Appreciating The Unappreciated

By:  Kristie


Shelley sat sobbing at her boyfriend's neglectful action. It was their anniversary and he had decided to go out with the guys instead of doing something special for her. She sat on the over-stuffed chair near her deck and tears streamed down her face because deep down in her heart, she knew Joey wasn't only going out with the guys. She knew his prowling behavior well enough to visualize him pawing shapely girls without a thought of her. The doorbell rang and she wiped her tears away, gathering her self-esteem as she walked.




"Hi! What you are you guys doing here? I thought you were with Joey."


"We were, but we saw how he was acting," Lance stated and took her left hand.


"And decided that you needed some quality appreciation," JC finished with her right hand in his.




"Just relax and let us show you how you SHOULD be treated," the blonde man spoke softly as he stepped in to kiss her shoulder.


Her eyes closed and she inhaled his delicious scent, then sighed when JC moved to kiss her ear. Together they worked her into the house and then up the stairs to her bedroom. Four large, caring hands removed her clothing then lowered her onto the bed without hesitation. Simultaneously, they kissed down her neck then across her collarbone and up her arm. Each took their sweet time kissing and sucking her fingers and she couldn't believe the detailed attention they were showing. She couldn't suppress the smile on her lips as these two gorgeous, highly-sought after men covered her body with kisses and long licks.


"Are you liking this so far?" JC asked at her ear while Lance worked his mouth down to her right breast.


"Oh, yeah.....Mmmmm....that feels nice."


"We knew you needed some quality attention, so we're here to provide it," Lance mumbled against her skin.


JC bypassed her breast for her thighs. He gently nibbled her skin and caressed her strong legs with his hands. His lips were soft against her smooth surface and his tongue would slip out every now and then just to tease her as he inched closer to her now dripping center. She squirmed a little more with every millimeter he went up her thigh and she squealed when he was close enough that his breath fell on her delicate lips.


Lance smiled against her breast when he heard her enjoyment. His lips traced circled around her left breast while his hand massaged her left. Slowly he sucked her nipple into his mouth and gently bit the hardened nub as his fingers pinched the other. She was squirming and he laughed at her squeals. She looked as though she was enjoying herself tremendously and he nodded at his partner to move to his desired location.


JC smirked before dipping his head to taste her sweet juices. She bucked in delight and he held her hips in order to reach further into her desire. His tongue teased her opening as he saw Lance's tongue circle her nipple. Together they were driving her insane with this sweet torture. He worked his mouth over her center and circled her clit adding to her pleasure. Plunging his tongue into her opening repeatedly, he moved his fingers to pinch and rub her clit. She called out in pleasure as her juices covered his mouth. Loudly he smacked his lips and was soon pushed out of the way by Lance who proceeded to bring his own round of pleasure to her body as he licked up her leftovers then her new juices with her second orgasm.


Shelley laid panting in her glorious state as both men resumed their body kissing. The feel of their lips and tongues on her skin was driving her insane again and she pleaded to feel them within her. She rolled her head to the side and Lance was lying next to her. Quickly, she moved to straddle him and strip him of his clothes as she instructed JC to loose his as well. Once Lance was naked, she moved so her center was over his shaft. JC aided her in her decent onto the hard pole and she began to ride the blonde at a fierce pace. As she repeatedly plummeted down on Lance's cock, JC moved to cup her bouncing breasts as he licked the back of her neck, adding little nibbles every now and then. She felt Lance urging her to move faster and she complied before loosing her grip on reality. She screamed his name and felt him burst within her walls. Exhaustion rolled through her body and she collapsed on top of the panting blonde. She felt him chuckled underneath her drained body and she smiled into his shoulder as four large hands caressed her tired back.


"So, do you feel appreciated?" Lance whispered.


Her answer was lost in her slumber. Together they worked her off of him and they left her to her peaceful sleep.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!