A Christmas Dream

By:  Jennifer

Chapter 1

"Are you sure about this?" Justin asked as he ran his hand over his newly shaved head.

"I’m absolutely positive, sweetie. As much as you know I want you there, you just can’t come," Rebecca said as she packed the last of her things for her weekend away. She walked over to her boyfriend and lifted her arms up around his neck.

"You know how much I love you right?" he asked as he looked down into her brown eyes.

"Yeah," she sighed. It was a discussion the couple had experienced many times through their three-year relationship. "Don’t worry baby," she said to him as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his nose. "Someday you’ll get to have fresh pierogies."

"Well, if its anything like those leftovers that you bring home every year then I can’t wait," he said.

"Trust me, they’re better." She smiled as she kissed him softly on the lips then turned to grab her suitcase. "However, if I don’t get on that plane in two hours then you aren’t even going to get any leftovers because I’m not going to get there." She smiled as she lifted her bag off the bed. Justin quickly took the suitcase from her hand and put his other hand on the small of her back and led his girlfriend out the door.

"Your chariot awaits, my love," he said as he opened the garage door to lead her to the car. The two had been living together for only a few months but with Justin’s constant promoting for his new album, they barely had time together in the home.

Justin put Rebecca’s things into the back of the car and she quickly went to the passenger door and buckled her seat belt. Justin got behind the wheel and slowly backed the car out of the garage as the two put down their windows. It was a beautiful winter day in Tennessee and Rebecca wanted to enjoy the last of the warm weather before she headed up north to Connecticut where her family awaited. She wished for the millionth time that Justin could be joining her on the trip. She knew that she would be hit with the endless questions about their relationship especially now that Jennifer, her older sister, had a new baby to show off to the family. Everyone had been waiting for Rebecca and Justin to finally settle down and get married but it was something, as far as Rebecca was concerned, that seemed far into the future for Justin.

"Bec," he said as he stopped the car in the parking terminal, "Becca, hun, we’re here." Justin said as he turned to his girlfriend.

"Oh sorry, daydreaming," she smiled as she grabbed her purse and the two headed into the airport.

"So when will you be home again?" he asked.

"I’ll be home on Monday morning. Jen, Chris, Katie and I were going to stop in and see Mom and John while we’re up there and then we’re all flying out of Bradley on Monday morning."

"And you’re flying back here right?"

"How many times are we gonna go over this sweetie?" she joked, "Yes, I’m flying back here and Jen and her clan are flying to Orlando. Then you and I are going to fly down there, visit in Orlando for a few days, then we’re all flying to LA for the People’s Choice Awards."

Justin smiled as he watched his girlfriend go through the motions of telling him everything he had to do for the next week. At first, the two thought that work might interfere with their relationship, but having Becca as his personal assistant turned out to be a blessing. The two had an amazing working relationship as well as a personal one that they kept completely separate from work.

"Stuff it, Timberlake," she said as Justin laughed at her. "You know, if you weren’t so cute, I’d get on that plane and leave you here by yourself and never come back."

"You’d never do that to me," he grinned as he pulled her close, "You wouldn’t know what to do without me."

"Wanna bet?" she smiled as he kissed her head. "Oh fine, I’ve got a better idea, either you stop or no leftovers when I get back."

"Now that one hurt," he said as he pulled away and put his hand on his heart, pretending to be totally insulted. "Explain to me one more time why I can’t come with you to this thing?"

Becca sighed and put her bag down as she prepared to tell him once again why he couldn’t go with her, "Justin, you know I want you there," she began as she put her arms around his neck, "but the rule is…’no rock, no food’ end of story. Until you give me the rock, you get the leftovers. Talk to Chris, he knows the rules."

"Yeah, I think that’s what finally got him off his ass to propose to Jen in the first place," he joked. Becca laughed, remembering Chris’ first experience with her family. It was definitely a sight to see and she longed for the day that Chris and Justin would both be with the family.

"Well, soon, I promise…" Justin began as Becca’s flight was called.

"Saved by the bell huh?" Becca joked, "I’ve gotta go. I love you and I’ll see you in a few days."

"Love you too and I’ll call," Justin said as he lowered his lips to hers and the two were locked in an embrace.

"I’ve really must go," she said as she pulled away.

"I know, I know," Justin sighed. "Have a safe flight and call me when you land okay?"

"I promise," she smiled as he leaned down for a quick sweeping kiss.

"Bye," he said as he walked her to the gate.

"I love you, bye," she said, and she was off for the holidays with her family.



Chapter 2

 “Jennifer!” Chris yelled up the stairs from the doorway. “Jennifer, if we don’t leave now we’re never going to get there!”

“I’m coming!” She yelled back as she did one last sweep through the upstairs of the house making sure she had everything that they were going to need for the weekend. She took one last stop in the baby’s room and noticed Katie’s stuffed bear still lying in her bed and picked it up, knowing the child would never sleep if they didn’t take it along.

“Dadda go bye bye?” Katie asked as she played with Chris’ ears.

“We’re all going bye bye, sweetie,” he said as he kissed his daughter’s head and smoothed her hair with his free hand. Katie bounced in his arms and Chris tickled her sides to make her laugh. “JEN! Let’s go!”

“Sheesh,” she sighed as she came down the stairs, “You know you could help sometimes and then maybe we’d get out of here on time. Not like you’re ever on time for anything at all,” she said as she took her daughter from Chris’ arms.

“Mommy we go in a car?” Katie asked as she took the bear from Jennifer and it dangled from her hand.

“Yup and then we’re going on a plane.”

“Go an see Uncle Jussin?” she asked.

“No, not this trip sweetie, but we’re going to see Auntie Becca!”

“YAY!” she exclaimed as Chris went to pick up the rest of the luggage and brought it out to the car which was already overflowing with luggage.

“You wanna explain to me why we need all this stuff?” he turned to ask Jennifer as she settled Katie into her car seat.

“I dunno Chris, why don’t you try and figure out what we’re going to do when we get to my father’s house. You know darn well he’s not going to have anything we need there, I need to bring all of Katie’s clothes, our clothes…”

“Jennifer!” Chris cut her off and put his hands on her shoulders, “Relax please,” he said with a grin. “Everything is going to be fine. I’m sorry I said anything. I forget how worked up you get before going there.”

“Sorry sweetie, it’s just, yeah, dad’s house. Always the thrilling part of my holiday season.”

“Let’s just go and have a good time okay?” he asked.

“You bet, lets go,” she said as he leaned down to kiss her. The two got into their car and made their way towards the airport where security would be meeting them just to make sure they got on the plane safely. The couple had brought Katie out in public a few times and had family publicity shots done but they didn’t want the tabloids getting any extra pictures of the family that weren’t authorized.

“Mama!” Katie cried from the backseat as they drove down the highway.

“Yes sweetie,” Jen said as she turned around to make sure that everything was okay.

“Who are we seein’ when we go away?” she asked.

Jennifer began to go over the list of family members who they would be seeing over the weekend, many of who had never seen Katie before and had only met Chris once or twice. With NSYNC finally taking a break, Jennifer and Chris finally had some time to be a real “family” together as opposed to just traveling on the road with the band. As Jennifer was talking to Katie the ring of Chris’ cell phone interrupted her. Jennifer glared at Chris as he went to pick it up.

“This is Chris what’s up?” he said as he looked at the caller id.

“Yo dude its me.” Justin replied.

“So is everything all set?” Chris asked as he turned and silently apologized to Jennifer for having to deal with work situations as they were doing “family time.”

“Yeah, do you have everything done you…” Justin began to ask Chris as Jennifer tuned the conversation out. When the guys got on the phone together and started talking business she immediately shut the noise around her off. She began to turn and talk to her daughter in the car to keep her occupied on the short drive to the airport.

“Okay…well…then…uh, yeah…” Chris said as he looked over at Jennifer who was playing with Katie.

“I know, you can’t say anything,” Justin replied, “but in case I haven’t said it yet, thanks for everything Chris.”

“No problem at all dude and I’ll catch up with you when we get back,” Chris said before he hung up the phone.

“Justin?” Jennifer asked.

“How’d you guess?”

“I don’t know, maybe because it has been barely twenty-four hours since you’ve talked to him and I know the two of you can’t go that long without talking about something. Are you sure you aren’t secretly married to him?” Jennifer joked with her husband.

“Whatever, he just has a lot on his mind lately.”

“He better,” Jennifer replied.

“Let’s not get into that now please,” he pleaded as he put one hand over hers, “I know, he’s a putz, I could have told you that years ago. I still can’t figure out why your sister fell in love with him. But Jen, he’s young, he’s got a lot to learn and…”

“Yeah, he’s got a lot to learn, that he better propose to my sister soon or else he’s going to have not only me to deal with but the rest of my family as well.”

“Can we please not argue about Justin?” he asked as he looked over at her when the came to a stop at the airport.

“I’m sorry, no more talk of Justin for the rest of the weekend,” she said to him as he leaned in to hug her. “At least not until I have to deal with my sister,” Jennifer thought to herself as she went to take her daughter out of the car and head to Connecticut.



Chapter 3

 “Mamma!!!” Katie said as she came toddling into the living room from the kitchen. Jennifer put down the dough that was in her hands and turned to find her daughter coming towards her covered in flour and laughing hysterically. “Look!”

“Who did that to you?” Jennifer said trying not to laugh at her daughter. Katie had flour from head to toe and looked like a walking snowman.

“Grampy did,” she giggled as she squirmed away from her mothers’ arms.

“Oh no you don’t,” Rebecca said as she caught Katie when she was running back towards the kitchen leaving a trail of white behind her.

“NO NO PEASE ECCA!!!” she cried as Becca tickled her.

“Time for bed for you,” Jennifer said as she came up and took Katie out of her sisters’ arms. “Say night night Katie.”

“Nigh Nigh,” she said as she rubbed at her eyes with the backs of her fists. Chris came up and gave his daughter a quick kiss on the head as Katie was passed from one relative to another to say goodnight. She had been the entertainment of the evening seeing as the last time much of the family had seen her was when she was just born and wasn’t speaking. Katie now was a walking, talking little person who charmed everyone she came in contact with. She had inherited both of her parents’ knack for getting along with others and was a joy to have around.

Becca followed Jen upstairs to the baby’s room and helped to put Katie down to bed. She smiled happily as she watched her older sister take care of her daughter and began to daydream about the day that she would have a daughter of her own that she would have to take care of. Jennifer turned and saw her sister staring dreamily into space and went up behind her and put her hand on her sister’s shoulder.

“You know you are her favorite aunt right?”

“I’m sorry?”

“You are her favorite aunt. All I ever hear about is Auntie Becca and Uncle Justin.” Jennifer said as the two made their way out of the bedroom and downstairs to where everyone was working on making pierogies for the family that was to arrive the next day.

“Yeah, well, she can call him Uncle Justin all she wants, doesn’t change the fact that he’s not LEGALLY her uncle.”

“Bec, lets not do this huh?”

“Sorry,” she said as she wiped a tear away from her cheek.

“Aw, Bec, it will happen, it will,” Jennifer said as she went to hug her sister.

“Really? You really think so?” she argued back, “Because seriously Jen, I don’t see it happening. He’s never going to commit. His job means the world to him and if anyone should know that it should be me. I mean, I’m his assistant, I know every move the boy makes and yet I can’t seem to figure out the fact that I’m never going to marry him. And I think the thing that hurts the most is that I love him more every minute we are together and it hurts more every minute he’s away.”

“Rebecca, trust me,” Chris said as he came up behind the girls, “I know Ju pretty well, and I know he loves you.”

“Really Chris? Could have fooled me because if he really loved me then I’d have a ring on my finger and he’d be as covered in flour and dough as you are right now.” She said as she stomped out of the room.

“Don’t even say it,” Chris said as Jennifer turned and glared at him.

“I don’t have to, you know exactly what I’m thinking, but seriously Chris,” Jen started.

“Just,” Chris said as he tried to pull her close. “Do me a favor and trust me on this one?” he asked.

Jennifer looked up at him trying to believe the fact that her husbands best friend might finally do right by her sister. “I’m supposed to believe that little smirk right?” she asked as Chris smiled down at her.

“Well, I’m not saying anything I just want you to trust me. He’s going to come around Jen. He’s come so far with Bec, he’s never been in a relationship like this before and him asking her to move in was a big step in itself.”

“Yeah, I know, I’ve heard it all before. I trust you sweetie, I just hate to see her like this.”

“Me too,” he said as Jennifer finally gave into his embrace and sunk into his welcoming arms, “Now go and take care of your little sister and I’ll give a call off to the infant okay?”

“Okay,” Jennifer said as she went off to play big sister.


Chapter 4

 “So what time does everyone start getting here?” Chris asked as he placed nametags on the different seats around the table.

“People should start arriving around 4:00 and then dinner is at 5,” Becca replied as she worked on the table next to him.

“Are you better this morning?”

“Yeah, I guess, its just hard you know.”

“Understood completely.” Chris said as he felt his pager vibrate in his pocket. Becca watched him jump and laughed to herself so as not to attract Jen’s attention.

“Go up to my room, or better yet, my dad’s room, she’ll never find you up there and then you can talk to whoever can’t wait until Monday to talk to you,” Becca smiled as she watched her brother-in-law scurry out of the room. Knowing just how busy Justin always was she was sure that Chris had the same type of schedule with his new artists getting off the ground and as much as Jen didn’t want Chris working, Bec knew that work was always in the back of the guys’ minds.

“Where did Chris hustle off to?” Mark asked his daughter as he went to check on how things were going with the set up for dinner.

“I dunno, had some kind of page or something to answer, just don’t tell Jen.”

“Gotcha, so how are you today?”

“Fine I guess, it’s kinda nice to have Jen and Chris here with Katie this year isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe how big she’s gotten since we last saw her,” her father replied as he straightened the dishes. Becca kept her mouth shut knowing full well that her father was given ample opportunities to see her sister and her small family however; her father didn’t bother to take that time.

“She sure has,” Becca said as she sat down in one of the chairs.

“So how’s Justin?”

“Fine, really busy with the new album and all but he’s doing well, the new house is beautiful. You and Jeannie really should come down and see it.”

“Yeah, we’ll have to make it a point to come down sometime soon.”

“Well, just let us know. With Justin’s job and such we are going non stop to say the very least.” Becca replied as she finished up the table. “Well, I’m done here, I’m gonna go upstairs and make sure everything is all set with Jen and Katie.”

“Okay, sweetie, see you in a bit,” Mark said as he pulled his daughter in for a hug.


Rebecca hopped up the stairs and stopped when she heard Chris on the phone.

“Yes, will you chill out please, everything is all set.” Chris said getting agitated.

“I just want to make sure everything is perfect.” Justin replied.

“Fine, fine, I’ll see you later okay?”

“You bet. Give Bec a hug for me okay?”

“No problem. Later dude,” Chris said as he clicked off the phone. Rebecca coughed and Chris turned quickly to find his sister-in-law standing outside of the door. “And what pray tell are you doing up here?”

“Uh, nothing, nothing at all,” Rebecca lied as he face turned red.

“Yeah, okay, sure, here,” he said as he put his arms around her waist, “that’s from your boyfriend.”

“Thanks, is everything okay?”

“Yup, all good. Is your dad downstairs?”

“You know, he’s your dad too.”

“Whatever, you know what I mean. Figure I’ll go play the good son-in-law and help out in the kitchen or something. I’m sure they have to have something I can do around here that I can make myself useful.” He said with a grin.

“Or you could go watch the Steelers game,” Rebecca said.

“Oh, what a great idea, and there’s a TV in the kitchen too right?”

“Imagine that,” Rebecca said with a smirk. “Get out of here, I’m gonna go and find your wife and child and we’re going to go and get something for Jeanne’s birthday.”

“Sounds good,” Chris said as he padded down the steps into the kitchen. Rebecca watched him go down with amusement and wondered just exactly what the boys had up their sleeves. They were the best at planning sneaky little things and she knew something must be up. It was just going to take Jennifer to spill the beans so she could find exactly what was happening. 

Chapter 5

Justin walked quickly down the jet way with determination. Without having security follow him around he had to be careful. He pulled his hat down lower over his head and then took his hand to push his sunglasses up his nose. He slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way through the quiet airport. He thanked God for small airports, as he was able to quickly get his rental car and directions and proceeded on his way.

He jumped when he heard his cell phone ringing from the seat next to him. He wasn’t prepared to answer questions and was a bit worried that it might just be Johnny calling to tell him to get back to Orlando or Tennessee where he supposedly “belonged.” However, he smiled when he saw Lance’s name pop up on the caller id.

“So?” he heard a female voice ask.

“Lara?” he asked.

“Like JC sounds like this on the phone. Give me a break. I know he likes to be the female in this little thing we’ve got going here but his voice hasn’t gotten that high yet.” Justin laughed as he listened to Lara’s familiar voice on the phone. Lara had been living with JC and Lance for the past few months. When Lance finally admitted to her that he was in love with JC but was still in love with her she was crushed initially but understood. However, when she said that she was also pregnant with Lance’s baby things got a little sticky. Lance and JC insisted that they all live together and raise the baby and life had been going pretty well for the three of them.

“Well, I’m here if that’s what you mean,” Justin replied as he held the phone under his chin while holding the map in one hand and driving with the other.

“Busy?” she asked as she heard paper rustling.

“What do you think?” he snapped.

“No need to get testy, I deal with that enough with the diva over here,” she said as JC came up behind her.

“Excuse me?” JC asked. “Talking behind my back again, who’s on the phone?”

“It’s Justin. Shut up and go play with Lance or something,” Lara turned to say to JC.

“Hey Ju! What’s up?” JC hollered over Lara’s shoulder.

“Get out,” she said sternly as JC frowned.

“Someone’s got hormonal issues today,” he said as he walked away.

“Sometimes I don’t know who the pregnant female is in this place. Anyway, so, what’s going on?”

“I’m lost, that’s what’s going on. What I wouldn’t give to have my car with the GPS on it instead of this stupid rental. I think I’m almost there though.”

“Well, I want to hear every detail that there is to be told after.”

“Like Jen’s NOT going to tell you what happened. I’m sure she’ll be on her way to your place as soon as she lands in Florida on Monday.”

“Actually, I’m meeting her at the airport to baby sit for Katie so I’ll know immediately,” Lara said with a grin.

“Go figure, oh well, uh, I think I should go,” Justin said as he looked at the road totally confused as to where he was.

“Okay, well, I’ll talk to you next week then right?”

“You bet, talk to you later and tell your boys I said ‘Hey’”

“You got it. Bye!” Lara said as she hung up the phone.

“Bye,” Justin said into the dead phone line. He turned off his phone and concentrated more on the road ahead of him wondering just how Becca ever found her way around.  

“I think she’ll like this,” Jennifer said as she picked out some new candle scents for her stepmother. “KATIE,” she said to her daughter as the little girl went to grab a glass candleholder off the shelf.

“You’d think they’d put this stuff up higher huh?” Becca said as she took the item out of Katie’s hand.

“No kidding, so the candles you think?”

“Yeah, that works. I don’t know what else to get her anyway.”

“Agreed, you okay?” Jennifer asked as she watched her sister’s face fall.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just kinda wondering why I haven’t heard from Justin at all today. He talked to Chris on the phone but couldn’t seem to find the time to call me at all.”

“Excuse me, he what?” Jennifer asked as they walked up to the register and paid for the items.

“I don’t think it was work stuff, don’t worry about it,” Becca said as she grabbed the bag off the counter. The girls all made their way out to the car and settled Katie into her car seat and headed towards the house.

“Okay, no big deal really, I just want Chris to try and relax a least a little bit while he’s on this so called break thing that they are on.”

“Understood,” Becca said as she leaned her head back onto the headrest.

The girls drove back to the house in silence with just the sound of the radio filling the air. “Uncle Jussin!” Katie cried from the back seat of the car.

“Huh?” Becca asked as she turned around. She immediately tuned into the radio to hear Justin’s latest single on the radio. “Oh, on the radio, that’s right Katie, Uncle Justin’s on the radio.” The girls turned up the radio and listened as the pulled up the driveway. The family had begun to arrive and there were cars everywhere. Jennifer pulled the car up on the grass and the girls got Katie from the back and made their way inside.

“Well, here goes nothing,” Becca thought to herself as she braced herself for the barrage of family that were sure to bother her as to why her boyfriend wasn’t there. She wasn’t in the mood for it and hoped that Chris and Jen being there would be enough to ward off any family who felt the need to bother her.

“Come on, Auntie Becca!!!” Katie cried from the door as Becca made her way up to the house plastering a fake smile across her face and preparing for the worst.


Chapter 6

“Becca!” Brittany yelled from the doorway as she spotted her cousin. “You’re here, you’re here, you’re here,” she exclaimed happily as she ran towards her cousin to hug her.

“Hey sweetie, how are you?” she asked

“I’m good, did you bring Justin?”

Becca sighed as she looked at the little girl and tried to plaster a smile on her face. Brittany was one of a long line of relatives whose response to seeing her, after initially being excited, was sad that Justin wasn’t with the family. “Nope,” she said trying to smile, “He couldn’t be here today sweetie.”

“Why not?”

“We’re still not engaged so he can’t be here.”

“Well then tell Uncle Chris to tell him to give you a ring!”

Becca laughed at the little girl’s innocence in the situation. If only telling Chris to tell Justin to give her a ring was that easy. 

Justin switched on the headlights as the road began to get darker. He had gotten lost five times and was beginning to get frustrated and wonder if he was ever going to get there. As he drove down the road a bit further he noticed the sign for exit 65 up ahead. He breathed deeply as he saw the road looming ahead of him. He knew what he had to do, he had practiced it over and over in his head a good 20 times, and it was just a matter of doing it.

He pulled down the small country road and turned the radio down as he looked for the house. It has been described to him many times, and he had even been there a few, but normally it was Becca driving. He saw the house standing ahead of him and the countless cars in the driveway. The house was lit with what seemed like thousands of Christmas lights. Becca would clearly approve of the way that the house was decorated, as long as it didn’t have the big blow up Santa Claus and Snowman in the front. Justin laughed remembering that he wanted one of those as well for their house but she flat out refused to let him have one.

He took a deep breath and shut off the car, switched off the headlights and stared ahead of him. “Well, here goes nothing,” he said to himself as he grabbed the box sitting on the seat next to him and headed inside. 

“Mamma look!!!” Katie exclaimed as she ran to the window.

“Kathryn, get over here right now,” Chris called behind the little girl as he went to see what she was up to. The family had all been seated at the table but she seemed to have other ideas of things to do.

“But Dadda, look, it’s Jussin car,” she giggled.

“Sweetie, Uncle Justin is in Florida not here,” he said as he brought her back to the table.

“No Dadda he here,” she said as Chris sat her in her high chair between him and Jennifer.

“Shh, sweetie, we are going to start dinner okay,” Jennifer, said as she placed a bib over her head.

“Kay Mommy,” she sighed.

Mark stood up and the entire family fell silent for the first time that day. Everyone turned to the person next to them and began to recite the blessing together and said Amen then squeezed the hand of the person next to them.

“This is a very special year for my family,” Mark began. “Its not often that we all get together like this and I’m especially grateful that this year I have both of my girls here along with Jennifer’s husband Chris and my granddaughter Katie. Families are so important in this…”

“Excuse me Mr. Holbrook,” a voice came from the door as the entire family turned to see who was standing in the doorway, “I hate to interrupt but I have something that I need to say.”

“Jussin!!!!’ Katie exclaimed from her seat and held up her arms for Justin to come and pick her up. Justin went to the little girl and kissed her on the head.

“Hey sweetie,” he said and he walked over to Rebecca. “I hope you don’t mind if I interrupt for one quick moment. I know that your family has a very strict tradition of ‘no ring, no food’ and for the past few years I’ve been lucky enough to get the leftovers but I thought this year, I’d like to try something different.” Justin went and took Rebecca’s hands in his. “Becca, I don’t know what my life would be like without you in it. Well, yes I do, I’d be probably wearing different color socks and arriving at JC’s functions instead of my own, but seriously. You mean everything to me. You are my light, my star and the person who I look up to more than anyone in the world. If you had told me 4 years ago that I would fall in love with the person that walked into that office with nerves of steel and ready to boss me around, I would have said you were crazy. But it happened. I fell and I fell hard. When I watch Chris and Jen get married and have Katie, all I wanted was that with you. I know it’s taken me forever to get here Bec, but I love you. More than anything in this world, I love you and I have a question for you.”

A collective gasp was heard throughout the room as Justin got down on one knee. He pulled from his coat pocket a small light blue box as tears streamed down Becca’s face. Brown eyes locked with blue as he opened the box. “Rebecca Holbrook, would you do me the honor of being my wife?” he asked.

“Oh my god,” Becca said as she looked at him, “Yes, Yes Justin, I will marry you.” She said as Justin slipped the ring on her finger. He stood up and the two were locked in an embrace. Tears flowed throughout the room and everyone stood up and started clapping.

“Do I get to eat now?” he joked with her.

“Sheesh, always thinking of your stomach huh?” she said with a wide smile as Mark pulled a chair in from the next room.

“Welcome to the family son,” Mark said as he shook Justin’s hand.

“Thank you sir,” Justin replied as he took his seat between Chris and Becca.

“Congrats dude,” Chris said as he slapped Justin on the back. “Welcome to the insane world of the girls’ family, you’ll fit right in.” 

The End


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