Missing You

By: Jeannie

Justin sat in his kitchen early one morning eating breakfast when in came his two year old daughter Lili.

"Daddy? When is mommy coming home?" Lili asked.

"Soon sweetie. Soon." Justin replied.

Justin kept hoping his wife would walk through the door soon. Their memphis home seemed so lonely without her in it. Abby and Justin had met four years earlier at a birthday party for their mutual friend Chris. Justin was immediately intrigued by her and asked Chris to introduce him.

The two began dating and fell in love. Then after a little over a year together Abby had surprising news for Justin. She was pregnant. They knew it had probably happened on a vacation they took to Jamaica. Lili Katherine Timberlake was born on a Saturday night. Justin flew home for the birth. You couldn't find a more devoted father. Lili was truly daddy's little girl.

Shortly after Lili's first birthday Justin proposed to Abby. Now it was their one year anniversary and Abby was coming hom after being away for a month on business. Justin missed her so much. He longed to breathe in her scent, to touch her, to kiss her, to hold her, to make love to her. Tonight he'd be able to do just that.

Later that night he began to prepare for her arrival. First he gave Lili a bath, dressed her, and helped her brush her teeth. Then he scooped her up in his arms and put her in bed and tucked her in.

"Daddy read me a story! Please!" Lili asked sweetly.

"Okay honey. Which one?" justin said smiling at his little girl.

"The one with the princess with the long hair daddy!"


As he read the story and looked at his daughter he thought about how much Lili looked like her mother. How their love created this beautiful little angel. Then he kissed her goodnight and left her to sleep.

In the living room and bedroom he began to set the scene. Candles everywhere, champagne chilling, and soft music.

"Justin?" Abby called out as she walked in the house.

No response but on the table by the door there was a note.


follow the rose petals and you'll find me. and then I'll no longer be missing you.

I love you.


Pink and red rose petals formed a trail into their bedroom. And lying on the bed was Justin.

"Hey baby. I'm so glad you're home." Justin said softly getting up from the bed and walking toward her.

"God I missed you Justin. Its so good to be home." Abby replied.

Justin softly kissed the nape of her neck. Abby looked at her husband standing before her in nothing but silk boxers. What an amazing man he was. Chiseled features, sweet smile, beautiful blue eyes, and incredibly romantic and sensitive. Abby knew how blessed she was.

"Something's wrong with this picture." Justin grinned.

"What's that?" Abby asked smiling.

"I'm in only my boxers and you still have that dress on. I think its time to even things out."

Justin unzipped her dress and slowly slid it off of her taking in every curve of her body.

"You are so beautiful." Justin said.

"You're not so bad yourself Timberlake." Abby replied.

Justin pressed his lips to hers and they began to kiss passionately. Abby's hands roamed down to his boxers and slid them off. Pushing Justin down on the bed she began to kiss him all over. Reaching down she stroked his erection in her hands.

"That feels so good! oh babygirl I missed feeling you touch me." Justin said moaning.

Abby pleasured him with her hands and mouth until he exploded. Then Justin began to kiss her and fondled her breasts.

"Mmm Justin. I need you. Make love to me Justin."

It didn't take much more encouragement than that. Justin slid her panties off quickly and threw them aside. Then he kissed her thighs and made his way to her center. Licking and sucking on her clit he began to make her cum.

"Ohhh Justin I'm almost there baby." she panted out.

Then in no time at all she screamed out her orgasm and Justin licked up every drop.

"Babygirl are you ready to make another Lili? I want us to have another beautiful little angel just like you." Justin asked holding her close.

"I'd love nothing more than to make another Lili with you or maybe a Justin Jr. I'd love a little boy as amazing as his daddy." Abby replied.

Justin hovered over her for a moment teasing her opening with the tip of his member. Then he entered her slowly and moved with a steady rhythm.

"You feel so good babygirl." Justin told her continuing to thrust steadily.

"Justin nobody loves me like you love me." Abby moaned.

Justin began to thrust faster and both he and Abby began to reach their climax.

"I'm cumming baby!" Justin panted.

"Me too." Abby replied.

The two collapsed into each others arms. Justin kissed Abby's forehead gently.

"So Justin Jr huh?" Justin laughed.

"Yeah I like that idea." Abby replied.

"Well who knows maybe we just concieved him. But just in case maybe we'd better keep working on it." Justin said grinning.

"Yeah I think you're right." Abby replied.

"I'm glad I'm not missing you anymore." Justin said.

"Me too." Abby replied.

The End


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