Closet Fun

By:  Kristie


The compound was bursting with people at the WEG party that was being thrown for artists on the Jive label. It was kind of a ‘thank you for taking us on' party that NSYNC and WEG were financing in celebration of their lawsuit settlement. All five members of NSYNC, as well as various family members and girlfriends, joined other J-records family like Britney Spears and new comer Alicia Keys.


"OK, I'm ‘bout to be sick," Kris stated as she turned to Rachel, Lance's girlfriend. "Does she have to flash everyone her ass?"


Rachel laughed at Kris, JC's woman, then followed her eye line to Britney as she bent over to talk to Justin on the couch, her short, ultra tight skirt riding up further. Rachel made a mock gagging sound as Joey slipped between them, arms around their waists.


"You beautiful ladies behaving?"


"For now," Rachel grinned.


"Just waitin' to pounce," Kris added and Joey laughed before he headed over to Brit, having seen her ass show.


They watched him pat Brit's ass before rubbing over the top part of the back of her thigh. Both gagged quietly before laughing.


"I know NO virgin who would allow that sort of ‘petting' in front of their boyfriend," Rachel stated.


"That's just....yuck," Kris stated and felt a strong arm snake around her waist, graceful fingers spraying over her stomach. "Hey, handsome."


"Mmmm," JC hummed and kissed her temple. "You havin' fun?"


"Not really. Brit's showing her ass," Rachel informed as Kris slipped her arm around JC's waist. "Have you see Lance?"


"He was at the bar when I came through chattin' with Alicia Keys about her management. You missin' your man?"


"Leave her be, Josh. They are just over the ‘new relationship slow sex' portion and into the ‘gotta have it now, gotta have it often' portion," Kris defended as she squeezed his tight ass, thankful they were standing against the wall.


"Hey now!" he grinned and pulled her closer. "What stage are we at?"


"The ‘it's all good' state where we are familiar with each others bodies and dancing around kinky issues."


"Oooh, me like."


"Princess...." Lance whispered into Rachel's ear as the other couple continued to flirt. "You look delicious. Wait 10 seconds then follow me."


Curiously, Rachel watched Lance head across the mock dance floor as she counted to 10 then made her way after him. She followed him through the crowd of people in the next room then she watched him turn down a hallway. She arrived at the same entrance less than 30 seconds later, but he wasn't in the hallway any longer.


"Lance?" No answer so she stepped a little further down the hall. "Lancers?"


Quickly she was pulled backwards into a closet with a short yelp.


"Shh, Princess. I just need you," Lance growled softly, his hands kneading her breasts as he held her tight against his chest. "I can't stop thinkin' about your hot body against and around mine....mmmmm....I need to taste you, Princess.....Is that OK?"


Rachel could only nod, her body weak with anticipation of their closet passion. She felt Lance smile against her shoulder before his tongue flicked across her naked skin. She could resist rubbing back against him, eliciting another sensual growl and the accompanying ass swat.


"Don't tease me, Princess.....It'll only unleash something this closet wouldn't be able to contain."


"Lance," she moaned, growing wetter by the second, his words making her crave him. "You gonna taste me or what?"


"Awe! My Princess need me?"




"How bad?" he asked as he moved her so her back was against the wall of the closet and pressed his masculine body into her curvy one.


"Mmmm....Lance....I.....ache," she stressed the last word as her hands grasped his hips.


"Ache....well that's pretty painful I bet....want me to kiss it better?"


Her eyes fought the blackness in the closet, desperate to read his face, but it was useless. Quietly she encouraged him to touch her and her hands pressed him closer to her body. She could feel his hard-on against her upper thigh and couldn't wait to feel it inside her. She closed her eyes and remembered what his face looked like: those pouty, smoochable lips, those Charlie Brown cheeks, and those unique and sexy cat green eyes.


They'd been a couple for just under a year and she couldn't get enough of him, his eyes, his lips, his generosity, his talent, his determination, and his love. She'd fallen for him almost immediately, which had frightened her, but he had felt the same way, pursuing her mercilessly. Now, with the lawsuit settled, things were blissful and their thirst for one another was insatiable.


Lance worked his mouth over her collarbone and neck before gliding his tongue to tease her mouth, needing to taste a part of her. He moaned into her mouth when her tongue stroked against his.


"I love you."


She grinned and cupped his ass as she replied, "I am so in love with you."


"I need you, Princess."




His hands moved to ease her dress up her thighs then he slipped one between the smooth flesh, gasping slightly at what he felt.


"Princess, you're naughty," he growled as he stroked her panty-less pussy.


"I figured I'd need a ride...hehe...before we got home."


"Tsk're so naughty....I love it when your like this....makes my mouth tongue shivers in anticipation of this...."


As he spoke, Lance casually stroked her dripping slit, but did not enter her. He knew that teasing her only heightened her pleasure so he continued, eventually dipping into her but only to his first knuckle. She squirmed and tried to buck her hips, but his body weight prevented it. He nibbled across her jaw as she whimpered and pressed him closer, if possible.


"Baby, please stop teasing," she begged and he immediately dropped down to his knees.


Silently he nuzzled his face into the small gap between her thighs, licking her flesh as she opened for him. Slowly his tongue slipped past her nether lips and he got a small taste of her sweetness. His name left her lips and he pressed harder into her, his taste buds screaming to taste more of her. He draped her left thigh over his shoulder and steadied her with his forearm cradling her ass, his tongue going deep inside her. He knew where her spot was, but only teased it for a moment before withdrawing to nip at her clit, his chin soaked with her intimacy.


Rachel's head swam as he sucked on her clit and she couldn't do anything but pant and whimper his name. Her hands were flat against the wall, trying to keep herself steady, and she shook with the beginning waves of her orgasm. She felt Lance's tongue roll back inside her, drilling her trigger spot, and his nose brushed across her clit. She cried out of his name before her neck arched and she filled his mouth twice over with her pleasure.


He grinned and lapped lazily at her velvety folds. She tasted so good to him and, for the first time in his life, munching was no longer a sexual chore, it was a huge part of what turned him on. He didn't always do it, but he always made sure Rachel got hers at least once, but usually twice, before he let go. To his own surprise, he also loved the taste of their mutual pleasure so munching her after they'd emptied into and onto each other was also something he did often. He watched her chest slowly return to her normal breathing routine and he stood back up, his fingers gliding up her smooth legs.


"You are delicious, Princess."


"Mmmm....that felt so good," she smiled and kiss him hungrily, not minding her flavor on his tongue.


"I got something else that'll feel want it, Princess?"


"Hell yeah."


Her leg hooked around his hip even before they worked his slacks down and over his ass. He shifted tighter against her body, guiding himself to her slit with one hand as the other lifted her knee further up. He groaned as he slid inside her tight walls, her still sensitive insides trembling slightly, and his head dropped back in ecstasy. God it felt good to be this close to her! He heard her sigh in completion once he was fully inside her, his balls against the bottom of her ass. He felt her fingers crawl through his hair and he began to move, setting a slow, but hard pace.


"'s the spot."


"Princess....just...mmm....move with me....oooh....."


They worked together and found a more frantic pace. He pressed her harder into the wall as his mouth latched onto the top of her left breast where her dress had slipped down and felt her draped her other leg over his hip, depending on him completely. He slammed into her hard, her voice encouraging him, and he seemed to hit her spot over and over. Her pleas for speed drove him on, his thrusts deeper, but shorter. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his shoulders and he pounded her body into the wall, hoping he wasn't marking her beautiful back.


"LLLLLAAAAANNNNCCCCCEEEEE!!!!" she cried out as her walls closed around him, milking his semen out in hot spirts.


He growled her name and buried his face in her neck, hoping to drowned out his cry of pleasure. His hips slowed to a stop and they remained in their intimate embrace for several moments until she was strong enough to stand on her own. Reluctantly, he slid from within her warmth but didn't go far, his face still in the crook of her neck. Her fingers soothingly combed through his spiky locks and she kissed his cheek as he panted into her moistened skin.


"Mmmm....I love, that was....amazing. We'll have to sneak into closets more often," Rachel teased and hugged him tight.


He laughed and pulled his pants back up before speaking, "I've never needed someone as much as I need you. I love you, Rachel."


She smiled at him calling her by her given name and pulled him into a monstrous kiss.


Bigger Bed

Hanah was settled into her single bed reading her college Chemistry book. Her summer pajama short set covered her 5'4" frame and her light brown highlighted hair was pulled up into a loose ponytail, her pencil tucked safely through the middle. Her shapely legs were bent holding her text book and her brown eyes focused on the words before her. She was concentrating so hard, she hadn't noticed her boyfriend watching her intently from her doorway. He shifted slightly and she jumped, realizing he was there.


"God, JC. You scared me," she spoke as she clutched her braless chest.


"Sorry, sweetie. You just look so beautiful that I didn't want to disturb you," he voice was soft and sweet.


"Well, I was just biding my time until you called. I thought you were going out with Joey and Lance tonight."


"I just couldn't focus on anything but you, so I decided to come visit you and Kris let me in. Do you mind?"


"No, come here and snuggle with me."


His slow stride was sexy to her and she felt herself grow wet in anticipation of his hard body being pressed against her. He smiled down at her and moved to sit behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her shoulders. His lips found the soft spot under her ear and his tongue flicked out to caress the spot. She shivered at his touch and her nipples hardened. He worked his mouth lower and his hands slipped under her arms, cupping her breasts. His hands worked her plump cleavage roughly and he added little nibbles to her shoulder. In one swift motion, he pulled her shirt over her head and she turned to face him, straddling his lap on her knees. Her breasts were at face level and he flicked his tongue over their centers. She arched her back and held his shoulders for support as he continued his lip service on her skin. He forced her shorts down and smiled at her habit of not wearing panties with one of her nipples between his teeth.


"JJJJJJCCCCC!!!!!" she moaned loudly and pulled his hair.


His fingers moved between her thighs and split her delicate lips, quickly feeling her wetness. He moved to penetrate her opening with his index finger of his right hand then added his middle finger as his thumb found her nub. Within moments, her juices covered his hand and she called his name.


"Shh!" he laughed. "Kris is still here."


"So. Not like she's never thumbed against my wall."


"You're so cute when you're feisty," he smiled and went to lay her down on the bed next to him, forgetting that she only had a single bed. "WHOA!"


Both tumbled onto the floor with him landing heavily on top of her. Her shorts were tangled around her knees and neither could stop laughing.


"YOU OK!?" Kris yelled from downstairs.


"YES!" they replied together, hoping she wouldn't come up and catch them in this awkward position. Finally they collected themselves and JC moved to kiss her neck as he slid her shorts off completely. They worked together at taking his clothes off, then he settled between her parted thighs and aligned their bodies. In one swift motion, he buried his hard cock deep inside her awaiting pussy. He gave her ample time to adjust to his size, then set a steady pace. Together they pulled their partner over the edge of reality and plummeted into the glorious abyss. His tired body collapsed onto hers and she caressed his back as they panted.


"You SO need a bigger bed."


"Yeah," she laughed and they moved to snuggle in her small bed, quickly falling asleep holding one another close as to not fall off the narrow mattress.


Hanah woke the next morning alone, but still surrounded by his warmth and smell. She contently went through her day of classes then returned home to find a beautiful Queen-sized sleigh bed complete with deep purple satin sheets and a comforter. In the center of her bed was a single white rose with a note attached that read ‘Let's try this tonight. Think we'll have enough room? All my love, JC'. She smiled and rushed to shower, thoughts of the night ahead funneling through her mind.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!