Benefits of a Dare

By:  Kristie


Katelyn continued dancing with her friend Lisa as the club was jumping. Both were surveying the players around the dance floor when Katelyn's eyes found an innocent looking specimen and she felt a wave of heat flow through her 5 foot frame.


"I dare you to go tempt him," Lisa, the tall blonde, spoke over the loud music.


"What? I'm not that forward, you do it."


"Nah-uh, he's been watchin' you. Just go up to him and grab his package to see if he's primed."


"I can't do that."


"Just try it....or whatever comes to mind," Lisa said as she nudge Katelyn toward the mystery man. "And ask him to dance. I'll help."


Katelyn looked quite nervous as she looked back at her friend, but headed to the blonde headed young man in the corner. She wasn't too sure of Lisa's offer to ‘help'. As she approached her target, she noticed his eyes and Adam's apple. She wanted to leave a deep purple hickey on that lump and took a deep breathe as she arrived at his booth. Without waiting for an invitation, she slid in next to him. Using her throaty voice, she spoke, "Hi."


"Hi," he replied and licked his lips at her slightly showing cleavage.


"I was just wondering why the hottest guy here was sitting all alone."


"Well, I was waiting for the hottest girl to notice me."


"Really, well, now she has and requests your presence on the dance floor," she purred at his ear as her hand caressed his thigh.


"OK," he croaked out as his member reacted at her touch. She rose from her spot and he followed her to the dance floor with his pinky locked with hers as Ludicrous' ‘What's Your Fantasy' blared.


They settled close together and immediately she started grinding all up on him. His response was to grab her hips and snake his leg between hers, allowing his growing erection to bombard her hip. She raised her right hand to play in this messy spikes as her left hand remained on his hip before venturing to his ass as both of his grabbed her healthy booty.


Just when Lance thought it couldn't get any better, Lisa snuggled up to his ass and trailed her hands over his hips, pulling herself closer. Without hesitation, he snaked one of his hands behind to hold her against him. The blonde woman flicked her tongue across his ear and he released a moan that went through Katelyn. All three were greatly aroused and Lance made the first offer. "Let's head back to my hotel."


"OK," the girls answered with seductive smiles, Katelyn still somewhat unsure of her feelings on Lisa being involved.


Lance headed to the door with Katelyn's hand locked in his and Lisa followed close to her friend. They grabbed a cab and he gave the address before turning his attention to the girls. His groin tightened when he saw Lisa's tongue graze Katelyn's lips. Not wanting to be left out, he flicked his tongue between their lips and they enjoyed a warm wet kiss as the cab rolled on. He grabbed Katelyn's thigh and began to trace lazy circles up her smooth flesh. He growled when she moaned and Lisa's hands cupped her breasts. Katelyn's hand rested on Lance's erection and soon Lisa's nimble fingers were undoing his pants, allowing room for her friend's hand. That's all the encouragement he needed and slipped his hand under her skirt as his tongue entered Lisa's mouth. Katelyn threw her head back against the seat as his long fingers teased her dripping slit and her hand gripped his thick head. Lisa was moaning into Lance's mouth and Katelyn wasn't sure exactly how comfortable she was at touching her friend's breast, but timidly cupped the perky firmness. The cab stopped outside his hotel before anyone could peak and Lance paid the meter before ushering them through the lobby. The elevator ride was quick and they clumsily fell into his room once he got the door open. Before he could realize what was happening or object, the girls had him hand-cuffed to the column bed post.


"What the HELL?" he demanded as he tried to free his hands.


"Be careful, it'll leave a nasty bruise," Katelyn warned as her lips brushed his neck.


"Just relax and enjoy the view for a while," Lisa purred as she pulled the other woman away from his restrained body. She sprayed her hands over Katelyn's thin shoulders, then eased them down to cup her firm breasts as her hips rhythmically rubbed against her friend's ass and the shorter woman's green flexed brown eyes locked into Lance's. Katelyn was warming up to the idea of a lesbian experience, moaning as Lisa rubbed across her nipples, causing them to harden, then moved under her skirt. She hadn't intended on allowing her more seductive and adventurous friend to touch her so intimately, but once the soft fingers found her wet center, she didn't care who's they were as long as she came watching this beautiful man watch her.


Abruptly, Lisa stopped all her actions and the other two groaned in frustration. She smiled as she stepped between them and looked into Katelyn's eyes. ‘Trust me' she mouthed and received a nod of approval. She removed Katelyn's top and bra before caressing her breasts once again, perking the centers then devouring them with her mouth, one then the other. As she sucked on the right rosey peak, she removed the rest of Katelyn's clothing and Lance moaned in approval. She switched nipples as her hands parted her friend's thighs. Without warning, she dropped to her knees and swiftly licked Katelyn from her anus to her clit.


Katelyn's knees were weak and she held Lisa's head for support as she closed her eyes. She moaned in delight as Lisa continued and even draped one thigh over her friend's shoulder allowing her better access. Lisa's lips and teeth were working on her clit as she eased two fingers deep within her opening. Pleasure was building rapidly within Katelyn and she was calling out obscenities before her body shook violently and she could speak no more as an intense orgasm claimed her body.


Lance repeatedly licked his lips at the sight that had unfolded in front of him. He couldn't wait till they worked their magic on him. Suddenly he wondered if they would allow him to join their fun, but his doubts quickly faded after the girls shared a heated kiss, in which Katelyn could taste herself on her friend's lips. They turned their focus on him and slowly advanced to his bulging erection. Katelyn dropped to her knees and started removing his socks, shoes, pants, and boxer-briefs as Lisa probed his mouth with her tongue. Lance loved the left-over favor of Katelyn and sucked wildly on Lisa's tongue. Lisa worked on his button down bowling shirt, pushing it over his shoulders before bending to engulf his left nipple then his right. He moaned as the last of his clothing hit the floor and Katelyn moved to unlock his restraints. Leaving one hand in the locked ring, the girls forced him back onto the bed. As Katelyn started kissing up his fuzzy thigh, Lisa battled his tongue with hers and slid her hands up to fasten the handcuffs around his free wrist once it was around the headboard.


"Hey," Lance whined then sighed as he felt soft lips cover the head of his penis. "Yeah, baby."


"You like?" Lisa teased as Katelyn continued exploring his tense muscle with her tongue.




"How about a little pussy?"


"Mmm, please," he moaned and she smiled.


Lisa turned so she could watch Katelyn suck Lance's hard cock and lowered her wet pussy close to his mouth. His thick tongue grazed her outer lips and she eased further onto him so that he could reach deep inside her. Her soft tissue was invaded repeatedly and she began to moan wildly as she rocked to his natural rhythm.


Lance was in ecstasy. He was enjoying a sweet tasting pussy as his cock was being sucked by what felt like a vacuum cleaner. He pulled his tongue out of Lisa's slit and circled her clit causing her to shake violently as her orgasm overtook her body. She remained over his face and he continued to enjoy her flavor as his peak neared. He could feel Katelyn's mouth retreat from his length, then her tongue flicked over his head before she raked her teeth back down his shaft. He groaned and stopped lapping Lisa's lips. His hips began thrusting into Katelyn's mouth harder and faster. He hoped he wasn't hurting her, but his peak was coming soon and he needed it. Lisa moved off his face and with one last animalistic cry, he thrusted deep into Katelyn's throat and emptied his stickiness. He saw her eyes roll as she swallowed his semen and watched her clean him up before raising her face. Even before Katelyn could think about wiping her mouth, Lisa's tongue greedily flicked over the left-overs and penetrated her friend's mouth hungrily.


"Lance, are you OK?" JC asked sleepily as he entered the room through the adjoining door. His eyes came into focus and he shook his head as if to clear the dream sequence in front of him away. He blinked several times then finally just stared at his friend naked, tied to the bed and two beautiful young women kissing at his hips. Immediately, JC's cock hardened and he couldn't form words.


"Nice, isn't it?" Lance chuckled and wished that his hands were free.


"Very," was the reply given from his friend's dry mouth.


"Lisa, I think JC wants a little fun, too," Katelyn spoke, breaking their kiss. "Think you could show him how to relax?"


"Definitely," Lisa answered and moved off of the bed, quickly covering the distance between her and JC. "Hi, I'm Lisa and you are about to experience something mind-blowing."




"JC, just relax....even the biting is good," Lance smiled as he watched his friend be led into the adjoining room with a giggle from Lisa. "Well, now it's just us. What else do you have"


"Katelyn. And I was thinking about riding your strong, thick cock. Sound good?" she asked with a smirk. His cock came to life again and she laughed. Taking it back into her hands, she spoke, "I'll take that as a yes."


"Yes, yes, please."


"Ever so polite. Well, we'll just have to make you........beg for it."


"That is one idea, but I was thinkin' more along the lines freein' my hands so I can bring you pleasure."


"You cock will bring me pleasure."


"Yes, but my hands want to feel your breasts and cup your ass as I slam into your pussy," Lance proposed and rewetted his lips. "I'd also like to taste you. You're cum was delicious on Lisa's tongue, but I need to lap it up......feel it cover my taste buds......suck on your nub.....bite it.....I want you to scream my name.....I want to make this bed squeak and your pussy ache......"


His verbal assault continued and Katelyn grew wet, wetter than she'd ever been. His words were pleading his case for freedom well and she couldn't stop her body from their effect. Without realizing what she was doing, she moved her legs to straddle his thigh and slowly drug her pussy up and down it. Feeling his skin touching her so intimately was the final straw and she leaned up to release his hands. Once the snap of freedom was heard, she found herself pinned beneath his strong, toned body.


"Now, it's MY turn," he smiled down at his prisoner.




"What's wrong? You worried that I'll torture you like you tortured me? Don't worry, Katelyn. I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you won't be able to forget it. You'll feel like my cock is drilling into your soul so I can rip you apart. You'll scream my name and this night with haunt your love-making till the day you die. Every other lover you have will pale greatly in comparison to tonight." He paused and she swallowed hard, feeling herself ache for his touch no matter how rough it was going to be. "Are you ready to start?"


He didn't give her much time to answer as he plowed deep into her core. His size hurt and he only gave her a few seconds before he started a hard, fast rhythm. He hadn't anticipated her being as tight as she was, so he immediately circled his hips once his cock was as deep inside her as he could get. His skin connected with her clit and she called his name.


"What was that?......Who's fuckin' you, Katelyn?" he growled into her ear before biting down on the tender flesh below it.


"Lance......Lance....You are fucking me.....LANCE!"


"I can't hear you."


"LANCE! LANCE!" she called repeated and he pumped deeper and harder into her. She was surprised at his force, always having thought he was more a lover than a dominator. Guess our torment enraged him. She couldn't focus any longer on her thoughts and concentrated on meeting his thrusts once her legs were around his waist. Sweat covered her body and she held onto his back and shoulders for support, her walls purposely constricting around his engorged penis each time he filled her.


Lance was once again in ecstasy. This woman who had seemed so timid on the dance floor as he watched, had completely blown his mind. He was now deep within her being and had never felt so at home. Her walls held him perfectly and he found himself never wanting another partner. He wanted this woman, this Katelyn, as his only passion. As ridiculous as it sounded, he, at that point in his life, had found the one woman to satisfy him for the rest of the time he walked the earth. His mind was brought back to his actions as her nails scraped down his back and he concentrated once again on filling her. Her eyes scrunched in ecstasy and he knew, from watching Lisa's pussy devouring earlier, that her climax was coming. Relief occupied his mind and he kissed her lips tenderly.


"Katelyn, look at me," he spoke softly without letting up on his motions.


Her eyes fluttered open and locked deep into his pacifying green ones. At that moment, her orgasm claimed her body and his shot deep within her. Both panted heavily as his thrusts slowed and her walls relaxed. Neither spoke for several minutes and JC's cries of pleasure could be heard through the closed door. Lance rested on her tired body and his sweaty head laid on her shoulder. Katelyn licked her lips several times, loving the taste of his salty perspiration that had dripped from his fore head. His arms pushed under her and he held her tight as she slowly tunneled her fingers through his messy spikes.


"That felt amazing," she finally praised once her breathing was back to normal.


"I'll taste you later," he mumbled.


"Do you want me to stay?"


There was no answer except for his deep, rhythmic breathing. She smiled and wondered what the morning encounter would bring as sleep threatened her eyes. Finally she gave up the fight and fell asleep in his strong arms, their bodies still as one.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!