Closet Monster

By:  Kristie


Kerry headed into her house exhausted from work and dropped her briefcase on the little table next to the coat rack. She sighed as she rolled her neck and headed upstairs to draw a warm bath. As she headed up to the second floor, she trailed her fingers over the pictures on the wall, stopping in front of her favorite. It was of her and her long time boyfriend, Justin. He had his long, skinny arms wrapped tightly around her slim 5'4" frame and both of their blue eyes sparkled. She smiled at the memory. It had been taken at a BBQ at the compound just after Justin had surprised her with the keys to their house. Heading on up to their room, she realized she hadn't spoken with her man today, so she quickly picked up the cordless and dialed his cell phone.


"Hi! I can't answer right now, but leave me a naughty lil message and I'll get back to ya," his voice teased and she smiled.


"Baby, I'm home and would really love to hear your voice tonight. Call no matter what time it is. Love to you."


She hung up and placed the phone on the side of the bathtub before starting the water, adjusting the temperature to her liking. She stripped of her business suit, light a couple candles, and tossed her short blonde hair playfully before sinking into the steamy bubbles. She sighed and once again wished Justin was there to keep her company or at least rub her shoulders. Her body finally unwound and she stood to rinse off. Wrapping his robe around her body, she inhaled his faint scent. Her body longed for his touch and she headed to her dresser for some under clothes. As she faced the mirror, she thought she saw clothes in the closet move and her heart jumped. Taking a deep breath, she rolled her eyes at her craziness, knowing it was nearly impossible for an intruder to get past the neighborhood security gate, let alone into the heavily secure house. She bent her head in search of her high-thigh black silky panties and strong arms encircled her waist and covered her eyes. She screamed and kicked her attacker, but he was too much for her.


"NO!!" she screamed as loud as she could and he pressed her hard into the mattress, his stomach at her head. Even though she fought with all her might, her hands were tied to the headboard before her attacker retreated down her body. She blinked several times, not believing who was in front of her. Finally she found her voice and spoke, "Justin?"


"Hi, baby," he grinned and kissed her lips.


"Wh...what's going on?"


"I just wanted to try something different. You don't mind being my prisoner, do you?"


"" she was flabbergasted. Never had he acted like this. Playful was one thing, but this was complete domination and she almost feared his intent.


"I'm going to please you more than you've ever imagined," he whispered close to her ear and his hands opened his silky robe she still wore. He sat back on his knees over her hips and reveled in her beauty. "I'll be right back."




He didn't stop as he headed out of the room and returned a few minutes later with a couple items he wouldn't show her. Facing away from her, he popped something into his mouth then turned in her direction, quickly lowering his lips to her neck. She nuzzled his neck and he worked his kisses down to her breast. Her eyes were closed and he smirked before pulling her nipple into his mouth. She yelped and jumped causing him to laugh, nearly dropping the ice cube out of his mouth.


"Shit! That's cold!"


"Ya think?" he laughed and moved in on the perked nipple again. He took his time slowly outlining the darkened circle before sucking vigorously on the center. She shivered against his lips and arched into him. He switched nipples after adding another ice cube and tortured the other nipple just as long. Just when she didn't think she could handle any more, he stopped and pulled his head back, crunching the remaining piece between his perfect teeth. "So, did you like that, baby?"


"It was.....nice....but cold," she shivered and he shifted down her legs.


"Really?....huh.....well, we'll just have to see if we can find a warm spot."


Gently he spread her thighs and kissed the inside of her left knee, then her right. His kisses traveled up closer to her hot, wet center. Kerry closed her eyes, just enjoying his touch and relaxed. His mouth kissed her outer lips and his fingers slowly opened them. She sighed then jumped. He chuckled, pinned her hips, then went back to teasing her hot opening with yet another ice cube. She shivered and tried to buck her hips as he continued his assault, but he held her tight to the mattress. Over and over she called his name as he slid the cold object in and out of her trembling slit. Every now and then, he'd pull the cube into his mouth and circle her clit with his cold tongue. Her body ached and his assault didn't cease until after she came, covering the last of the ice with her juices. Quickly he crunched the ice and licked her warmth up. She shook with her pleasure and he smacked his lips before kissing hers.


"Did you like that?" he whispered and kissed her ear.


"Mmm-hmm, but I want to please you, too."


"No, I'm pleasing you."


"We could please each other," she moaned when he sucked on her earlobe.


"Mmmm, that sounds good."


She watched as he stripped then lowered onto her smaller frame. Her legs wrapped around his slender hips and she lifted her head to capture his lips. They were still cold and she plunged her tongue deep inside his mouth, searching and exploring. His hands cupped her shoulder blades as his head found her enterance. Slowly, he headed inside her warm center, allowing time for her to adjust before he plowed the rest of the way in. Kerry called out in surprise, but soon started moaning as he brought her pleasure with his thrusts. She urged him deeper and met his hips with hers. Faster and harder he claimed her body. Both were panting and moaning loudly. Her body began to shake and she tensed around his shaft causing him to empty deep within her contracting walls. He pulled out and snuggled up to her side.


" that felt great....thank you."


"My pleasure."


They were silent for a long time before Kerry finally spoke again, "Do you think you could untie me now?"


"Oh, sure baby." He released her and they fell asleep in each other's arms.


Please tell Kristie what you thought of this story!