Sex On The Beach

By: Jeannie

"This is my island in the sun.." Justin entered the house singing.

"Why is Harry Belafonte in my living room?" Abby asked.

"He wants to take you away to paradise beautiful lady." Justin replied grinning.

"What are you up to Justin?"

"Me? Up to something?" Justin laughed.

"Don't make me tickle it out of you Timberlake."

Abby began to tickle his stomach.

"Okay I surrender! I'll confess!" Justin shouted laughing hard.

"What are you up to J?"

"Well since you have forced it out of me, I've planned a special trip for us."

"A trip? Now? What about the work you had to do at the studio? And what about Lili?"

"I'm gonna finish the album when I get back. Its all set with Jive. And my mom is gonna watch Lili for us."

"You really have done some serious planning! And where might this trip be to?" Abby asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out!" Justin grinned.

"Hmm well let's see you were singing Island in the sun so it must be somewhere warm. Jamaica?"

"I'm not telling you. You can torture me anyway you like but I'm still not telling."

"You'd enjoy the torture too much. It would probably turn you on. Maybe I should just refuse to give you any until you tell me." Abby laughed.

"Babe you know I'd make you too weak to resist my charms. It would never work." Justin replied wrapping his arms around Abby's waist and kissing her softly on the nape of her neck.

The next morning Justin had his and Abby's luggage all packed and dropped Lili off at his mother's house. He woke Abby and told her to get dressed. They drove to the airport where they got on a private jet. The pilot was given strict orders not to mention their destination.

"Hey Abby wanna become a member of the mile high club?" Justin laughed.

"Timberlake you aren't getting any til I find out where we are going!"

"Damn it you know you want me!" Justin replied grinning and pulling Abby close to him.

"Don't use those baby blues and little pout on me Justin!" Abby replied.

Eventually Justin let Abby know they were almost there.

"Baby look out the window. We are almost there."

"Its beautiful. But where are we?"

"Honey its our own little paradise. I pulled a few strings." Justin smiled.

As the plane touched down Abby could see that there were no people around. Just a little bungalow and a little sailboat.

"Justin its beautiful. Is it a private island?"

"Yes and we have it all to ourselves for the next two weeks."

"How did you pull this off?"

"I have my connections. Its just me and you and a housekeeper to clean and cook for us. She's in the guest house."

"I don't know what to say. I love you Justin. This is the sweetest thing you've ever done."

"I love you too Abby."

As they walked off the plane Abby looked at the beautiful beach.

"Would you like to take a walk with me Justin?"

"I'd love to."

The sun was just beginning to set and the tide was coming in. It was an amazing place and to Abby it almost seemed surreal. Turning to look at Justin she couldn't help but want him. Leaning in she kissed him softly and passionately.

"Wow that was some kind of kiss Abby. I felt that one all over."

"Its only the beginning Justin. Ever had sex on the beach?"

"Very good drink." he replied laughing.

"You know damn well I didn't mean the drink."

Abby pulled him down onto the sand and began to kiss him again. Then she playfully flipped herself on top of him. Slowly she began to take off his white t shirt. Just looking at the water glistening off of his chest was making her crazy. He totally turned her on in every way and he knew it. Meanwhile Justin's hands roamed the thin fabric of Abby's pink sundress. He knew every curve of her by heart. He loved drinking her in inch by inch. He'd never seen a more beautiful woman. He slowly slipped the dress off of her and looked at her lying there in a pink lace bra and matching thong. The sight of her made him grow even harder than he had been from the sensual kisses they had shared. Abby made her way inch by inch and kiss by kiss down Justin's torso to his hardness. Lovingly she stroked it through his shorts. Justin groaned and assisted her in removing his shorts. Teasing the tip of him she started to take him in her mouth. Licking him hungrily like a lollipop she began to bring him to a climax.

"Ohh Abby! Mmm that feels so good! Abby I'm cumming baby!"

Abby drank in every drop of his juices. Justin caressed Abby and gently slid her bra and panties off of her. At that moment the tide came washing in and hit them both. Justin placed a finger in her wetness and pumped it in and out. Abby moaned and shook. he knew exactly what spots to hit to send her over the edge. He began to dip his tongue in her pussy and rub her clit.

"Mmm! Ohh god Justin! Yes, yes baby! I'm gonna cum!" Abby screamed out her orgasm.

"Baby you taste so sweet." Justin replied.

"Justin I need you inside me so bad. Make love to me Justin." Abby moaned while he lay beside her kissing her collarbone.

That's all the encouragement Justin needed. He entered her slowly at first but quickly picked up the pace. Abby met every thrust.

"You feel so good Abby! You are so tight and wet baby!" Justin panted.

"You feel so amazing Justin! Harder! Faster!" Abby moaned.

One last thrust from Justin and they both came together. Lying on the beach exhausted and covered in sand they smiled at each other.

"So was it better than the drink Justin?" Abby replied laughing.

"Oh yeah much better. And sweeter." Justin smiled.

"By the way Justin I'm not the only one who's getting a surprise." Abby said grinning.

"I'm getting a surprise? What surprise?" Justin questioned.

"I just found out yesterday that you're gonna be a daddy again." Abby replied.

"Baby that's wonderful. I don't think this day could get any better. Sex on the beach and a little one on the way. I'm one lucky man."

"And I'm a lucky woman."

They both smiled and their lips met in a sweet kiss. Helping each other up they walked off into the sunset hand in hand.

The End


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