A Roll In The Hay

By:  Kristie


"I win," Susan called as she slowed her painted horse in front of the barn.


"Yeah, only because you cheated."


"Whatever, Lance. Just accept that I'm a better rider than you."


He rolled his eyes at her as they dismounted then led the horses into the barn. She laughed at his refusal to acknowledge her win and playfully swatted his ass on her way to get the brushes. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her as she came out of the office.


"You're cute when you're stubborn," she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.


"Well, I try."


They shared some tender kisses before the horses started to get antsy and they broke apart to unsaddle them. They thoroughly brushed the animals before leading them to the stalls and providing fresh water and feed. Susan headed to the barn door, but Lance stopped her and pushed her up the ladder to the loft where the hay was stored. She protested claiming she was hungry from their all day ride, but he insisted and even bit the back of her thigh in hopes of hurrying her. Rolling her eyes playfully, she climbed the ladder and gasped in surprise. Perfectly laid out on the loose hay was a blanket dinner with a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice.


"Oh, Lance," she whispered with tears in her hazel-grey eyes.


"You didn't think I'd forget about the anniversary of our first kiss, did you?" he smiled.




Without another word, he pulled her close and tenderly kissed her pouty lips. Her body grew warmer with every second that passed and she couldn't get enough of him. She forced her tongue into his mouth and he held her tighter before moving his mouth to her cheek then her neck. She melted in his arms and her knees seemed to go weak. Effortlessly, he eased her down onto the blanket and she smiled up at him, gladly accepting his weight when he lowered down onto her. He went for her neck again, pushing her light brown hair over her shoulder, and she sighed as she ran her hands down his back. Together, they removed their clothes, taking a generous amount of time to explore the newly exposed skin as they went. His mouth always drove her crazy, but something in his eyes made her wetter than she'd ever been. He looked like he wanted to devour her and she shuddered at the thought of his mouth tasting her. He chuckled into her right breast with her perked nipple securely between his teeth.




"You are thinking about me munching you, aren't you?" he read her mind then licked his way to her left nipple.


"Oh yes! Please Lance, baby."


"Say it," he demanded, but she refused. This perturbed him and he pinned her hands above her head. "Say it."




"SAY IT!" he demanded harshly as his knee ground between her legs.






"Taste me. Taste me, Lance," she whimpered and he smirked before complying.


His mouth held her lower lips and his tongue teased her slit. Wanting to feel more, she bucked her hips and he growled before roughly pinning then to the blanket. He nipped her clit and she called his name. He grinned and moved to invade her opening. Her sugar walls burst and covered his tongue as his chin stubble teased her inner thigh. Loudly he smacked his lips before moving back up her body and she shook her head at the look of utter satisfaction on his face.


"I love the way you taste."


"You must because you sample me quite frequently, but trust me. I don't mind at all."


"Really? Well I'd love to fuck you. Do you mind?"


She was shocked at his vulgar language, but in a way, it turned her on. She never got to see this side of him and she was liking it. Allowing him to lead, she opened her arms and legs, inviting him.


"No, bend over the hay stack and open yourself," he demanded and pulled her to her feet.




"Bend over."


As he instructed, he manipulated her body so she was, in fact, bent over the hay stack. Before she could speak, he moved behind her and aligned their bodies. His penetration was smooth, but forceful, just like she liked it. His thrusts were hard and purposeful as he claimed her body. Her voice rang through the barn and his name echoed off the stalls. Pieces of the hay were poking her breasts as Lance pounded deeper into her and she continued to vocalize her pleasure. His strong hands held her hips and soon both were shaking violently with their orgasms. Tiredly, Lance collapsed onto her body as they panted. Neither moved for several minutes, but eventually he withdrew and led her to the blanket where they snuggled before falling to sleep both wearing smiles.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!