Chris and Justin exchanged uneasy glances.  Justin and Chris turned away, leaving Lance to respond to Joey’s question.


“Thanks guys,” Lance mumbled and faced Joey who had a very befuddled expression on his face.  “Laurie broke up with JC last night…”


“She WHAT!” Joey exclaimed and dropped his plate.  “The hell?”


“Alexandria is pregnant.” Lance told him softly.  The very words made him cringe.


“Psst…” Justin nudged Chris.  “I don’t think Joey’s eyes can get any wider.”


“When the HELL did all this happen?  Where was I?” Joey demanded.


“You were still at the club and you were probably passed out in your room when Lance told us.” Chris said.


“Well damn.” He looked around.  “So she left?  Just like that?”


“Yep.  Middle of the night.  And now no one can get a hold of her and Michelle can’t find her.”


Joey suddenly started to laugh and everyone gave him a dirty look.


“Sorry guys,” Joey paused to catch his breath.  “But can you imagine Miss High-and-Mighty being a mother?  Changing diapers?”


Chris’ mouth twitched a little and Justin snorted.  Their eyes met and they couldn’t contain their laughter.


“She’ll probably have a nanny,” Lance reminded them.  “And I’m sure she’d have someone give birth for her too if that were possible.”


Justin’s eyes narrowed and he immediately stopped laughing.  “There is no way in HELL C would let his child be raised by a nanny.”


Joey sat down at the table.  “JC with a kid… can you imagine?”  He shook his head.  “How is he holding up?”


“Not very well,” Lance told him and sat down across from Joey.  “He’s in the Quiet Room right now and between the shock of Alexandria telling him she’s pregnant and Laurie breaking up with him… it’s a wonder he’s still standing.”


“But I don’t understand why she would dump him instead of supporting him?”


“She told him that his child needs to come first… and she’s worried about what would happen if Alexandria found out about his relationship with her… she doesn’t want him to lose his future son or daughter because of her.” Lance explained.


“That makes sense.” Joey looked around.  “He’s gonna need us more than ever.”




Laurie didn’t pay attention to what she was grabbing when she was at the apartment.  She grabbed her suitcase and accidentally caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the way out.  Her eyes were puffy and her face was blotchy from the amount of crying she had already done.  She didn’t bother fighting it because she knew there would be more.


She took her sunglasses out of her purse and placed them on her face before she took the back stairs down to the garage to get her car.  She threw her suitcase in the backseat and headed to Highway 1 and just kept driving.


Chapter Forty-Five