
By:  Kristie


He watched from the side of the house while she unloaded the groceries. Her short but fit body moving under the fine silk shirt and business skirt. The skirt was dark blue and hung just above her knees. The heeled shoes she wore added two inches to her 5'3" frame and he knew it would bring her to his chin level. He couldn't remember how long he'd fantasized about having this woman as his own. He couldn't count the number of nights he woke in a cold sweat with a hard-on to find it had all been a dream and that she wasn't beside him. Now, as he moved closer, she was within arms reach and he would have her.


"Wh...." she started to ask as his arms encircled her, but his hand prevented her scream.


Quickly he tied the gag around her mouth then pinned her against the side of her Liberty Sport so he could tape her hands behind her back. She fought against his every move and he had to be careful of her heels as she kicked in hopes of freeing herself, but he was stronger than her. She cried out as he tossed her into the backseat of her own vehicle then taped her ankles together with some difficulty as one of her heels flew off when she kicked.


"Knock it off!" he ordered and slapped her firm ass cheek hard, stinging his hand. "This'll all be over soon, slut!"


Her eyes met his as she tried to maneuver into a sitting position and her green pools showed fear, turning him on even more. He slammed the back door closed after engaging the child safety lock then trotted around the to driver seat. Her purse sat open in the passenger seat with her keys visible. Quickly he started the quiet engine and backed out of her driveway, heading East to a little beach cottage he'd already scoped out. The ride didn't take long and her whimpers of fear just egged him on, his cock growing more engorged with every sound.


"We're here," he smiled as he pulled into the garage then closed the heavy door before he got out. "You ready for a lil' fun, slut?"


He opened the door, but didn't expect her foot to be so quick at kicking him. Her heel connected with his rib and knocked the wind out of him. She sat up quickly and attempted to push past him, but he'd already recovered. Effortlessly, he tossed her over his shoulder and swatted her ass again.


"You'll pay for that, bitch! You'll pay dearly."


He freed her foot of the only shoe she still wore then slammed the door shut before heading inside the vacant beach house. No one had been to this place in months and the neighbors were far enough away that they wouldn't question any screams that might escape so it was the ideal location. He carried her up to the master bedroom and dropped her in the center of the bed. Her eyes met his again and he couldn't help the smile that consumed his lips when he say tears in her eyes. She truly was scared and that added to his excitement. She attempted to scurry up the bed, but he grabbed her ankles and kept her where he wanted her. She attempted to cry out, but the gag around her mouth prevented most of it.


"You think you're so think you're so much better than the rest of think you can wear these business suites that hide all your curves from our view, but you can't hide those curves when you're in a bathing suite outside your house in the pool with your son and .....whatever he is to you. I've seen you. I've seen ALL of you.....and I'm about to HAVE all of you," he stated confidently with a low, harsh voice as his eyes roamed her still clothed body.


She squirmed and attempted to pull her skirt lower because it had ridden up when she'd attempted to get away. He laughed at her attempt and moved away from the bed to grab a sharp pair of scissors.


"This skirt has to see, it's hiding too much."


She viciously shook her head no, then squirmed as he dipped the scissors closer. Anger filled his features and she jerked away when his fist came close to her face. His fist landed on the mattress just to the outside of her ear and tears spilled out from her eyelids. He only laughed and quickly cut up the center of her skirt, effectively ruining it. He pushed the material open to reveal her lacy bloomer panties and he couldn't hold in the growl that formed in his stomach.


"Black lace......See, you've been wanting it," he whispered and she shook her head no, but was helpless with her hands taped behind her back. "No? You don't want me? You don't flirt with me when I come into the office? You don't tempt me by brushing up against me in the doorways?"


She whimpered a no and shook her head. Devilishly he laughed and ripped her white silk blouse open, revealing a matching, black, lace push-up bra. He couldn't keep his hands off her any longer, tenderly cupping her womanly mounds in the palm of his hands.



"You don't need the push-up feature, slut. You've got a nice rack. Hell, why don't we just snip this off, too."


It was more of a statement of intention than a question. The scissors were swift in their actions then were tossed to the side as he stretched out on top of her, his weight heavy on her smaller frame. He nuzzled her breasts with his goatee and her nipples deceived her fear, standing attentively in the center of her creamy, soft mounds. He grinned then eagerly nipped each one before moving further up her body until his face was hovering over hers, his breath falling across her face.


"Do you know what I'm going to do to you, Krisss," her name hissed as it left his lips and she shivered uncontrollably. "I'm going to feel every inch of this tight body of yours and treat you the way your BOYfriend NEVER has. You'll experience things that'll blow your mind and your pussy is going to ache......for DAYS!"


She shook her head in defiance again, but he only laughed before nipping her set jaw. She was a stubborn one, he had to admit, but that was a huge part of his attraction to her, a huge part of his desire to have her. He was too consumed with his thoughts on devouring her that he didn't anticipate her defensive maneuver until her forehead slammed hard into his. Quickly he grabbed his head in pain and rolled off of her. His eyes were shut, trying to hold back the tears of pain, but he still felt her roll off the bed. Swiftly he was back on his game and caught her before she hopped too far away, effectively bending her over the vanity dresser by the door. She cried out when he yanked her head back by her curly locks and tears spilled down her cheeks.


"You bitch! No holding back now. You're gettin' it all," he barked at her ear and yanked her lace panties down her toned, tanned thighs.


He hurriedly freed the button and zipper on his jeans while he kept her pinned to the wood. She'd done it. She'd truly pissed him off and he was going to show her that he wasn't to be fucked with. Roughly he slammed his entire length into her opening and sighed in relief at her snug fit, her screams not distracting him. Hard and fast, he drove deep into her womanhood and he didn't care that the entire dresser was slamming into the wall. The mirror teetered dangerously with the movement but he just kept going until he was finished. He groaned loudly as he exploded at her hilt, smiling slightly when he felt her go just after him. Her whimpers and almost silent sobs caught his attention and he lowered his eyes to her face in the mirror. She had her eyes closed and he almost wondered if he'd taken things too far, but her fingers pinched his stomach, signaling him that he was still in control.


"Feel good, tease? Hmm? You want more?" he growled as his body held her down and she shook her head no. "Too bad. I think it's time I got to fuck your face."


Using the physical power he had over her, he forced her down on her knees. She refused to look up at him and he yanked her hair until she did. His cock was hardening quickly and he laughed at her fearful look, his size obviously alarming her. His nimble fingers moved to untie her gag, but he gave her a threatening look.


"If you scream, I swear I'll leave your here when I'm done. You'll never see your son again. Do you REALLY think your....MAN," that last word was condescending in his tone. "Could handle raising him without you? Think about that BEFORE you make another move like that head-butt. You saw what that got you. Do you really want something worse?"


She shook her head as more tears fell and he removed the gag. Her shy eyes tried to look everywhere but at his manhood right in front of her face. He laughed and grabbed her hair again, forcing her right into his crotch.


"You're gonna suck it.....and you're gonna suck it HARD. Open up."


She refused at first, but he yanked her hair again. Reluctantly she opened but defiantly sunk her teeth into the tip of his length.


"You bitch! You FUCKING, teasing BITCH!! Don't you get it!! You'll do what I say.....EXACTLY what I saw or you'll NEVER see your lil' family again! Got it!?"


"Yes," she yelped when he pulled her head all the way back.


With a quick nod, he lowered her face until her mouth was at cock level. Easily he guided it into her mouth, but that's where the gentleness stopped. Repeatedly, he plowed his generous girth and length deep into her mouth. Several times she gagged, but she didn't refused his next thrust for fear she'd never see her son again. She tried hard to keep a steady suction, hoping to make it end, and finally, he gave a good, loud yell then drained his semen down her throat. She gagged and coughed, pulling back from him. His cum squirted all over her bare breasts as she coughed and he just stood there with his hips thrusted out and his head back, totally enjoying his release.


This angered her and she was through being his captive. She leaned forward and sunk her teeth deep into his thigh. He yelled in pain and back away just enough for her to struggle to a stand. Quickly she tried to hop from the room but tripped and fell because her hands and feet were still taped.


"You stupid BITCH," he growled and forced her up by her hair. "I thought you were smart.....had a college degree.....What good does that do you? Huh? Where's that celebrity boyfriend of your's when you REALLY need him? Off somewhere fucking a groupie?"


"He's not like that. He RESPECTS me."


"Sure he does."


"He does, you bastard. He'll have your balls ripped off for this," she threatened, but he only laughed before pushing her back onto the bed. "You're not getting anymore from me."


"Wanna bet?"


His voice challenged her and she growled as he came down on her. He just laughed as she struggled to free herself from his weight. He maneuvered her knees open then, using his agility, eased his lean form between them. She yelled obscenities at him and bucked against him wildly. He only seemed to eat it up as his mouth moved across her creamy skin just before he entered her. She couldn't stop the deep moan that left her lips and he smiled against her breasts. His hips steadily rammed into her and she cried out. He silently wondered if she was enjoying this as much as he was just by the sound of her moans. After a few delicious moments, she remembered that she was his captive and went back to resisting him. Somehow, she'd managed to free her hands, the heavy gray tape still attached to her left wrist, and brought them up to try to push him away. He laughed at her and moved his body to pin her wrists down above her head, his thrusts deepening even more.


"Nice try, but it ain't gonna work," he laughed and nipped at her nose, but kept clear of her forehead. "It's OK, bitch, I'm almost ready."


That statement was true. Within two minutes of speaking it, he did release, but she did too. Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her and panted for breath. He released her wrists and her strong, slender arms came around to hold him as she moved her legs over his hips, fully embracing him.


"Josh, baby, that was.......WOW!" she smiled against his ears. "When you said you wanted to play another game, I had NO idea this is what you wanted."


"Did you like it?"




"Yeah?" he urged and pulled back to look down into her face, smiling lovingly.


"I was SO hot when I realized it was you that tossed me into the backseat."


"You looked damn scared, but it made you hot, huh?"


"I was playing the game, baby," she winked and kissed his lips. "Yeah, hot. Not as hot as you in my pink panties, but hot."


He laughed and dropped his chin down onto her shoulder. He felt her sigh as she hugged him tight. She was more than he could have ever asked for and she wore his ring, their wedding coming up soon.


"I didn't hurt you, did I, baby?" he asked when he remembered how hard he'd gone.


"No, not really. Did I hurt you?"


"A little, but it's a good hurt, you know?"


"Yeah," she smiled. "Would you mind untaping my legs and allowing me to remove my shredded clothes? I didn't dress for this very well."


"That's why I love the element of surprise. You totally weren't expecting me, were you?"




"Good," JC kissed her lips then moved to undo the tape. "Justin is picking Joshie up so there's no rush to get back."


"Good. I'd almost forgotten about this beach house. We haven't been here all winter."


"I know, that's what made it ideal. Baby?"


She met his eyes and smiled with a nod. Eagerly he lowered back into her body and they made love. Slow, deep, pleasurable love until both were too exhausted to move. He fell asleep deep inside her, where he always loved to be no matter what had happened throughout the day.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!